Chapter 560 Great Gift! (2 in 1 5000+)

Master Alchemist!

It can be said that this is also the top alchemist level of Earth Star so far, equivalent to a figure in the medical world’s sage level.

And those great doctors at the sacred level have studied the medical skills of a lifetime, and they have gradually reached the level of transformation and become the top class.

By then, he was already fifty years old.

The same is true for alchemists. Although the Force’s invasion has only been thirty years old, within these thirty years, countless resources of the Earth Star Collection have forcibly piled up a dozen alchemists, but these people are not young now.

And the subsequent alchemists have not heard of anyone who has been promoted to the realm of masters. Even some geniuses who were well-known throughout the country in their early years are no more than advanced alchemists. If you want to be promoted to the master level, you need more experience accumulation. .

In fact, even if it is a master of alchemy, I am afraid that it is still a lot worse than the master of alchemy on the other side.

Like the Runemaster, this is the gap between the two worlds!

But now Wang Teng says that he is a master alchemy master, who is less than twenty years old, do you dare to believe it?

But Tantaixuan and the two knew that Wang Teng couldn’t be joking at this time.

No matter how important he is, he won’t be so ignorant.

Various complicated thoughts were flashed in Tantai Xuan’s mind. Isn’t this guy a master of runes, how come he has become a master of alchemy? Who taught him?

In the end, she couldn’t help but asked, “Will you still worship a certain alchemy master as a teacher on the Xingwu Continent?”

“Why do you have this idea?” Wang Teng asked her with a weird look.

“Otherwise, how did you reach the realm of a master? Don’t tell me you did it yourself.” Tan Taixuan said with an expression of’I don’t believe you are such a genius’.

“Don’t tell me, I learned this alchemy by myself?” Wang Teng looked at her and said.

Tan Taixuan suddenly showed an expression of “You are teasing me”.

When Mr. Han heard the conversation between the two, he felt a little anxious. Can’t the two young people consider the feelings of his old man?

Is it time to discuss how Wang Teng became a master alchemist?

Now his life and death is the most important thing.

He coughed dryly and asked weakly, “Wang Teng, do you really have a way to cure the internal injury?”

“Old Han, don’t you remember the past and are ready to die?” Wang Teng said amusedly when he saw Old Han’s appearance.

“Go, what do you young people know, can not die, who wants to die, I haven’t lived enough!” Old Han’s pale old face couldn’t help but blush, and he didn’t have a good temper.

Wang Teng laughed immediately.

This old Han is also a wonderful person, without the baggage of the strongest, he is extremely casual.

Tan Taixuan was also a little funny, but if she didn’t really laugh, she still needed some respect. After all, she and Wang Teng were different.

At this moment, Wang Teng looked straight and nodded and said, “There is absolutely no falsehood!”

“Okay, then I will leave this old life to you.” Han Lao is also decisive, regardless of whether Wang Teng has really reached the master level, as long as there is a way, he will let Wang Teng try, anyway, he has reached his point. , Is a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

Wang Teng glanced at his attribute panel, his expression calm.

【Alchemist】: 8881000 (Advanced)

There is no doubt that his level has not actually reached the master level, and he is still so missing.

However, he is not in the slightest, his heart is as stable as a dog!

He knew that some of the rarer healing elixirs worked well with each other and had excellent effects, which could temporarily stabilize Han Lao’s injury.

As for the real solution to Old Han’s problem, he needs to wait for him to reach the master level before he can refine more advanced healing medicine and a peerless spirit pill that can make up for vitality.

That kind of peerless spirit pill, even on the other side, not many people know it, I am afraid it is only in the hands of a few people.

The alchemist of these pills of the earth star definitely cannot get it, but he can get it by picking up attribute bubbles.

After he was promoted to a grand master, he went to another world to have a good exchange with those alchemy grand masters in another world, and smashed some wool from them.

Therefore, Wang Teng is really not persuaded.

These thoughts just flashed through his mind, and he calmly said: “Some materials are needed.”

“You said, I’ll let people prepare.” Tan Taixuan said with a serious face.

