Chapter 557 Xiaojun, are you satisfied with him? (2 in 1 5000+)

The so-called master, Wang Teng actually didn’t mind, he was already a master of runes, and he didn’t need these people to approve.

Moreover, his spiritual realm has reached the emperor realm, far surpassing the master of rune, and it will probably not be long before he can be promoted to the only grandmaster realm in the earth star.

Even on the Star Martial Continent, there are only a few people in the Grand Master Realm, and they are still the accumulation of countless backgrounds.

The development time of Earth planet is too short to compare with there.

As long as Wang Teng took that step, he could become the top rune master in the world.

After some discussion, everyone was finally convinced by Wang Teng and began to arrange the Xuanwu Suotian formation.

The required various array materials are handed by the blacksmith to form a container for carrying runes.

This big formation is still presided over by Wang Teng, who does his part, commanding rune masters from all over the world, and senior rune masters have no mercy at all.

On the contrary, he himself is the most leisurely, being a wicked supervisor!


When everyone was arranging their formations, there was a sudden explosion in the distance.

Wang Teng looked around in the sky, frowning slightly.

“Master Chu, go there and see, these people, how many times I have told them, it must be that the rune structure is wrong again, and there is no savvy.” Wang Teng said.

“Okay, I’m going now!” Chu Yongnian was busy arranging the runes in his hand, but after hearing Wang Teng’s words, he still agreed, put aside his own business, and hurried over there quickly.

Wang Teng looked at his results and nodded secretly. Among these rune masters, Chu Yongnian had the highest savvy, he made it easy and he was careful in doing things. I have to say that he is indeed much better than others.

Regardless of martial arts or runes, it actually depends on talent. Hard work can make up for it, but without talent, it will be really tiring.

Chu Yongnian brought two disciples this time, and they followed Chu Yongnian’s side. Seeing that a young man Wang Teng actually instructed his teacher to do something like this, he felt a little uneasy.

One of them said: “Teacher, that Wang Teng’s martial arts is indeed very strong, but with a rune, he may not be able to surpass you. He has nothing to do there, but he has left you with all the hard work, which is a bit too much. ”

“Yes, that guy is just a young man, he doesn’t know how to respect the elders at all.” Chu Yongnian’s other apprentice also agreed.

Chu Yongnian kept walking, glanced at the two of them, and said coldly: “Wang Teng’s rune attainments, we people have all learned and convinced, no matter what the field, the leader is the first, it is better to accept it humbly than people. Learn.”

“What’s more, you don’t understand the value of this formation at all. Our earth star runes have developed together for decades, before we have the current situation, but some top formations are still blocked by other worlds. We have never been able to use it. Confiscated a little bit of the benefits, and then gave this formation technique to each other, do you think he is showing off?”

Chu Yongnian glanced at the two again, asked them back, making them speechless, and continued: “He is more familiar with this formation than everyone else. If he does it himself, it will take less than five days to complete it. Those of us will again How much can I learn? The best way to learn is to combine theory with practice. Do you think he is instructing me?”

“Rather than thinking about something you don’t have, you two should sink your mind into this formation, which is enough for you to benefit endlessly.”

His tone was a little disappointed. After speaking, he ignored the two of them and walked quickly to the place where the explosion just happened.

Chu Yongnian’s two disciples looked pale and red, ashamed and worried, for fear that Chu Yongnian would label them as unbearable and their future would be ruined.

At this moment, a runeman sat on the ground in a daze, a deep pit exploded in front of him.

“Lao Fang, what’s the matter?” Chu Yongnian didn’t talk nonsense, and went straight to the subject.

“No, I obviously did what he said, why did it explode?” The rune master, who was called the ‘Lao Fang’, muttered to himself, ignoring Chu Yongnian at all.

“Lao Fang, Lao Fang!” Chu Yongnian shook him helplessly.

“Ah, what, Lao Chu, aren’t you in charge of the central area? Why did you come here?” Lao Fang returned to his senses, with a dazed expression on his face.

“You’re all exploded, can I just come and have a look.” Chu Yongnian said in a huff: “Okay, hurry up and talk about what’s going on, I don’t have time to delay with you here.”

Lao Fang smiled bitterly, and then recounted the process of engraving his runes.

