Chapter 559

After Governor Jiang left, Wang Teng directly told Mr. Wang and others his intentions.

“Governor Jiang really said that?” Wang Shenghong asked incredulously.

“Yes.” Wang Teng nodded.

“It seems that there is really not much funding from above, otherwise he would not keep staring at you.” Wang Shengguo frowned.

“This is for sure. This sea beast riot has a great impact. It can be seen that all parts of the country will move. I don’t know how much manpower and material resources will be spent. All these require a lot of financial resources to support. It is impossible to cover everything. The East China Sea estimates A large part of it is up to Governor Jiang to figure out his own solution.” Old man Wang sat in a chair, took a sip of tea, and said slowly.

“I think there are a lot of star cores and bones in those sea beast corpses. Selling them is also a huge income. We haven’t touched those things. It’s pretty good.” Wang Teng said.

Everyone in the Wang family couldn’t help taking a look at Wang Teng, their eyes were a little weird, if someone else said this, they would really believe it.

But this word came out of Wang Teng’s mouth, and everyone in the Wang family felt that he was a bit dark.

Those three lord-level sea beasts were the big heads of this harvest, and they had already been taken away by Wang. He was so embarrassed to say this, it wasn’t black.

“To tell the truth, how much did you scrape this time?” Wang Shengguo couldn’t help asking.

He is very helpless. His son is good enough, but there are many thieves in all kinds of careful thoughts.

Why didn’t you find him such a money fan before?

I don’t know who I followed?

“Not much.” Wang Teng said with a smile.

“How much is not much?” Wang Shengguo rolled his eyes.

“I haven’t calculated the value specifically, but it’s probably thousands or trillions.” Wang Teng estimated a little, and said carelessly.

“How much?” Wang Shengguo widened his eyes, wondering if he had heard him wrong.

Elder Wang almost pulled off his beard and looked at Wang Teng in a daze.

The other people in the Wang family also had the same expression, like hell.

Thousands of trillions!

real or fake?

“I’ve said that I haven’t calculated it specifically, probably…that’s all.” Wang Teng said cautiously, not daring to say the number again, for fear that it might scare everyone out.

Especially Mr. Wang, who is a lot of age, if he is scared into the hospital, his guilt will be serious.

“Thousands to trillions?” Wang Shengguo asked, naturally unwilling to get such a vague answer.

“Almost! Almost!” Wang Teng said.

Seeing that he didn’t change his mind, everyone was obviously not wrong. They looked at each other suddenly, and they all saw shock in their eyes.

“This… is too much!” Wang Shengguo took a deep breath and smiled bitterly: “Let me take it easy, otherwise my heart can’t stand it.”

“So our Wang family has become the richest man in the country?” Elder Wang is in a dream. It is his age, he is already in front of the Taishan Mountain and his face has not changed, but he can’t help but feel moved at the moment.

Now the market value of the top companies in the world is only hundreds of billions. The Wang family suddenly reached the height of others. How can this make people not shocked.

Not to mention the old man Wang, even the martial arts leader came, and he was shocked.

“Uh, the richest man shouldn’t be there. There must be many hidden families. They are silent, but the family wealth must exceed one trillion.” Wang Teng shook his head.

He did not swell, the stronger his strength, the broader his vision, and everyone in the Wang family was just ordinary people after all, and couldn’t see those.

“That’s right, now is the era of martial arts, and there are so many things beyond our imagination.” Old man Wang laughed mockingly.

“Then are you going to invest?” Wang Shengguo asked.

“The money must be paid out. As I said last time, although this is helping Governor Jiang solve troubles, it is also an opportunity for our Wang family. However, it depends on what conditions he can provide us. I want to pass this. The next opportunity to open up the upper-level channels to open up an industrial chain integrating pills, weapons, runes, etc. for my Wang family, and to achieve this, it is natural that Governor Jiang’s support is inseparable.” Wang Teng’s eyes flashed past. A ray of light said slowly.

“Furthermore, the East China Sea has an excellent geographical location, leading to ports around the world and connecting the transportation hubs of the country. It is like a distribution center for resources. If there is no such thing as a sea beast riot, it will not fall to us so easily. In the hands of the Wang family.”