“Purple root ginseng, silver leaf grass, nine-segment insect embryo, black gastrodia elata…” Wang Teng was not polite, and combined the two kinds of medicinal materials needed for the spirit pill and spirit ointment, “One yuan blood rejuvenating pill” and “Ziyu Lingshui ointment”. Chanted silently.

These two types, one outside and one inside, are two-pronged, not to mention immediate results, at least they can control the current situation of Han Lao.

Tantai Xuan took it down silently, and she was calm on the surface. She didn’t know all of these medicinal materials, but it didn’t matter, just go back and let someone buy it.

The two did not stay any longer and left.

Before leaving, Wang Teng glanced back at Old Han’s residence, sighing…deserving of a hidden master!

When he returned to the temporary residence of the Wang family, Wang Teng thought for a while and planned to find Lin Chuhan.

Lin Chuhan and his family were also destroyed by sea beasts, and now they also live in temporary residences, and they live next to Wang’s house.

Li Xiumei did treat Lin Chuhan as a daughter-in-law, and knew that their family situation was not very good, so she took good care of her.

Nowadays, many people know that Wang’s family is the family of Wang Teng, and it is very good for some trivial matters. It is not necessary for Wang Teng to go out in person, and the high level of all parties will give the Wang family the greatest convenience.

Therefore, when Lin Chuhan’s family was arranged next to Wang’s house, it was actually just a sentence.

Of course, it is different for other people. If you want to get better treatment, you have to ask your grandpa to tell your grandma. It may not be possible.

As soon as Wang Teng arrived not far from Lin’s door, he saw Lin Chuhan sending a woman out, with a hint of surprise on his face.

Why does it look familiar?

The woman also saw Wang Teng, turned her head and glanced at him, then said something to Lin Chuhan and left.

Wang Teng didn’t remember who the other party was. He never remembered those who didn’t care too much.

However, when a stranger suddenly appeared next to Lin Chuhan, he stepped forward and asked, “Who is that?”

“A new friend helped me a lot.” Lin Chuhan explained.

Wang Teng didn’t ask, if it was a boy, he would still care, and it would be a girl.

“Why are you busy people coming here today?” Lin Chuhan asked

“I seem to have heard a lot of grievances.” Wang Teng said with a smile.

“Who has any grievances, I don’t have any.” Lin Chuhan rolled his eyes, his pretty face still cold, turned and walked into the house.

Wang Teng smiled slightly and said, “Actually, looking at people is just the second thing. The main thing is to come and see someone’s cultivation progress. By the way, give some pointers. After all, someone is really too weak!”

Lin Chuhan’s face turned black immediately.

What is too weak?

Obviously you are too enchanting, and throwing everyone out of a thousand miles, this is all to blame yourself.

She stopped abruptly, turned and stared at Wang Teng.

However, the next moment, Wang Teng’s face leaned in front of her, and her breath was sprayed directly on her face. The heat caused her pretty face to heat up rapidly, and it instantly became red.

At this moment, Lin Chuhan looked like a frightened little white rabbit, suddenly backing backwards.

But she was so hasty that she tripped over herself, staggered under her feet, and fell backward.

How familiar is this scene!

In the corridor outside the high school class, Wang Teng almost made her fall. No, at that time, she eventually fell.

It’s the same now.

This bastard!

These thoughts flashed in Lin Chuhan’s mind for an instant, but now she is no longer the ignorant girl she used to be, and her skill is much higher than before. This little accident does not stop her at all.

She reacted quickly and stabilized her figure with a touch of her feet.

But one person is faster than her…

How could Wang Teng let go of such a good opportunity? The next moment, he suddenly took a step forward, wrapped his hand around Lin Chuhan’s waist, and then leaned in front of her, smiling, “How can I be so careless? Yes, otherwise you will fall.”

“Of course I don’t need to thank you, whoever is with us, right.”

Lin Chuhan couldn’t stand this guy’s shamelessness, so he pushed him away, gave him a shameful look, and said, “Not serious!”

Wang Teng smiled, didn’t tease her anymore, and said solemnly: “Let’s go, go to your room!”

“What are you going to do?” Lin Chuhan stared at him with a vigilant expression on his face.

Wang Teng: “…”

He can guarantee that he really didn’t think about anything this time.

