Chapter 537

Wang Teng didn’t know the situation of Ren’s family at all.

Even if he knew it, he wouldn’t care, what qualifications did Zeng Jin’s defeated dog have to re-enter him.

At this time, Wang Teng came to the sky, stopped, and looked down at Donghai City below.

The momentum on his body has reached its peak, and the five beams of force light have completely submerged in his body.

In his body, the force of the five elements circulates slowly, penetrating the entire spine, causing earth-shaking changes in his strength.

At this moment, his combat power has surpassed the 10-star Commodore Level, which is comparable to the 11-star Lower Commodore Level.

Even after the force of the five elements entered the general rank, the force of the five elements seemed to have undergone some strange changes, but Wang Teng had no time to bother about it now.

After that moment of shock, the sea beast below roared again at the human warrior, seeming to use this method to vent the timid shame that had just been revealed.

“it’s time!”

Wang Teng knew that he couldn’t delay any longer, and pulled out the attribute panel.

His gaze crossed all the attribute columns, and finally fell on the blank attribute in the last column.

[Blank attribute]: 35600

Due to the large number of sea beasts hunted, countless blank attribute bubbles appeared in the entire East Sea City, so that the blank attribute picked up by Wang Teng reached a terrifying 35,600 points at this moment!

Wang Teng’s plan is inseparable from these blank attributes, and it is the key.

Immediately, Wang Teng did not hesitate, and immediately assigned all the blank attributes.

Upgrade [Heart of Heavy Rock] talent!

His [Heart of Heavy Rock] talent reached 35 points before, which is far from perfection.

At this time, he wielded nearly 10,000 points of blank attribute, completely full of [Heart of Heavy Rock] talent.

[Heart of Heavy Rock]: 1000010000 (Consummation)

In an instant, Wang Teng felt that his body had undergone extremely mysterious changes, and his understanding of the talents of the Zhongyan clan in his mind instantly improved to the extreme.

At this moment, even the top genius of the Zhongyan clan, I am afraid he can’t catch up with him in terms of talent.

Then Wang Teng added the remaining 20,000 blank attributes to the [Ancient God Body].

This is a special technique of unknown grade. It is powerful and Wang Teng had already experienced it when he first obtained it from the corpse of the ancient god.

Now with more than 20,000 blank attributes added to the [Ancient God Body].


A terrifying sound like the burst of stars suddenly rang out from within Wang Teng’s body.

“what happened?”

“what happened?”

“What is Wang Teng doing?”

One question after another appeared in everyone’s mind.

It just disappeared for a while, and Wang Teng’s side exploded again.

But when he saw Wang Teng’s solemn expression, everyone thought he might have to make a big move.

Well, absolutely!

Since Wang Teng returned and entered the battlefield, he has not disappointed everyone. He has been working hard to make everyone alive.

A heart-to-heart trust emerges from everyone’s heart!

[Ancient God Body]: 2563550000 (1 star)

A weird golden symbol was outlined between Wang Teng’s eyebrows. This symbol was only one stroke, but it had an unspeakable sense of mystery.

Wang Teng couldn’t see this symbol, but he felt the strangeness at the center of his eyebrows.

He couldn’t help thinking of the corpse of the ancient god he had seen before, with a very complicated symbol on the center of his brow.

At the same time, Wang Teng’s body was also undergoing changes.

His heart beats quickly and rumbling, his muscles become tighter, his bones become more solid, and golden patterns appear on it, indestructible, extremely mysterious, his bone marrow is like a mercury slurry, tumbling and rattling. , A trace of gold appeared in the blood…

A terrifying force was born in the flesh, this force directly exceeded the limit that the eight-pole magic power and the thunder body can reach, making Wang Teng feel uncomfortable.

“Is it only 1 star?” Wang Teng shook his fist, looked at the attribute panel, and muttered to himself.

“It doesn’t matter.” His gaze condensed, and his energy burst out.

By this time, it was too late to regret, and it was too late to make it.

Heart of Heavy Rock! ! !

There was a roar in my heart.

Suddenly, the surrounding rocks seemed to be attracted by some kind of power, and they flew up into the sky and gathered towards Wang Teng.

