Chapter 558 The biggest charterer in the East China Sea… (2 in 1 4000+)


“What are you satisfied with?”

Zhou Baiyun was completely stunned. The sudden question of Old Man Zhou made her a little difficult to answer.

With her ingenuity, she naturally knew what Elder Zhou meant.

To Wang Teng, if he is not satisfied, it is false.

That guy, he achieved such an achievement at a young age, and he looks pretty good. He is a girl, I am afraid he would have some ideas.

However, Zhou Baiyun never thought of marrying as a bond between families.

She aspires to be the lord of the family, wants to take charge of the Zhou family, and then lead the Zhou family to a wider world.

This is her original idea.

That’s right, originally!

As for now, she sees a wider sky. If it were the Zhou family before, no matter how smart she was, she would only be confined to a small world and could not get out of the well.

Therefore, when Mr. Zhou asked this question, she was shaken.

Wang Teng, can let her step into a broader world.

The other Zhou family members here also understood what Elder Zhou meant, and they were shocked. Even some of the families with girls of school-age age were moved in their hearts at this moment.

If you could marry the Wang family, it would be a step up to the sky.

But when they glanced at Zhou Baiyun, they suddenly felt a little bit emboldened. Compared with her, the girls of their school-age age were not only far from each other in talents, but also inferior in appearance. They wanted to compete with her. It’s choking.

Zhou Baiyun is indeed the most outstanding child of the Zhou family’s generation, even if the two brothers who competed with her for the position of the head of the family are not as good as her.

If she were not a girl, her two brothers would have no chance at all.

However, there are also people who want to try their luck. As the so-called radish greens, each has their own love. In case Wang Teng doesn’t like Zhou Baiyun, they still have a chance.

As long as they catch that line, they can instantly surpass the Patriarch’s line, which is simply not too beautiful.

Although they belong to the Zhou family, everyone is selfish, and no one has the dream of counterattack.

Zhou Weiqiang’s eyes lit up, and he felt that his daughter still had great hope, and it was so cool to become the father-in-law of a general-level powerhouse!

He immediately glanced at Zhou Baiyun, and kept winking her—daughter, come on!

Zhou Shaohui, and Zhou Baiyun’s eldest brother Zhou Shaoan, who has never spoken, frowned. If Zhou Baiyun had a relationship with Wang Teng and had strong support, wouldn’t they even have no chance?


The two were not stupid either, and after thinking about it, they figured out some joints again.

If Zhou Baijun married Wang Teng, he would not be able to see the one-third of the Zhou family’s land last year, and the position of the head of the family would inevitably fall into their hands.

Moreover, Zhou Baijun is the Zhou family after all, and the Zhou family will also get a lot of benefits through her relationship in the future.

Zhou Shaohui laughed: “Sister, you have to think about it carefully. That Wang Teng is already a warlord-level powerhouse at such a young age, and he has a close relationship with the powerhouses of all parties, like Governor Jiang and the owner of the Pole Star Martial Arts Museum. Waiting for people, it is difficult for ordinary people to even see each other, let alone know him. It can be seen how extensive his network is and his potential is endless.”

“Second brother, you seem to want me to marry sooner.” Zhou Baiyun glanced at him and said lightly.

“I’m not thinking about the major events in your life. There is no young talent like this in the country. If you don’t hurry, it will be too late to regret.” Zhou Shaohui shrugged.

“Shaohui is right, my little girl, that Wang Teng, if I missed it, it’s really gone.” Zhou Shaoan also smiled faintly at this time.

“Okay, this matter makes Xiaojun think about it. No one is allowed to intervene. Otherwise, don’t blame me for being rude.” Old man Zhou waved his hand and said.

Everyone rolled their eyes. You didn’t raise this matter yourself, but now you blame everyone for talking too much.

But after all, they didn’t speak again, but everyone’s eyes fell on Zhou Baiyun, wanting to see how she chooses?

Zhou Baiyun pondered for a moment, his eyes flickering, and finally took a deep breath, shook his head and said, “He…has a girlfriend.”

“I have a girlfriend!” Mr. Zhou frowned and asked, “Do you know who it is?”

“It’s his high school classmates. It is said that they have a good relationship.” Zhou Baiyun did investigate Wang Teng, and he knew everything about him.

She even investigated Lin Chuhan’s identity and background, and she said it all at the moment.

“Young man, you can’t do this without getting married. With your charm, can you still lose to others?” Old man Zhou smiled.

“What’s more, that girl has no background. Something can always make her retreat.”

“If you are interested, just let it go. The Zhou family is your strongest backing.”

