Chapter 546: The Storm Is Coming!

The space suddenly oscillated, and a trace of strange fluctuations spread to the surroundings.

Tantai Xuan and Ye Jixing’s several warlord-level experts noticed the anomaly in an instant, and their complexion suddenly changed.

“How can there be spatial fluctuations?”

Everyone’s mind was shocked, and their hearts were shocked and uncertain.

Could it be that the dark species invaded at this time?

A bad premonition appeared in their minds.

After all, they only saw similar large-scale spatial fluctuations when spatial cracks appeared.

And now, above the earth and stars, there will be space cracks, and only the dark species will invade! ! !

If so, wouldn’t it make the situation worse.

The sea beast riots here have not yet been resolved, and the Dark Seed has invaded again. What is this going to do, do you take turns in battle?

The complexions of several commander-level powerhouses suddenly became extremely ugly.

“Ahem!” At this moment, a dry cough sounded in the ears of several people: “Don’t think too much, I made this!”

The person who spoke was naturally Wang Teng. He saw the expressions of Tan Taixuan and others, and he knew that they must have made up for something.

Everyone: “…”

Several people were a little dazed, looking at Wang Teng, they suddenly realized that this spatial fluctuation seemed to spread around Wang Teng as the center.

So they just… had a wrong relationship?

“You…have the talent for space?” Governor Jiang couldn’t help asking with amazement in his eyes.

Tantaixuan’s eyes flashed, and suddenly remembered that Wang Teng seemed to have used spatial means during the Battle of Xingfeng City and killed the eight-armed demon commander with this.

That said, it is not surprising.

Facing Governor Jiang’s question, Wang Teng was non-committal, saying: “It’s better to step back a few people. The following scenes may be more difficult to control.”

“What do you want to do?” Tan Taixuan’s face changed slightly, and she immediately asked.

“It’s nothing, try a newly researched trick.” Wang Teng said in a flat voice, and he did not know the shame to take the space storm as his own achievement.

Naturally, Tantaixuan and the others didn’t know the twists and turns, and when they heard Wang Teng’s words, they couldn’t help being a little stunned. Looking at his calm face in particular, they suddenly had a feeling…

This kid might be doing something big again!

No, you should be more confident and eliminate the possibility, this kid will definitely make trouble!

“Are you sure?” Tan Taixuan frowned and asked.

Even if Wang Teng has spatial talent, the gap between him and Storm Great Ape is extremely huge, even if he displays spatial means, he may not be able to contend with it.

“Five to five!” Wang Teng said without changing his face.

Everyone: “…”

The gods are five-to-five, and you can see that it is not a serious answer.

It’s all this time, can you not get the skin off!

Wang Teng didn’t speak, his complexion gradually became serious. With him as the center, the spatial shock became more intense, and the ripples almost formed visible fluctuations, spreading to the surroundings.

Tan Taixuan and the others are too close, and they feel very close. The shock of that space makes them feel unstable, and a very strong sense of crisis emerges in their hearts.

Space is not an area that ordinary warriors can touch.

Even if the commander-level powerhouse can touch the existence of the space domain, it is rare.

Now, as the space turbulence intensifies, if the surroundings suddenly break apart, even with their warlord-level physical bodies, they will inevitably be torn apart by the space cracks, and even if they don’t die, they will hardly escape serious injuries.

Several people looked at each other, and finally had to step back.

It is ridiculous to say that as a warlord-level powerhouse, they can’t help much at this moment, they can only shrink to the rear.

The back wave of the Yangtze River pushed the front wave, and the front wave died on the beach…


The Great Storm Ape and Old Han collided, and the force wave swept all around, colliding a terrible explosion of energy.

The sea in the central area was tumbling, forming a huge whirlpool. The current was turbulent, but it couldn’t shake the huge body of the Great Storm Ape in the slightest.

The Great Storm Ape danced the rock stick in his hand and smashed it at Old Han. The storm and thunder descended together, terrifying.

A trace of blood appeared on the corner of Old Han’s mouth, his old wounds had recurred, and a fierce battle made him unable to suppress it anymore.

But he stubbornly supported his body, his body exploded with sword light, and the sword intent turned out to be empty!

However, the next moment, the blade light retracted again, and all the blade intent returned to his body, restrained to the extreme, but it was sharper and more terrifying than before!

Old Han’s back was suddenly straight, and his whole person seemed to be turned into a peerless sword.


A violent shout came from his mouth, resounding across the world.

In an instant, his body disappeared in place, turned into a blade of light and rose into the sky, slashing towards the Great Storm Ape!

When the sword light collided with the rock stick, everything seemed to be silent.

The waves solidified, no longer tossing, the vortex stopped, no longer turning, the sea beasts and humans in the distance seemed to freeze at this moment.


At this moment, a metal trill sound suddenly spread.

Between the heavens and the earth, only this metal sound exists, constantly shaking the sky and the sea, echoing endlessly.


Immediately afterwards, a terrifying roar finally broke out.

The shock wave formed by the collision of energy blasted the sea into the sky, and the terrifying vigor rolled around.

Tan Taixuan and others’ complexions changed slightly, and they couldn’t help but back up.

Only Wang Teng stood in the front, a terrifying shock wave bombarded his body, the strong wind blew his clothes into hunting noises, and his long black hair danced wildly.

Wang Teng’s whole body surged, blocking this shock wave from his body.

In front of him, the spatial shock had reached its extreme, and the surrounding air suddenly heard bursts of “Kaka” sounds.

At a certain moment, the space of Wang Teng’s whole body suddenly cracked a series of dark and deep gaps. After those cracks, there was a bottomless nothingness!

A wind of emptiness blew out from behind the crack, seeming to be surrounded by Wang Teng under the traction of a certain force.

The wind of nothingness was extremely slow at first, but it gradually turned faster, forming a violent wind at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It spins rapidly, completely shattering the surrounding space, forming a terrifying nothingness.

A storm is being born!

And Wang Teng’s figure finally disappeared completely in the spinning storm!

Tan Taixuan and others immediately felt a terrible suction coming from the front, not only the body could not stop floating forward, even the blood and force in the body were also about to move, as if they were about to break out. All were astonished, and quickly retreated to the rear.

They had retreated some distance before, but at the moment they felt obviously not enough.


At the same time, they even shouted to the human soldiers behind them.

On the three big mountains, there are still many soldiers at this moment. They also felt extremely strong suction. The surrounding trees all fell forward, and countless gravels rolled…

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