After hearing this, Chu Yongnian frowned deeply: “According to you, there should be no problem, how could it be exploded.”

He leaned forward, observing the rune that Lao Fang had just inscribed, and wanted to determine the problem from the remaining rune traces.

But after all, it is a residue, it is incomplete, and it is difficult to see anything.

“Lao Fang, you are not embarrassed, did you hide any details?” Chu Yongnian suspiciously asked.

Runemasters are all good-faced, and for some mistakes, they would rather study them themselves rather than tell others to help them solve them.

That’s why Chu Yongnian had this suspicion.

“Fart, wrong is wrong, is there anything to hide, am I?” Lao Fang said angrily.

Chu Yongnian chuckled. The two have known each other for more than ten years. This Lao Fang is indeed not that kind of person.

The two can only re-engrave the runes in this area.

Half an hour later…


There was another explosion, and this time even Chu Yongnian was ashamed. Fortunately, their strength was not weak, and this small-scale rune explosion could not hurt them.

“How about it, what do you say now?” The old side was relieved and smiled schadenly.

You see, I was not the only one who was wrong, and you were also wrong.

“What the hell is going on, I really don’t understand it.” Chu Yongnian touched his head, confused, frowned and meditated hard.

The Lao Fang didn’t laugh at him anymore, so he came to think together and discussed two sentences from time to time, like two people engaged in research work.

Chu Yongnian’s two apprentices and Lao Fang’s apprentice could only watch them from the sidelines, and couldn’t speak at all.

In the end, the two of them really couldn’t figure it out, and Lao Fang said helplessly: “Why don’t you ask Wang Teng to come and have a look?”

“Okay, it can only be this way.” Chu Yongnian gave up the struggle and nodded.

“Then go, let’s go together.” Lao Fang got up.

“No need to look for it, I have been waiting for you for a long time.”

At this time, a voice came from above the two of them, it was Wang Teng.

“Master Wang, can you help us see, what exactly is wrong with this?” Chu Yongnian said with a smile of joy, and said hurriedly.

Wang Teng floated in the air, just glanced at it, and saw the problem of the two of them, and said lightly: “You are in a misunderstanding of thinking. Those runes are not inscribed in order, but form from outside to inside. A closed loop structure, and then complete the core runes, linking each other.”

The two of them seemed to be initiating, and suddenly realized, their bright eyes shouted: “So it is so, it is so.”

“Okay, keep busy.” Wang Teng clicked, and then left straight away.

The two of Chu Yongnian were amazed: “Master Wang’s rune attainments really exceed us by a lot.”

“This should be the method of rune construction on the Xingwu Continent, we haven’t seen it here.” Old Fang said.

“This kind of structure is their core, and there is nothing to say, but if we are to study it, maybe a few years may not be fruitful. A rune is too sophisticated and complicated.” Chu Yongnian said.

The old side nodded in agreement.

The two apprentices opened their mouths on the side and looked at the direction Wang Teng had left. They had to admit that even if they were similar in age, some of them were not comparable.

Wang Teng seems to be very free, but in fact he is really free.

Like Chu Yongnian and others encountered, there are many other people, they are all secrets that are not spread in other worlds, they have not encountered it, so they are at a loss.

And what Wang Teng did was to understand them one by one, so that they could understand by themselves.

These people are among the top rune masters of Earth and Star, and they are no worse than anyone in their understanding of runes. They can get through with some things, but it saves Wang Teng a lot of drool.

As time passed, the progress of the Xuanwu Locking Sky Array had reached the end and could be completed soon.

On this day, Wang Teng just finished breakfast with his family and taught Doudou to punch in the open space.

A set of basic boxing techniques, the little guy hits in a decent way, humming, as if it would be more imposing.

However, in the eyes of others, no matter how loud she screamed, that voice, that way, was full of milk.

Elder Wang, everyone in the Wang family has a smile on their faces, and they are very fond of this little girl, but it is not because she does not have the blood of the Wang family that they will not wait to see her.

During this time, this little girl has slowly integrated into the Wang family.

The Xu family, Bai family and other families have set up some cooperation matters with the Wang family. Generally speaking, they depend on the Wang family to survive, and the Wang family provides them with some shelter appropriately.