Zhou Baiyun nodded thoughtfully, and said nothing more.

The arrangement of the Xuanwu Suotian Array has reached the final stage. At this time, rune masters such as Wang Teng and Chu Yongnian gathered in the center of the East China Sea, about to complete the final rune core.

This core is a piece of foundation. Now the core runes of the basalt lock sky formation are inscribed and become the center of the formation. In the future, a force tower will be built to continuously provide energy to form a defensive formation covering the entire seat. East Sea City.

This step is naturally the most critical. A little carelessness will cause a chain reaction, and these days’ efforts will be ruined.

So everyone’s expressions are very serious.

The core was ultimately completed by Wang Teng himself. Chu Yongnian and the others had no experience, so they were not very sure.

Governor Jiang, Tantaixuan, Ye Jixing and other strong men also came, standing around the foundation at the moment, looking at Wang Teng.

Wang Teng walked around the foundation and finally stopped at the center.

“How is it?” Governor Jiang asked eagerly.

“No problem, I will now begin to inscribe the final core rune.”

After Wang Teng finished speaking, he ignored everyone, took out the talisman pen, and inscribed it on the foundation.

Chu Yongnian and the others opened their eyes wide, for fear of missing a single trace.

“Fast speed!”

Everyone was shocked, watching Wang Teng hardly pause, and runes appeared one by one, like clouds and flowing water, without seeing the slightest mistake, only deep admiration remained in their hearts.

too strong!

Is this his true strength?

They feel that their runes in this life may have been learned in vain. Compared with Wang Teng, they are really shameless.

They engraved runes, all cautiously, for fear of making mistakes, as if elementary school students were dealing with arithmetic problems. As a result, Wang Teng had already jumped out of the category of students, and they went straight to the teacher’s level, which was basically a dimensionality reduction blow.

It’s really harder to compare people to others, and to shop around!

Governor Jiang and Ye Jixing are all laymen at the general level, and they can’t see why, but when you look at the faces of Chu Yongnian and others, you know that Wang Teng’s rune attainments are absolutely awesome.

Did this guy start his cultivation from his mother’s womb?

The martial arts are powerful, and the runes are advanced and profound. Any domain has reached the domain that others need to reach for most of their lives, or even a lifetime.

Several people looked at each other and were amazed.

At the same time, I also made up my mind to deepen the relationship with Wang Teng. Their relationship is good. With this foundation, many things will become easier.

“With this guy’s talent, it is not so easy to win, especially since he has grown up, it seems that he must benefit from him, the original stone? Weapon? Or the pill? … He doesn’t seem to lack anything! ”

Governor Jiang thought secretly:

“This guy has just taken a fortune from the dark world. It is a great fortune, even I am jealous, but it is also his ability. If he is replaced by someone else and fell into the dark world, he must be dead. He not only escaped back, but also took away the treasures of the dark world, who would dare to think?”

“With those treasures, he definitely has no shortage of resources. It’s a headache!”

Governor Jiang looked at Wang Teng with a hint of helplessness on his face. Suddenly he seemed to have thought of something and his eyes lit up: “You can start from the Wang family. As long as you tie the Wang family, you are afraid that he will not run away.”

Not only he was thinking, but Ye Jixing was thinking too. Wang Teng is also a member of the Pole Star Martial Arts Hall. Naturally, he could not give up such a good opportunity to keep Wang Teng, and the Pole Star Martial Arts Hall would have one more battle. General rank, and this warlord rank is still a master of runes, it can kill two birds with one stone.

People in the world say that the Pole Star Martial Arts Hall is one of the Big Three, but everyone actually wants to step on the other two martial arts halls. Who doesn’t want to be the leader?

But now Wang Teng’s reputation is getting louder and louder. The people of the country have seen his amazing strength in the sea beast riots. After these days of fermentation, his reputation has spread throughout the world, and everyone regards him as a hero.

If the Pole Star Martial Arts Hall can tie him up, there will be many benefits, at least there will be many people who want to learn martial arts straight to the Pole Star Martial Arts Hall.

The sea beast riots aroused a nationwide upsurge in martial arts. These days, he received reports from the bottom that more people had signed up to the martial arts gym than before.

This is an opportunity!

Tantaixuan’s eyes flickered, and she also thought of a lot. The rise of Wang Teng gave her a strong sense of crisis, and it was a shame to be caught up by her apprentice.

She thought about dismissing the position of the commander of the Black Sparrow Army and was going to retreat.

Without raising her strength to the level of her satisfaction, she would never show up in front of Wang Teng again.

What a shame!

Time passed, and half an hour later, the entire foundation shook suddenly.