“Tell you to practice.” Wang Teng said angrily, and he passed her and walked into the house first.

Lin Chuhan was a little suspicious, but still followed.

Seeing him coming, Mother Lin greeted him warmly: “Wang Teng is here, eat here at noon. Auntie will make you something delicious.”

“Okay, Auntie, I haven’t eaten what you made for a long time.” Wang Teng smiled.

The temporary residence was not large. Lin Chuxia heard the movement and ran out of the room: “Big Brother Wang Teng.”

“Early summer, how is your practice recently?” Wang Teng rubbed one of her long black hair and asked.

“I’m already at the 3-star warrior level, better than my sister, hehe.” Lin Chuxia smiled triumphantly: “And my spear skills are much better than before. I heard from the teacher at my sister’s school before, This is a small achievement.”

“I have seen your previous performance on the battlefield. It is indeed a small-scale gunfighting technique.” Wang Teng nodded and smiled in praise: “It seems that your talent is very good.”

“Is it better than my sister.” Lin Chuxia said happily.

“Yes, much better than your sister.” Wang Teng said.

“That’s enough for you two. If I don’t exist, I will sing and sing together?” Lin Chuhan is full of black lines. It’s okay for Wang Teng to play tricks on her a lot. Now even his sister is attacking her. Who is wronged? Come on.

Seeing the three people laughing on the side, Mother Lin was extremely happy, and said with a smile: “You young people talk, I’ll cook.”

After speaking, he walked into the kitchen, leaving space for three people.

“Let’s go, I’ll talk to you about cultivation, and you will come with you in the early summer.” Wang Teng said.

“Great, I have a lot of questions.” Lin Chuxia happily took Wang Teng’s arm and walked to her room: “Go to my room, go to my room.”

Lin Chuhan couldn’t be as calm as Lin Chuxia, but seeing that the two had entered the room, they gritted their teeth and followed.

In the room, Wang Teng sat on the ground, and the two sisters Lin Chuhan also sat in front of him.

Wang Teng pondered for a moment, and said: “You two are in different situations. Let me tell you one by one. Chuhan, you have a wood element physique, and you cultivate a wood element force. What kind of exercises are you practicing now?”

“It’s the “Qing Ling Jue”, an advanced yellow-level exercise that I exchanged from school with my credits.” Lin Chuhan said directly without concealing it.

“Yellow-level advanced!” Wang Teng was a little surprised: “It’s pretty good that ordinary students can exchange for the yellow-level intermediate. You actually exchanged for the yellow-level advanced techniques.”

Lin Chuhan raised her snow-white neck and snorted softly, “I have some talents in alchemy, and I have a good memory. I usually receive tasks to help the instructors of Danding Academy sort out medicinal materials, and I have earned a lot of credits. Those Danding The teachers in the college are very rich and generous.”

“You really found a way to make money.” Wang Teng couldn’t help laughing, and at the same time he was a little surprised that Lin Chuhan actually had a talent for alchemy, which was beyond his expectation.

It’s a good thing to have talent. I’ll look at Lin Chuhan’s talent later, and then decide how to cultivate it.

“I’m not stupid. The credits in school are actually relatively easy to earn. It is a kind of welfare for martial arts students from the state. If you leave the school in the future, there will be no such opportunity. Of course I have to hurry up.” Lin Chuhan road.

Wang Teng felt right. There was nothing wrong with what he said, but there were not many people who could really tell.

Some students bury their heads in school and seldom delve into the ways of earning credits. They only think about earning credits when they need them. They are very passive.

Compared with the students who are trying to earn credits, the resources are much worse, and they don’t expect to find out.

“Although the advanced Huang-level exercises are good, they are much better than many ordinary students, but there are also people who practice the profound-level exercises and the ground-level exercises.” Wang Teng said.

“You’re talking about ease, profound-level exercises! Earth-level exercises! I may not be able to save enough credits to redeem after four years of college.” Lin Chuhan had no good spirits.

“This is what I want to tell you next.” Wang Teng smiled mysteriously and beckoned: “Come here a little bit.”

“What are you doing?” Lin Chuhan looked at him with a bewildered face.

“Come here and you will know.” Wang Teng said.