Wang Teng didn’t have any opinion on this, just because of the face of Xu Jie, Bai Wei and others, he would give them some help.

Later, Xu Jie, Bai Wei, Yu Hao and others also came to him. Wang Teng knew what they were thinking and didn’t say much. He just asked them to go back and practice hard. He didn’t have to think about it. He was not so careful.

He has no objection to these people’s sophistication.

Xu Jie and the others knew that he was not really angry, they were really relieved, laughed and made a lot of noise, and left.

Now the elders of their family have very high expectations of them, and they all hope that they can make achievements in martial arts.

It’s definitely not comparable to Wang Teng, but he has to become a warrior and contribute to the family.

Not only them, but the rest of the family’s children are the same. As long as they are talented, several of them are exhausting their resources for the younger generation to practice martial arts.

This sea beast riot stimulated everyone.

They finally understand that this era is the era of warriors after all. If you don’t become a strong one, you are equivalent to ants, and life and death are involuntary.

Not only these families, but the rest of the families are also doing the same. They are all trying to make the children of the family take the road of martial arts.

It’s a pity that they don’t have the luck of the Xu family and the Bai family. Xu Jie and the others are not very top-notch families in the East China Sea, but because of their friendship with the Wang family, many things have now come to the front of many top-notch families.

Many top families know that there is a Wang Teng in the Wang family, and they all want to get on this big ship, but unfortunately there is no way.

The Wang family is not a good person either, and there are no families that you don’t know.

The Zhou family, one of the top families in the East China Sea.

At this time they are holding a family meeting, Zhou’s senior leaders are all there, and some younger generations with greater potential are also there.

Zhou Baiyun, the third princess of the Zhou family who met at the Baoan Mountain party that day, sat in the first position on the right hand side of the Zhou family’s helm.

The atmosphere is very serious. During the sea beast riots, their Zhou family lost a lot and their various fixed assets were destroyed. Fortunately, they have many industries all over the country, which will not hurt the roots.

However, the Zhou family’s assets have shrunk by as much as one-third, which is a pain for them.

At this moment, the old man of the Zhou family was at the head, his face was solemn, and he said: “In the martial arts era, martial artists are the root. Our Zhou family has cultivated some martial artists over the years, but in the face of this sea beast riot, these family disciples are vulnerable. After all, I’m used to being pampered.”

Everyone was embarrassed, and they were also helpless. Where did they encounter such a terrifying sea beast riot, and the family’s child Xiwu was originally to gain identity and privileges, not really trying to work hard.

It didn’t matter at all. In peacetime, it was not the turn of the family warrior to go desperately. Who knew this happened suddenly.

The helm of the Zhou family’s generation is Zhou Baiyun’s father, Zhou Weiqiang. The old man Zhou had already retired from behind the scenes a few years ago. At this time, he said: “The warriors cultivated in the family have hardly seen blood before, and they have encountered such terrifying sea beasts. , On the one hand, it’s normal.”

“Hmph, don’t make excuses for your incompetence. If it weren’t for your lack of vision, why did our Zhou family fall into such an awkward situation?” Old Master Zhou snorted coldly and said.

Zhou Weiqiang: “…”

Didn’t you always think of it yourself?

Zhou Weiqiang was forced in his heart, and he glanced at Mr. Zhou, but didn’t dare to say it.

“Look at the king’s family, they have cultivated a top warrior, warlord level, there are several warlord levels in China, and a few in the world. Usually you can’t see it. This sea beast riot will show their ability. Now, the Wang Family is going to soar into the sky.” Old Master Zhou said with envy.

“Is that what the Wang family cultivated? It is that Wang Teng’s own talent is too strong to achieve today’s achievements. The Wang family is simply lucky to fly out of the phoenix from the chicken coop.” Zhou Weiqiang was slanderous, but still not. Dare to say.

Elder Zhou was obviously in anger, and it was enough to just nag him at this time. If he dares to refute, he will be sprayed even more miserably.

Over the years, Zhou Weiqiang has a deep understanding.

“Grandpa, don’t talk about my dad. Wang Teng’s talent is too strong. This is the only one in the country. No, maybe there is only one in the whole world. Other countries may not be able to have such a genius. Level, I heard that the youngest warlord level in the world was only reached at the age of 30, which is incomparable with him.” Zhou Baiyun said at this time.