In Donghai City, the stones formed after the collapse of the building, mixed with steel bars, rose to the sky, and the sea beasts that stepped on the stones were overturned, looking confused, not knowing what happened.

Donghai City was originally a huge and prosperous city, with countless high-rise buildings, and numerous stones formed after being destroyed by sea beasts.

After they flew towards Wang Teng, they immediately submerged him, gradually forming a huge stone body.

At the same time, the sea on the surface of the sea rolled, and the sand in the seabed broke through the water, like a torrent rushing to the stone body.

This sudden scene left everyone scratching their heads and saying hello.

The commander-level powerhouses, even if they were knowledgeable, couldn’t see his purpose, and frowned deeply.

“What is he doing?”

Outside the screen, warriors from all over the country also saw this scene, but no one saw it through, and they were all puzzled.

“Who can tell what he is going to do?”

“I have practiced martial arts for so many years, but I have never seen such a method.”

“The hope of the East China Sea may fall on this kid.” The martial arts leader said with gray hair, tall stature and extremely deep eyes.

Everyone was shocked when they heard this.

This sentence was spoken from the mouth of the martial arts leader, and the meaning was extraordinary.

From a certain point of view, this is the recognition of the martial arts leader to Wang Teng and his praise.

In the East China Sea, as more and more rocks and sediments gathered, the stone body centered on Wang Teng in the sky grew larger at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Those lord-level sea beasts seemed to feel a strong threat and roared.


“Stop him!”

“Destroy that stone body, don’t let him succeed!”

“I come!”

A roar came from below the sea surface, and a sea beast broke open the water surface and rushed towards the stone body in the sky.

It turned out to be a giant lobster, colorful, with a well-developed head breastplate, thick and spiny, a pair of long whiskers up to several meters, and the huge jaws are huge and terrifying.

Its breath has reached the lord level!

That’s right, this is a delicious lobster of the lord class!

It jumped high into the sky, and a pair of long beards pierced towards the stone in the sky like spears.

Tan Taixuan and the others changed their expressions greatly, and wanted to stop them, but they were dragged by the lord-level sea beasts in front of them, unable to withdraw to help.

Seeing that the long beard of the lord-level lobster was about to pierce the stone body in the sky, a horrible blade light swept from a distance.


The force blade light that was more than ten meters long collided with the lobster’s long beard, and a spark broke out, and the long beard was swept away by the knife’s light.

“Who is it?” Lord-level lobster roared.


A cold snort came from a distance, and saw a man stepping step by step from far and near, stepping on the void and holding a war knife.

His breath is majestic, and a strong aura rushes toward him.

But when everyone looked at it, their complexion suddenly became weird.

The middle-aged man who appeared suddenly, combing his head, wearing beach pants, stepping on flip-flops, and wearing a bathrobe, was hunting in the wind.

With a cigarette in his mouth that was about to burn to his ass, he walked at a pace that his six relatives did not recognize.

The strong aura that had just been brewed because of that stunning knife was instantly destroyed.

Everyone opened their mouths wide, not knowing what expression to make on their faces.

“When will we have another warlord-level powerhouse in the East China Sea?” Tan Taixuan and others were puzzled, and at the same time, they were shocked by the other’s costumes, and their eyes were extremely weird.

“Are you sure this is a general-level powerhouse, not a weird thing!” Ye Jixing said silently.

“I haven’t seen this person, I’m afraid he is a strong folk in the world.” Governor Jiang said.

The middle-aged man who appeared suddenly did not pay attention to everyone’s gaze. He took a deep breath of smoke, bit his cigarette butt, and slowly spit it out, saying, “Oh, what a big lobster!”

“Brother Wang, it’s you!” Wang Teng’s surprised voice came from the stone body.

This stubborn guy is amazingly the man who rented the house to Wang Teng and had eighteen demolition houses-Wang Dapao!

Inside the stone body, Wang Teng’s face was dumbfounded.

This man with the strength of the warlord is really the old brother Wang who rode out on a small electric stove to collect the rent. He was a little afraid of himself.

But when he saw the other party’s attire, Wang Teng was sure.

Except for that Wang Da Pao, who can have this kind of anger?

