Chapter 536 The old man of the Ren family is vomiting blood, go to the rescue!

The five-element beam of light rushed to the sky and surrounded the whole body of the young figure.

Suddenly, he stood up, stepped on the void, and walked towards the sky.

At this moment, the aura on his body is getting stronger, rising steadily…

Step by step!




The roar sounded!

Every time he took a step, his breath climbed up a section, and the majestic force swarmed out, frantically floating his clothes and hair.

His long, thick black hair that hasn’t been trimmed for a long time is dancing freely in the wind, and a young face like a knife is cold and light, and his eyes are dotted with stars, blooming with dazzling brilliance, straight into the sky!

Countless sea beasts were shocked, looking up at the figure, with horror in their eyes.

Especially the low-level sea beasts, under that powerful aura, couldn’t help shivering.

Although some high-ranking sea beasts were not so unbearable, they were also terrified and roared at Wang Teng.

The several lord-level sea beasts above the ocean felt a great threat, and the eyes of the huge beast were shining with cold light, and they did not hide the strong killing intent.

This human being cannot stay!

On the human side, countless people raised their heads, the people in the underground air-raid shelter, the warriors fighting on the ground, the people watching from all over the screen…

The warriors fighting on the ground felt the most distinct, shaking their minds, and fell into extreme shock.

Peng Yuanshan of the Yellow Navy Academy, and the deans of Tong Hu had a devilish look on their faces. Although they knew that this guy was a wicked one, he didn’t expect him to be such a wicked one.

Fu Tiandao, Qin Hanxuan and others were the same, looking at each other, their faces pale in amazement!

Even Tantaixuan, Ye Jixing, and Governor Jiang were unable to remain calm, and there was a storm in their hearts.

It’s incredible!

Speaking of the Five Elements Force alone, ordinary people who have two or three Forces at the same time are already geniuses among geniuses. As a result, Wang Teng actually possesses the Five Elements Force at the same time.

And these five elements of the original force are still in the warlord level at this moment!

That is the warlord level!

For ordinary people, it is extremely difficult to enter the rank of warlord. I don’t know how many people are struggling beyond that threshold.

Otherwise, there won’t be so few warlord-level powerhouses.

But when it came to Wang Teng, it was as simple as eating and drinking water. In the blink of an eye, one force of Force entered the warlord level, and then another force entered the warlord level, and then another force entered the warlord level. The Force enters the general rank…

The speed is too fast, the eyes are almost blind!

Is this something the average person can do?

That kid is simply a monster, evildoer!

Such a talent, such a feat, it can be said that there is no one before, and even… there is no one to come!

…Wait, Wang Teng also has ice force, wind force, thunder force…

Oh My God!

Peng Yuanshan, Tong Hu, and Tan Taixuan, who knew Wang Teng’s details, suddenly seemed to be struck by lightning, and their eyes widened to the extreme.


Could that kid be a full-family warrior? ? ?

This thought shocked everyone!

“Xuan Tan, what kind of apprentice is yours?” Ye Jixing couldn’t help shouting at Xuan Tan during the battle.

“Fuck, how did my old mother know that it was not born of my old mother!” Tan Taixuan shouted angrily with a black line.

“Hahaha!” Ye Jixing laughed loudly: “Anyway, it’s always a good thing. Although Wang Teng has just entered the 10-star quasi-general level, his combat power is probably going to catch up with the 11-star under-commercial level. !”

Everyone was overjoyed upon hearing this.

Among the crowd, Lin Chuhan and Xu Wantong looked at the figure in the sky, their mouths slightly widened, and it was difficult to close them.

“Chu Han, is this really your dog?” Xu Wantong asked blankly.

“I don’t know!” Lin Chuhan was completely confused, and had no intention of correcting the relationship between the two, shaking his head blankly.

She really didn’t expect that Wang Teng had already come to this point.

The Five Elements Force Warlord level, what kind of concept this is, it is simply unimaginable.

“Chu Han, I really envy and hate.” Tian Xiaoxiao said suddenly and quietly.

Lin Chuhan couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride when he heard the words. Although the two hadn’t really confirmed the relationship, she still felt very happy.

But the next moment, a strong sense of crisis surged into her heart.

Wang Teng walked too fast, and the gap between her and Wang Teng is too big today. Can she still stand by his side?

Lin Chuxia next to her did not speak, but looked firmly at Wang Teng in the sky, which contained the deepest light in the girl’s heart.

Xiadu, the first university.

Ji Xiuming was shocked in his heart, his face was pale, and he felt as if a high mountain was erected in front of him, which was insurmountable.

Next to him were Yu Tao and Mao Na, students from the first academy. They looked at Ji Xiuming. In fact, they could understand Ji Xiuming’s complicated mood at the moment.

Since his defeat in the martial arts competition, Ji Xiuming has been practicing desperately, so that the next time he meets Wang Teng, he can defeat the opponent and regain the glory that belongs to him.

These are all in their eyes.

But now Wang Teng, whom he had always regarded as his opponent, was suddenly far ahead, and the distance was too far.

The opponent’s words have undoubtedly become extremely ridiculous.

Wang Teng’s gaze had already seen farther, and Ji Xiuming was still looking for his back behind him.

“Xiuming, you have to find your own position, you can target him, but don’t compare, that kid can no longer be judged by common sense.” The dean of the martial arts college of the first university put away his shocked eyes and couldn’t help sighing in his heart. He slapped Ji Xiuming on the shoulder, and said with relief.

“Dean, I understand.” Ji Xiuming was bitter in his heart, and nodded palely.

In the past, the dean told him that he was the strongest of the younger generation, and that he would surely enter the rank of warlord in the future and be the leader.

But now even the dean has to admit that they can’t keep up with Wang Teng’s pace?

Ji Xiuming was a little unwilling, and his heart was hit hard.

In the Ren family, Ren Qingcang’s whole body was trembling, he tried his best to control his body, but he couldn’t do it.

This trembling was not because of fear, but a deep sense of powerlessness.

It seemed that there was an invisible pressure on his head, making him tight, and he couldn’t break through the bondage of this pressure anyway.

He gritted his teeth and wanted to bring up the thoughts of competing with Wang Teng again, but the thoughts could no longer rise.

Frustrated, helpless, bitter, gloomy… countless expressions flashed across his face.

At this moment, Ren Qingcang’s mentality really exploded, and the crack was even more fragmented than the old man of the Ren family.

On the side, the old man of the Ren family suddenly turned red, and with a puff, a mouthful of old blood spurted out, and his old body fell weakly on the wheelchair.

“The old man fainted!”

“Quick! Quick! Pull to rescue!”

Everyone around the Ren family was shocked and confused.

Sometimes, the most painful thing for the enemy is not to kill them, but to destroy their hearts step by step and let them live in suffering.

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