Everyone lifted their spirits.

At this moment, Wang Teng was floating in midair, and the runes on the foundation seemed to come alive, shining with light, and instantly squirming.

Afterwards, the light spread instantly around the foundation, spreading to the surroundings.

There seemed to be an invisible force swept past, and a breeze swayed.

No one noticed anything, but in the eyes of the runemaster, the runes engraved around the entire East China Sea at this moment were all alive.

Almost instantly, an invisible light curtain rose, like an inverted bowl, covering the entire East China Sea.

Xuanwu Suotian Great Formation…It’s done!

This large formation will guard the East China Sea, and even be able to withstand the attacks of the generals. In the future, the people of the East China Sea will survive in it, at least without panic.

Wang Teng looked at his masterpiece, uh…it should be everyone’s masterpiece, he couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief.

“Wang Teng, this is something that benefits all the people. I thank you for everyone.” Governor Jiang’s face was serious, and he even saluted Wang Teng.

Wang Teng was a little surprised. The other party was the governor of a city at any rate. The weight of this gift was not low. He immediately said: “Governor Jiang is polite. My Wang family is also in the East China Sea. The arrangement of this formation is not all official business, and there are also some of my selfish intentions. , I can’t afford this gift.”

“In life, whoever has no selfishness, it is not easy for you to do this.” Governor Jiang said.

Rao was Wang Teng’s thick-skinned face, and he was a little embarrassed by what he said.

Is he really so great?

He didn’t know how.

“Master Wang, you are now humble. Everyone knows who you are when you get along for so many days. Although you don’t seem to do anything at ordinary times, we all know that you are training us. In fact, you have been paying attention to the formation. It’s definitely your credit to finish it so quickly. Everything you do is in our eyes.” Chu Yongnian said.

“…” Wang Teng was a little dumbfounded. Are you sure he was talking about this?

Throwing trivial things to them, instead of training them?

These people are really considerate!

Wang Teng didn’t say anything. Since it was a beautiful misunderstanding, let everyone continue to misunderstand.

It’s just a shame!

“Ahem, I suddenly remembered that I still have something to do, so I just left.” He coughed, rose into the air, turned and flew away.

Everyone looked at each other, and then couldn’t help laughing. After all, they were still young people.

The next day, Governor Jiang came to the temporary residence of the Wang family.

“This time I came here mainly for things that didn’t come to fruition last time.” He saw Wang Teng and said straightforwardly.

Wang Teng was taken aback, and he immediately reacted, rolled his eyes and said: “Governor Jiang, if it is for me to take out the treasure, then don’t say it. I said no, then it is no, nothing, let me How to take it out?”

“Don’t worry, listen to my terms before making a decision.” Governor Jiang said.

Wang Teng glanced at him without comment, but still gave him a chance to continue.

“The above funding has been down, but it is not enough for the reconstruction of the entire East China Sea, so I need your help.” Governor Jiang stared into Wang Teng’s eyes and said, “I won’t say anything false, let’s say Really.”

Wang Teng’s heart moved, without words, waiting for him to continue speaking calmly.

Governor Jiang could not help cursing’little fox’ secretly in his heart. The lack of rabbits and eagles makes people feel helpless. He can only continue to say: “In this way, how much money you pay, how much land use rights I give you, as long as you Yes, your Wang family is the largest real estate developer in the East China Sea.”

“Governor Jiang, you fooled me again. The land in the East China Sea belongs to you. How can you give it to you?” Wang Teng shook his head.

“The sea beast riot, everything was destroyed, many real estate developers withdrew from the East China Sea, and now those lands have been recovered again.” Governor Jiang said.

All Wang Teng thought, touched his chin and said: “In this way, my Wang family has to take risks.”

“If you want to make money, you can’t take risks.” Governor Jiang said.

“As much as I pay, you can give me as much land?” Wang Teng confirmed.

“Yes, as long as you can get it, I will promise you.” Governor Jiang said.

“Permanent right of use?” Wang Teng asked.

“Permanent!” Governor Jiang raised his eyebrows. The kid really dared to speak, hesitating: “I can’t be the master, and I want to use it forever. The price is not small.”

“I can wait.” Wang Teng said.

“Well, I’ll go and ask, and I’ll be back to you at that time.” Governor Jiang finished speaking and smiled: “You know that your kid is not honest, and you will pretend to be with me.”

“Haha!” Wang Teng just smiled, but his heart became lively. It seems not bad to be the biggest charterer in the East China Sea. If there are no outstanding characters in future generations, at least they can not die from starvation, but they can still collect rent…

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