Wang Dapao smiled without explaining anything, and said, “Brother Wang, I will kill the lobster. After this battle is over, let your sister-in-law make a full shrimp banquet. Our brothers have a good drink.”

“Okay!” Wang Teng was suddenly angry, laughing.

“Bastard!” Lord Lobster was furious.

Think of it as a dignified lord-level star beast, where these two humans are actually talking about eating it without shrimps?

Crabs can be tolerated, lobsters can’t be tolerated!


The lord-class lobster roared and flicked its long beard and attacked Wang Cannon.

“Brother Wang, you continue to hold back your big move.” Wang Da Pao raised his eyebrows and slashed at the Lord-class lobster.


One person and one shrimp immediately collided, and a terrifying force wave erupted, sweeping around.

Among the stone body, Wang Teng couldn’t help shook his head.

But that’s not bad, isn’t he just holding back his big move!

…Then Wang Teng continued to hold back his big move. Stones flew up and merged into the stone body, making it stronger and stronger, gradually forming a huge stone ball.

In the East China Sea, the tragic fighting continued, some warriors rushed back from another world one after another, and some warriors from nearby cities rushed over and joined the battle.

However, there are too many sea beasts, and the human side is still in a weak position.


One by one warriors went forward, fighting with the sea beasts, and finally fell in a pool of blood…

Blood stained the sky!

A tragic atmosphere permeated the East China Sea and enveloped everyone’s heart, and everyone felt a depressed atmosphere.

People in front of the screen, watching this scene, countless people clenched their fists and prayed for the East China Sea, hoping that the city could survive this disaster.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise in the sky, and a huge stone ball that looked like a small planet was finally formed at this moment!

Cover the sky!

Huge shadows fell on the ground, and occasionally broken stones fell down.

But the ruins on the ground were swept away, leaving only a bare piece of land and the foundations of buildings. It was completely invisible that this was once a prosperous city.

Everyone looked up, and their hearts were shocked.

Is this the big move Wang Teng prepared?

Is he going to kill the sea beast with this boulder?

When everyone saw this huge stone ball, they couldn’t help but think so.

“This indiscriminate attack will accidentally injure human warriors.” Governor Jiang’s expression changed slightly and he shouted.

The lord-level sea beast looked at the huge sphere, and finally showed a look of horror in his eyes: “Stop him! Stop him!”


As soon as the voice fell, there was a loud bang within the huge stone ball.

The huge stone ball began to vibrate, and with a bang, a pair of stone arms protruded from it, clenched their fists, and then stretched out into a pair of huge palms.

Then came the legs, stepping down, and then the body began to change, forming according to the proportions of the human body. At the end, a rocky head burst out, and two flame-like rays of light suddenly appeared in the hollow eye sockets.

This is a huge rock giant!

Countless people have witnessed the formation of the giant, a hundred feet high, standing in the sky, head straight into the clouds.

That kind of shock cannot be expressed in words!

Everyone even forgot to breathe, they all looked at the rock giant dumbfounded.

The pupils of the lord-level sea beast contracted, stormy waves surged in his heart, his roar stuck in his throat, and his voice was completely lost.


Suddenly, the sound of swallowing saliva sounded in the silent air, which seemed particularly abrupt.

Someone murmured incredibly: “This… is Wang Teng! Am I dreaming?”

“This kid, when will there be such a shocking method!” Tan Taixuan took a deep breath and muttered to herself.

“Is this really something that a martial artist can do?” Ye Jixing couldn’t help but exclaimed in shock.

Immediately afterwards, the martial arts leader’s calm gaze burst out, and said with emotion: “I seem to see the way forward for Earth-Star Martial Arts in him!”

The way forward for Earth-Star Budo! ! !


Over the East China Sea, the huge rock giant slowly lowered his head and looked down. A rumbling voice came out: “Everyone, please resist for a while!”

When the voice fell, he turned his huge body, stepped out of his rocky legs, and headed outside of East China Sea City.


The air was shaking, and under the footsteps of that huge body, the air screamed violently, terrifyingly terrifying.

“What are you going to do?” Tan Taixuan and others could not help but ask loudly.

The huge rock giant didn’t turn his head, step by step, only the thunderous rumbling sound reverberated:

“Move the mountain and fill the sea!”

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