Chapter 547 The light is so bright!

“What a terrible feeling!”

The nearby human warriors felt the more terrifying suction and the intense sense of crisis.

“What is Wang Teng doing?”

Everyone has seen this scene before screens across the country.

The palpitating nihility, the terrifying storm that gradually formed, shocked everyone.

Many people questioned, but the warriors around them knew nothing, and had never seen such a terrifying combat technique.

Especially that nothingness seems to be formed by a crack in space!

What kind of combat skills can shake the space? ?

Countless warriors stared at the storm closely, it was difficult to calm down.


The martial arts leader suddenly took a step forward. It seemed that this was the only way to see the situation on the screen more clearly. His eyes flashed brightly, and after a while he exhaled a deep breath, and said: “This is… a space combat technique!”

The military marshal, the principal of the First Academy and the others apparently saw something, and their faces were full of amazement.

Even for them, they can no longer remain calm at this moment.

“This kid Wang Teng has actually mastered space combat skills!” said the military marshal in disbelief.

“How did he… do it?” the Minister of Education asked with blinking eyes.

“As far as I know, if you want to use space combat skills, you must have space talent, so…” the martial arts leader said slowly.

As for the reason, there is no need to say it, everyone is clear.

This is the talent of others, so I won’t be envious of it!

Above the surface of the East China Sea, the storm centered on Wang Teng had already rotated to an extremely terrifying speed between everyone’s stupefaction.

There were bursts of screams in the air, and terrible suction swept all around.

The waves were rolled up into the sky, the trees and gravel on the mountain were rolled up and merged into the storm…

The crowd looked shocked, and finally no longer hesitated, and rushed down the mountain.

Tan Taixuan and the others also crossed the mountain, with a solemn expression, watching from a distance behind the mountain.

Fortunately, there is a big mountain blocking it, otherwise the human warrior in the rear doesn’t know how far to retreat so that it won’t be affected by the suction of the storm.


The collision between Old Han and the Great Storm Ape finally subsided, and the sea returned to the surface, revealing the situation that followed.

A figure suddenly flew out of it!


Old Han revealed a mouthful of blood, his old body like a torn sack falling from the sky.

The killing intent in the eyes of the Great Storm Ape was boiling, and the long stick in his hand was about to be smashed out again.

Old Han’s body seemed to be suddenly affected by an invisible force, and he flew backwards at a faster speed.

Upon seeing this, Tan Taixuan and others rushed out and took Mr. Han.

“Ahem!” Old Han was pale and coughed up blood again.

“Old Han, are you okay?” Tan Taixuan asked worriedly.

Old Han’s old palms trembled slightly, but he waved his hands and said, “Let me down.”

“Your injury…” Governor Jiang couldn’t help but speak.

“I can’t die for the time being!” Old Han’s complexion became paler, but his stubbornness made everyone helpless and could only put him down.

Standing in the air, his body was like rootless duckweed, as if it would fall when a gust of wind blows, making everyone worried.

At this moment, Old Han looked forward with a hint of surprise in his eyes, and asked: “That was made by the Wang Teng boy?”

“Yes!” Tan Taixuan nodded.

“Good boy, no wonder you dare to kill the three Lord-level sea beasts in front of the Great Storm Ape!” Old Han couldn’t help laughing.

When the several people were talking, the Great Storm Ape looked at the space storm ahead, and he was immediately alert in his heart, feeling an extremely strong threat.

At this moment, the space storm violently moved, and even moved forward slowly.

A stronger suction power came from the storm, sweeping towards the sea beast in front.

A group of sea beasts roared in fear and fled around, but under the huge suction power, their bodies flew into the sky uncontrollably and flew towards the space storm.


With the desperate roar, countless sea beasts finally sank into the space storm.

Puff puff!

Before they even screamed, they were torn to pieces by the crazily spinning storm, and their blood was sprinkled like rain.

The rest of the sea beasts fled even more panic, swimming desperately to the bottom of the sea and far away, trying to avoid the suction of the space storm, but the space storm still moved forward unswervingly, and the sea beasts too close could not escape the fate of death.