Wang Teng paused for a while, saw everyone thinking about what he said, smiled slightly, and continued:

“There are indeed many families and companies evacuated from the East China Sea. Many people may still hesitate. Now they are just waiting and watching, but once this period has passed, when others respond, there will be a lot of real business in the future. The chaebol settled in the East China Sea.”

“By then, our advantages will be completely gone. It’s better to be decisive now and start first. The first person who dares to try will always be late for more cakes.”

After listening, everyone finally understood what Wang Teng was going to do, and there was a deep surprise in their eyes.

Unexpectedly, Wang Teng’s ambitions were so big. The presence of Mr. Wang, Wang Shenghong and others were all veterans of the shopping malls, and it was natural to see Wang Teng’s intentions.

He is going to lean on the East China Sea and build the Wang Family into a business empire that can radiate the whole country and even the whole world!

Wang Shenghong, Wang Shengguo and others seemed to be excited when they saw the amazing prospect.

Grandpa Wang looked at Wang Teng with great relief. His grandson is really too enchanting, but after all, he is his grandson. Enchanting is a good thing. He said: “Since you have this plan, let go and do it, I, And your dad, your uncle, uncle, and uncle will help you.”

Wang Shenghong, Wang Shengguo, Wang Shengjun, and Fang Junming are all the backbone generations of the Wang family. At this moment, they only feel passionate, looking at Wang Teng fiercely, as if wishing him to quickly agree to Governor Jiang, so that they could have a chance to show their talents.

Wang Teng couldn’t laugh or cry. He was just a slapstick. He wanted to implement it, how could it be so fast. Unexpectedly, even Grandpa Wang couldn’t wait.

“Don’t worry, everyone will come. Governor Jiang wants to get a lot of money. No one is more suitable than me. Other families have big business, but they can’t come up with so much working capital.” Wang Teng is confident. Smiled.

Grandpa Wang nodded, and after thinking about it for a moment, he knew that this was the case.

After talking about this, everyone was about to leave, and Tan Taixuan came over again.

Wang Teng was surprised: “Come to me at this time, don’t know what’s the matter?”

“Go ahead, don’t let her wait for a long time.” Elder Wang urged.

“Yeah.” Wang Teng nodded and went out.

Walking out the door, Wang Teng saw Tantai Xuan standing not far away from a distance, and immediately called out: “Teacher.”

“Come with me, someone wants to see you.” Tan Taixuan turned around, nodded at him, and said directly.

“See me? Who?” Wang Teng asked curiously.

“I’ll know when I go.” Tan Taixuan finished speaking and rose into the air.

Wang Teng shook his head helplessly, and immediately followed.

The two soon arrived at the Yellow Navy Academy and went straight to the faculty accommodation area.

Huang Haijun Academy, no one is more familiar than him, but at this time Tantai Xuan took him to a very strange place.

A rather simple-looking wooden house is located in the deepest part of the faculty and staff dormitory. It is surrounded by trees, which hides the wooden house and appears remote and secluded.

“Here?” Wang Teng looked at Tantai Xuan suspiciously.

Tan Taixuan did not speak, and led him to the door, knocking on the door lightly.

“Cough cough cough…Come in!” There was a cough inside the door, and then a familiar voice came out.

“Old Han!” Wang Teng’s heart moved, and he finally knew who Tan Taixuan asked him to come here to meet.

Having said that, this is a real tycoon-level figure who used his own power to fight against the Great Storm Great Ape that day. Although he was defeated in the end, it was because he was already injured. Otherwise, whoever loses and who wins is not always certain. .

It’s just that when he heard his coughing, Wang Teng couldn’t help frowning.

This old man seems to be hurt a bit badly!

Tan Tai Xuan pushed in.

Wang Teng followed him into the wooden house, which looked a little dim, his eyes swept around, and his eyes couldn’t help showing surprise.

This house is too simple, except for simple household equipment, there is almost nothing, it is hard to imagine that this is the residence of a strong man.

However, Wang Teng did not pay much attention to these, his eyes soon fell on the old man on the corner bed.

The appearance of the other party made Wang Teng’s pupils shrink.

After a few days, Mr. Han’s appearance has changed a lot. His hair is all white, his face is full of wrinkles, his whole body seems to be thinner and rickety than before, and Wang Teng can see through the eyes of spiritual vision that he has a very rich body. …Dead!

