Chapter 548 This desperate effort is not in vain!

On the sea, as the last sea beast disappeared into the deep sea, everything returned to calm.

The cheers of the people resounded over the ruins of the East China Sea.

Wang Teng’s figure stood on the surface of the sea, reflecting the brilliance in the sky, his slightly thin body seemed a bit stalwart at this moment, and even a touch of sacredness!

In everyone’s eyes, there was a trace of reverence from the bottom of their hearts!

This cruel sea beast riot was finally quelled in Wang Teng’s hands!

Without him, how many Tokai warriors, and even ordinary people, could survive the ravages of sea beasts?

It was he who helped human warriors to kill a large number of sea beasts.

It is also that he shoulders the two mountains, and builds a defense that is difficult to break on the coastline, blocking the invasion of a large number of sea beasts, and fighting for a ray of life for the human warriors.

It was he who defeated the terrifying Storm Great Ape again and forced him to retreat and defend his homeland for the people of the East China Sea!

All of this, if someone else can do it, who can do it?

In the underground air-raid shelter, everyone in the Wang family heard the cheers coming from all around, and the shouts calling for Wang Teng’s name, suddenly felt extremely proud.

They looked at the young figure projected on the screen, only a deep exclamation left in their hearts!

“It’s really the blessing of my Wang family to have a son like this!” Elder Wang clenched tightly on the crutch in his hand and said in a trembled voice.

Uncle Wang Teng, brother-in-law, and sister-in-law’s family all agree that it is a blessing for a family to have such a martial arts expert.

Many families tried their best to cultivate a martial arts expert, and their Wang family did nothing. Wang Teng rose at a staggering speed, just like the one who had nothing to do with it.

Every time people from other families mentioned it, I don’t know how envious it was, and their jealous eyes were red.

At the same time, people all over the country finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Donghai, save it!

This is already the best result.

Although the East China Sea has been reduced to ruins, it can be rebuilt as long as people are there.

Then everyone’s eyes couldn’t help but look at Wang Teng, and there was an expression of wonder that could not be concealed on his face.

This young man is really amazing!

This time the sea beast riots, he let everyone see what it is called peerless posture.

Yes, in the eyes of everyone, Wang Teng can afford these four words!

Peerless Tianjiao!

He is a peerless genius who surpasses all geniuses. No one specifically mentions this honor, but everyone in their hearts unanimously put this name on his head.

Summer Capital, Summer Palace!

The martial arts leader solemnly ordered: “Immediately send medical workers and alchemists to the East China Sea, and be sure to save every life that can be saved!”

“Prepare various materials and fully assist the reconstruction of the East China Sea. All departments must cooperate with each other. If there is any slack, or those who profit from it… they will be severely punished!”

“Also, send a rune division to the East China Sea to build the strongest defense on the coastline of the East China Sea to prevent sea beasts from invading again!”

After finishing speaking, he left straight, just walked to the door, stopped again, and said, “Order all parts of the country to step up monitoring, especially in the grasslands, forests, mountains, and oceans. I don’t want to see this happen again.”

The voice fell, and the figure of the martial arts leader completely disappeared in front of everyone.


The Minister of Education and the leaders of all ministries quickly responded in unison.

The impact of this sea beast riot was so huge that it has obviously attracted high-level attention.

The East China Sea suffered heavy losses, and Xia Guo could not withstand such turbulence.

Orders came from the Summer Palace, and all walks of life across the country were mobilized, and the situation suddenly became tense.

East China Sea.

Wang Teng stood on the surface of the sea, until the sea beast completely disappeared, and finally heaved a sigh of relief, and bursts of exhaustion came up.

His body and spirit have reached their limits!

He had never felt so weak and powerless, as if his body was no longer his own.

He didn’t stand there trying to pretend, but because his body really couldn’t move.

A slight movement caused severe pain in his whole body, and he could only use his last force to keep his body floating in the air.

Fortunately, the Great Storm Ape didn’t realize that he was at the end of the battle, or even if it was discovered, it was nothing, because the Great Storm Ape was not much better, and Wang Teng was confident in the power of Space Storm.

The Great Storm Ape is not stupid. It knows that if it continues to fight, it will not get any benefits. Because of the appearance of Wang Teng, the human warlord-level powerhouse has been extremely well preserved. For the sea beasts, this is a great threat. , They have no chance of winning.

At this time, Tan Taixuan and others finally discovered Wang Teng’s anomaly and hurriedly flew over.

“Are you okay?” Tan Taixuan asked worriedly.

“Help me, I can’t move!” Wang Teng grinned, his voice hoarse.

Tantai Xuan’s complexion changed slightly, and she hurriedly supported her.

When the crowd returned to the rear, a group of people surrounded them, including Peng Yuanshan, Tong Hu and others from the Yellow Navy Academy. They also paid Tiandao, Qin Hanxuan and others who were familiar with Wang Teng, as well as some strange warriors.

Their faces were tired and bloody, but at this moment everyone was full of worries, and they interjected:

“How’s it going?”

“Are you okay?”

“Is it severely injured?”

Although Wang Teng was surrounded and cared by a group of big masters, Wang Teng always felt a little weird, but his heart was still warm.

At the same time, I am a little lucky, everyone has survived!

This desperate effort is not in vain!

“Get out of the way and block the road here!” Tantai Xuan held up Wang Teng, frowned, and shouted angrily.

Everyone was talking, and quickly let go.

Tan Taixuan let out a cold snort, holding Wang Teng towards the open space not far away.

A large area of ​​the East China Sea has been reduced to ruins, and because Wang Teng had to condense the body of heavy rock before, he had to scrape the ground three feet around, and the whole area was bare, so he could only find a flat place and let Wang Teng take a rest. .

Tan Taixuan put down Wang Teng, took out the healing medicine and gave him the medicine.

Wang Teng didn’t talk nonsense. After swallowing the pill, he immediately closed his eyes to digest and heal his injuries.

However, he still separated a trace of mind and picked up all the remaining attribute bubbles around.

No matter how bad the injury is, the attribute bubbles can’t be leaked!

Soon, all the attribute bubbles did not leak, and they were all picked up by Wang Teng. He finally recovered his mind and concentrated on healing.

I don’t know how long it took, Wang Teng opened his eyes and let out a long suffocating breath.

At this time, the sky was dim, and it was obviously evening, and night was about to fall.

Suddenly, Wang Teng was taken aback when he saw a crowd of people around him.

“Dad, mom, grandpa… why are you all here?”

The people in front of them were all the members of the Wang family. They came out of the underground air-raid shelter. Hearing that Wang Teng was injured, they stayed here forever and never left.

“Son, you finally woke up!” While Li Xiumei was relieved, she couldn’t help crying with joy.

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