When Grandpa Zhou saw his favorite granddaughter speak, his face finally eased, he sighed, and nodded: “I don’t know what you said, but this Wang family is too close to us, don’t I look uncomfortable? Now those big families in the East China Sea, when it comes to the Wang family, those who are not jealous have red eyes.”

He paused for a while, as if to calm his mood, and then as if thinking of something suddenly, he asked: “By the way, Xiaojun, I remember you had an intersection with Wang Teng of the Wang family before. How much do you know about him? ”

Before Zhou Baijun spoke, a young man sitting across from her said: “Grandpa, Xiaojun is not familiar with her. It’s just that when she came back from abroad, she found some juniors in the circle and got together, and Wang Teng happened to be there. It’s just inside.”

“Oh, is that right?” Old man Zhou looked at Zhou Baiyun and asked.

Zhou Baiyun glanced at the opposite youth and said, “Second brother is right, he is really not familiar with it, but after the party that day, I was asked to check it, so I still have some understanding of Wang Teng.”

“Talk about it.” Old Man Zhou urged.

Zhou Shaohui curled his lips.

Zhou Baiyun nodded and said, “The Baoan Mountain exploded at the time, and then the Guardian was brought out. Do you remember this?”

“You mean?” Zhou Weiqiang’s eyes flashed.

“Yes, I suspect that it had something to do with him.” Zhou Baiyun said.

“What does this have to do? Grandpa asked you to talk about your understanding of Wang Teng. Isn’t it a bull’s head or a horse’s mouth?” Zhou Shaohui said with disdain.

Zhou Baiyun ignored him and continued: “From some clues at the time, it can be judged that a warrior appeared in Baoan Mountain and fought against each other, and Wang Teng was involved. I think he should have been a warrior at that time. ”

“At that time, he hadn’t taken the college entrance examination yet.” Zhou Weiqiang said in surprise.

“Yes, so his talent is really strong.” Zhou Baiyun said.

“Aren’t you nonsense, you are not strong enough to reach the warlord level at such a young age.” Zhou Shaohui said again.

Zhou Baiyun glanced at him, contemptuous in his heart, these two brothers still don’t think much.

“You shut up.” Elder Zhou stared at him fiercely.

Everyone looked at him like an idiot.

Zhou Shaohui was so wronged, he felt that he had said nothing wrong, why everyone had this expression.

“This not only shows that he has a good talent, but also shows that he is very good at forbearing and being awkward, and he is also very experienced. The people of the Guarding Department can’t find the slightest evidence to prove that he did it. It is difficult for such a person to succeed. It’s just that I didn’t expect that he would rise so quickly.” Zhou Baiyun said with emotion a gleam in his eyes.

Elder Zhou nodded thoughtfully.

“One more point.” Zhou Baiyun spoke again, attracting everyone’s attention: “At first, a group of robbers robbed a bank, and was later killed by a mysterious warrior passing by.”

“You didn’t mean to say that he did this too, did you?” Zhou Shaohui snorted.

“Yes, it’s him.” Zhou Baiyun nodded confidently: “I asked someone to ask at the police station. Do you know how the robbers died?”

She sold it off.

“How did you die?” Zhou Shaohui frowned and asked hurriedly.

Elder Zhou and the others also looked at Zhou Baiyun, with a strong look of curiosity in their eyes.

“They were blown to the head by their lives.” Zhou Baiyun said astonishingly.

“Hit, blow your head!” An air-conditioned voice suddenly sounded in the hall.

“So, he’s still an extremely cruel guy, don’t provoke him if you have nothing to do.” Zhou Baiyun said, giving Zhou Shaohui a special look, and said hehe.

Zhou Shaohui shrank his neck and quickly said, “What do you think I am doing? The opponent is a strong warlord. I don’t think I live long enough to provoke him. I’m not that stupid.”

“It’s really unbelievable. At that time, he was seventeen or eighteen years old. I am obedient to the old age. Without this character, I can’t get to where he is now.” Old man Zhou shook his head in amazement, and suddenly his eyes flashed with a smile. Said: “Xiaojun, are you satisfied with him?”

“Huh?” Zhou Baijun’s eyes were stunned.

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