“Why… will it be like this?” Wang Teng’s heart was stagnant.

Seeing a strongest person turned into an ordinary old man about to decay, even he couldn’t accept it.

“You are here.” Old Han’s muddy eyes lit up slightly, and his voice was hoarse.

Both Tantaixuan and Wang Teng were a little silent. They walked closer and looked at the old man on the bed silently, not knowing how to speak.

“You guys, want to start a little bit. I’m old, I should have been in the soil, there is nothing I can’t let go of.” Old Han smiled slightly, with memories in his eyes: “Thirty years ago, I was the first batch of people to become a martial artist. Fortunately, I entered the martial arts at the age of forty-three. Many people don’t care about me, but I have walked all the way to the present, hehe, and many old guys have already entered the soil…”

“They probably didn’t expect it, I was the one who went the farthest. What age is too old, what talent determines the achievement, and it is not completely broken by me. I am worth it in my whole life!”

Maybe Han Lao didn’t tell the two Wang Teng that his eyes had drifted to the depths of his memory. These words, he said more to himself, to those of his peers who have passed away.

Wang Teng did not expect this old man to have such a legendary life. The times made a hero. He was the hero of that era and the pioneer of the first generation.

With his strength, he should have lived in his old age, working as an ordinary guard at the Yellow Navy Academy, watching the students grow, and then slowly completing the final journey.

Instead of lying in bed and waiting for death like this, feeling the sadness of the past.

But at the most critical moment in the East China Sea, he stood up without hesitation, even if he knew that he would not be able to suppress the old wounds and would eventually fall into this situation, he did not hesitate at all.

Wang Teng admired it in his heart.

However, he also heard the trace of regret hidden in Old Han’s tone. Although he kept saying that he was worth his life, but at this point, he had paid too much, but he fell here. Will not be reconciled.

Wang Teng didn’t want this old man to die like this either. He didn’t speak, sat down on the edge of the bed, and put his hand on Old Han’s wrist.

Tan Taixuan and Han Lao were both taken aback.

“Don’t waste your efforts. There have been many doctors and alchemists who have come to see me. My time limit is over and I am tired.” Old Han shook his head and said with a faint smile.

His tone was calm, as if he was not talking about his own life or death.

“It’s okay to see.” Wang Teng was noncommittal.

He put his mental power into Old Han’s body and slowly checked the past.

Old Han didn’t stop, and he couldn’t stop it at this time. He was really at the end of the battle.

Wang Teng also noticed his situation and frowned deeply.

At this moment, Old Han seemed like a candle in the wind and was about to run out of oil. The dark wounds accumulated in his body over the years have all exploded this time. His body is like a sieve full of holes.

Old Han smiled again when he saw him: “You don’t have to be sad. Many alchemy masters have seen it, but they are helpless, let alone you, cough cough…”

Before he finished speaking, there was another violent cough, and blood leaked from the corners of his mouth.

“Don’t talk, I haven’t said anything yet, what are you anxious about.” Wang Teng said without being polite at all.

“Wang Teng!” Tan Taixuan couldn’t help but say when he saw him talking to Old Han in this way.

“It’s okay, I like the character of this kid very much. A genius and evildoer should have such a temperament.” Old Han didn’t take it seriously.

Wang Teng rolled his eyes. Who made you like it? You damn old man, why do you like me?

He hesitated, and finally said: “In fact, your body is not incurable.”

“What!” Tan Taixuan was startled and frowned, “Wang Teng, there is no room for joking about this matter. Don’t talk nonsense.”

“When have you seen me talk big?” Wang Teng glanced at her and asked back.

Tan Taixuan couldn’t help but think about it for a moment, and found that it was true. Although this guy is a bit unreliable at ordinary times, he has never disappointed at critical moments.

With that said, does he really have a way?

“Do you really have a way?” Hearing Wang Teng’s calm tone, Old Han couldn’t help asking aloud after a moment of stunned.

“For the time being, it can only help you control the injury. It will take some time to completely heal.” Wang Teng nodded.

“Have you… have studied medicine?” Old Han hesitated.

“No, I am a master alchemist.” Wang Teng glanced at him and smiled slightly.

“Master Alchemy!!?”

Not only Tantai Xuan, but also Old Han was stunned. Wang Teng was actually an alchemist, and he was also a master!

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