“Roar!” The Great Storm Ape saw this scene and let out an angry roar: “Human, stop!”

“Humph!” A cold snort sounded, and Wang Teng’s voice came from within the space storm: “It’s too late, do you think we humans are muddled? The invaders must pay the price, and today you will have no return. !”

His voice grew louder and louder, and finally it spread, resounding all around.

The human beings behind couldn’t help being excited, looking forward, even if they couldn’t see Wang Teng’s figure, there was a hint of excitement in their eyes.

well said!

Be sure to show these sea beasts, humans are not easy to bully!


The Great Storm Ape was so angry that he watched as a sea beast was sucked into the space storm, and finally crushed into pieces, his huge eyes gradually turned blood red.

“Then you go to die!”

It roared, the storm and thunder on its body suddenly soared, and finally formed an equally terrifying thunderstorm, enveloping its huge body.

At this moment, the Great Storm Ape seemed to have truly transformed into a thunderstorm.

It is the lord of the storm!

It is the master of Thunder!

In its terrifying power, it roared into the sky and slammed into the space storm in front of it.


One is a space storm of nothingness, and the other is a thunderstorm with a mighty sky, colliding on the sea at this moment!

This scene is too terrifying, as if a natural disaster is coming, humans can’t stop it!

The sea was churning, the sky was pitch black, and the dark clouds covered all the light, making this area extremely dark and depressing!

The two storms are rotating at high speed, eroding and destroying each other!

Boom boom boom!

The roar resounded, and everyone in the rear was dumbfounded, shocked, unable to speak.

Suddenly, huge waves hit the sky, blocking people’s sight, and only the sound of explosions could be heard from time to time.

The great ape of the storm wins in strength, and Wang Teng’s advantage lies in the horror of the space storm.

The two sides were in a stalemate for a while, but they were already mortal enemies, and no one was willing to lose.



One ape and one man roared frantically, pushing their respective attacks forward.


A terrifying roar suddenly came from the center of the two storms, and the world fell into complete silence.

“Who’s winning?”

The people behind stared blankly at the front, extremely nervous, their hearts jumped to their throats, waiting for the final result to appear.

The waves dissipated, and two figures appeared loomingly in everyone’s field of vision.

One is obviously the huge body of the Great Storm Ape, while the other is extremely small, but the whole body is straight and straight, standing in the air, not far from the Great Storm Ape!

The crowd couldn’t help but be in an uproar.

I saw blood dripping on the body of the Great Storm Ape, with countless large and small wounds all over the body, making it look exceptionally miserable and terrifying.

It was gasping for breath, staring at Wang Teng in front of him, as if to devour him alive.

And Wang Teng also had countless wounds on his body. The blood stained his clothes red, soaking his body, dripping drop by drop.

However, his complexion was unwavering, his eyes were extremely calm, and he stared at the Great Storm Ape.

The human warriors in the rear, the ordinary people in the underground air-raid shelters, and even the people all over the country in front of the screen…Everyone looked at them and raised their hearts.

At this moment, Wang Teng decides the ultimate direction of this war!

“Retreat!” At this time, a firm voice came slowly from Wang Teng’s mouth.


Deathly silence!

The Great Storm Ape stared at Wang Teng before him. After a while, he said, “Humans, tell me, your name!”

Its voice is still majestic and loud, but there is a trace of fatigue and weakness in it.

“Wang Teng!” Wang Teng said after a moment of silence.

“I remember you!”

The Great Storm Ape took a deep look at Wang Teng, then turned and walked toward the deep sea. The huge body sank step by step into the bottom of the sea, and finally disappeared!

The other surviving sea beasts followed closely behind and disappeared completely above the sea.

“we won!!!”

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then reacted, suddenly bursting out with shocking cheers.

“Hahaha, we won!”

“We really won!”

“Wang Teng, Wang Teng…”

“Wang Teng!”

I don’t know who it is, he took the lead in calling out Wang Teng’s name, and it echoed over the ruins of Donghai City for a long time.

At this moment, the clouds dissipated, and a ray of sunshine shone, shining on the young figure in front of it, shining brightly! ! !

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