Chapter 549 I’m also worried about so many wild cats and dogs!

As a mother, Li Xiumei’s worries about Wang Teng surpassed everyone. At this time, seeing Wang Teng wake up, she felt happy. She hugged Wang Teng and hugged him tightly, as if she was afraid that he would suddenly disappear. Up in general.

“Mom, I’m fine, it’s okay!” Wang Teng’s heart touched, he patted Li Xiumei’s back, and comforted.

Li Xiumei wiped her eyes and said, “Don’t be so desperate next time. If you have something short and long, how can I live it!”

“Well, listen to you, next time I will definitely hide away.” Wang Teng said without even thinking about it.

“You know you fooled me.” Li Xiumei rolled her eyes irritably, and promised so quickly, it must be fake.

“Okay, okay, our son is also for everyone in the East China Sea. He is a hero.” Wang Shengguo’s eyes flushed, but he did not cry. He patted Li Xiumei on the shoulder and said proudly.

“A bullshit hero, I only want a son, not a hero.” Li Xiumei glared at Wang Shengguo and said angrily.

Wang Shengguo talked endlessly, speechless.

Everyone around didn’t know what to say. Some warriors who passed by opened their mouths, wanting to refute them, but if they think that the other party is Wang Teng’s mother, then forget it.

For a mother, what a hero is really less important than a son.

“Cough cough.” Old man Wang gave a dry cough and said, “Xiumei, now that people are fine, it is the best. Let’s stop saying these things.”

When Mr. Wang spoke, Li Xiumei was naturally not good to say anything.

What’s more, she actually knows that there is a saying that the stronger the ability, the greater the responsibility. If a strong man like Wang Teng does not stand up, no one of human beings will be able to stand up and fight against the sea beasts.

With a sigh in her heart, Li Xiumei asked Wang Teng softly, “Are you hungry? Mom will get you something to eat.”

With that said, everyone’s stomachs groaned.

They hadn’t eaten for a whole day. Just after coming out of the underground air-raid shelter, they were given some dry food, but they really had no appetite. After drinking some water, they didn’t eat anything else.

Seeing that Wang Teng was okay at this time, and everyone’s worries were gone, naturally they felt hungry.

“The home is gone, and there is no place to cook and eat now. I can only eat some dry food to deal with it.” Wang Teng’s eldest aunt Zhao Huili said somewhat dejected.

Only then did Li Xiumei react, frowning involuntarily.

The son was injured and was supposed to take some nutritional supplements, but now everyone is sleeping outside, and it is hard for a clever woman to cook without rice.

“Wang Teng is awake!”

At this moment, a group of people came from a distance. They were Dantaixuan, Peng Yuanshan, Fu Tiandao and others.

There was also a team of medical workers who were looking at Wang Teng with fiery and admiration in their eyes. One of them was a charming female doctor in her early thirties who said: “Hello, Mr. Wang Teng, I am the top Arrange for your personal doctor, and I will be solely responsible for your health problems in the next few days.”

Wang Teng was a little surprised by the beautiful face of this female doctor. If it was normal, he wouldn’t mind a story that the patient and the female doctor had to tell, but at this time the parents are all there, and the situation is not allowed!

“Cough cough, no need, I’m fine.” So, Wang Teng gave a dry cough and said hypocritically.

“No, your body is very important. You can’t take it lightly. Now we are going to check the various indicators of your body. Please cooperate.” The female doctor said.

“Son, listen to the doctor, and accept the examination obediently.” Li Xiumei immediately echoed next to her.

Wang Teng reluctantly closed his eyes, nodded and said, “Come on, I’ll give you this one hundred catties.”

The female doctor waved a big hand, and the surrounding staff instantly set up a simple tent all around, and then performed a full-body examination on Wang Teng.

There is no ambiguity in this whole body examination, it is only literal.

After a while, the examination was completed, and the female doctor walked out of the tent.

Li Xiumei and others immediately gathered around and asked, “Doctor, how is my son’s health?”

The female doctor was initially a little dazed, and immediately reacted after hearing the words: “Oh, Mr. Wang Teng’s body has almost recovered, and it is not a major problem, but it is really surprising. This is the first time I have seen such a body with such amazing resilience. …”

While talking, she saw Wang Teng coming out, her eyes flashed, and she said with some embarrassment: “If it is possible, can Mr. Wang Teng send me some blood so that I can study it?”

“…” Wang Teng staggered, looking at each other with weird eyes.

It doesn’t count if the girl just saw him completely, and now he wants to study his body in depth, it’s too much!

“Doctor, the blood of a warrior can’t be studied casually.” Tan Taixuan on the side said.

“Okay.” The female doctor shook her head disappointedly, and left with her.

Although they are Wang Teng’s personal doctors, Wang Teng has asked them to treat other people just now, so don’t waste time on his side.

After all, he knew his body. With his recovery ability, the injuries on his body could be completely recovered in a short time. There was no need to waste medical resources. Other people needed more than him.

“You take a good rest, let’s see if other people need help.” Tan Taixuan and others saw that Wang Teng was indeed okay, so they turned and left. There were a lot of things waiting for them to deal with.

As soon as everyone left, only the Wang family and Lin Chuhan’s family were left.

They were there all the time, resting next to everyone in the Wang family, and only when they saw Wang Teng waking up did they come over.

Wang Teng and Lin Chuhan’s eyes met, and she saw extremely complex emotions in her eyes. There were worries, like relief, admiration, and a touch of deep affection…

The two fell silent for a while.

Li Xiumei saw this scene with a motherly smile on her face. She waved her hand silently and sent everyone away. Then she stepped forward and took Mother Lin’s hand and walked to the side to chat enthusiastically. People who don’t know think they have known each other for decades.

This is the first time that Wang Teng’s family and Lin Chuhan’s family have met, and I didn’t expect it to be in such a situation.

“I am so strong, I must be fine.” Wang Teng broke the atmosphere and said with a grin.

“Next time do what you can, don’t do it, we are all worried about you.” Lin Chuhan said with a dry throat and a hoarse voice.

“How worried?” Wang Teng looked at her pretty face, and suddenly wanted to tease.

His humble expression made Lin Chuhan take a deep breath, his eyes widened, and his mouth stiffly said: “I don’t worry much, just worry about so many wild cats and dogs.”

“…” Wang Teng was speechless, lamenting that he was too miserable, and he was reduced to the status of wild cats and dogs.

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