Lin Chuhan gave him a blank look, then leaned over.

Wang Teng stretched out his index finger and pointed it at the center of her eyebrows.

“This is?” Lin Chuhan was surprised.

“Concentrate, take it!” Wang Teng said softly.

Lin Chuhan’s heart tensed, and hurriedly did what he said, not daring to neglect the slightest, and then she felt a memory pouring into her mind.

After a while, Wang Teng retracted his finger, and Lin Chuhan also opened his eyes.

“Tian-level cultivation technique??!” She looked at Wang Teng in shock, and said in a daze.

“That’s right, what was just passed to you is a wood system heavenly rank technique.” Wang Teng said calmly.

“This is too expensive!” Lin Chuhan took a deep breath. She never expected that Wang Teng would give him an invaluable Heavenly Rank technique.

“It’s very precious to you, but to me, it’s just something that you can easily get, so you can put it away at ease.” Wang Teng smiled faintly and said.

Lin Chuhan didn’t believe this at all.

Is it something that can be obtained casually? Wang Teng is bragging again!

But she understood that Wang Teng probably said that because she wanted her to accept it with peace of mind.

Suddenly, a touch of emotion emerged in Lin Chuhan’s heart.

Such a valuable thing, just give it to yourself, and replace it with someone else, who can do it?

At this moment, her gaze looking at Wang Teng became extremely soft.

“Ahem, don’t look at me like that, it’s so permeating.” Wang Teng was a little hairy when she saw him, and he suddenly showed a gentle and murderous expression. What’s the matter?

The tenderness in Lin Chuhan’s eyes disappeared instantly, and he took a deep breath, and suddenly felt that he was glaring at the blind man.

Bah bah bah… who wants to wink him.

Seeing that she had returned to her usual cold appearance, Wang Teng heaved a sigh of relief and nodded: “That’s right.”

Lin Chuhan rolled his eyes.

“Don’t think too much about it, just treat it as my gift to you. The first time you give a gift, it can’t be shabby, right.” Wang Teng smiled.

Lin Chuhan gritted his teeth and didn’t say anything to refuse.

“Cultivate that exercise yourself, and improve your strength as soon as possible.” Wang Teng said with a serious face: “In addition, don’t leak it, otherwise it is very dangerous. You should understand the principle that everyone is innocent and guilty!”

Lin Chuhan nodded solemnly.

She knew that if she had mastered the Heaven-Rank Cultivation Technique and was known to others, she would probably cause unnecessary trouble.

“Big Brother Wang Teng, sister has a gift, where is my gift?” Lin Chuxia asked unwillingly.

“Well, you have it too.” Wang Teng pondered for a while, and took out something from the space ring: “This black snake venom ginseng is a relatively rare poison type elixir. After refining, it can promote cultivation and affect your poison. The Force helps a lot, but it’s better to refine it into Poison Pill. After I finish the refinement, I’ll give it to you, how about?”

Lin Chuxia naturally had no opinion. All she wanted was a gift. As for what it was, she didn’t care at all. She smiled and nodded: “Okay!”

Then Wang Teng pointed out the problems of Lin Chuhan’s combat skills and training.

I have to say that both of them are geniuses with strong talents. Wang Teng only needs to say it once, and they can understand it without spending too much time explaining.

“As for your talent in the alchemy, I think you can take it step by step and lay a solid foundation, and it will naturally accumulate in the future.” Finally, Wang Teng directed Lin Chu.

Lin Chuhan nodded. This is what the instructors of Danding Academy often say at the school, but it feels a little weird to say it from Wang Teng at this moment.

Wang Teng still pointed Lin Chuhan to some learning methods on the alchemy. She is still in the stage of knowledge accumulation, and there is nothing else to say.

“Strength is the key. Now is the eventful season. You must improve your strength as soon as possible. After all, I can’t stay by your side all the time.” Wang Teng said with emotion.

“Don’t treat us as children.” Lin Chuhan glanced at him, feeling a little unconvinced: “Although we are not as enchanting as you, we are not bad, okay.”

“Yes, yes, you are not bad!” Wang Teng was amused.

At noon, Mother Lin made a meal and called them, and Wang Teng left after eating at Lin’s house…

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