Chapter 538: Fighting the Mountain!

“Move the mountain and fill the sea!”

When everyone heard this sentence, they fell into a sluggishness, as if there was an auditory hallucination.

Wang Teng, actually want to move mountains to fill the sea!

What a crazy idea! ! !

Ordinary people can’t even think about it, but Wang Teng has already taken action!

The crowd was full of weirdness and horror, but when they saw the terrifying rock giant, they suddenly discovered that this crazy idea might not become a reality.


A loud shout suddenly sounded.

“Moving mountains and reclaiming the sea!” Governor Jiang laughed, his voice spread throughout the East China Sea: “Everyone, Wang Teng is so proud, so why should we be afraid of a battle!”

A wave of pride suddenly rose in everyone’s chest.




A roar came from the mouth of the human warrior, and the momentum of the human side suddenly skyrocketed.

This kind of horrible promotion, in such a tragic situation, was originally almost impossible to happen.

But Wang Teng’s bold and crazy behavior instantly aroused the blood in the heart of every warrior.

When stepping into the road of martial arts, who had never thought of standing upright, who had never thought of burning mountains and boiling the sea, and who had never thought of reaching the stars and taking the moon!

But as the road of martial arts went deeper and deeper, they found that this was simply impossible. Even a warrior-level warrior could do only limited things.

Reaching the stars and taking the moon, maybe that’s just an exaggeration!

However, when seeing the huge rock giant at this moment, everyone seemed to see a glimmer of light.

The huge rock giant may also not be able to pick the stars and get the moon, but what he has to do next is beyond the scope of the warrior.

People have seen a broader road of warriors in Wang Teng’s body!

The lord-level sea beasts were roaring, they felt their hearts trembling, and they felt a sense of fear uncontrollably.

Is this the power of human warriors?

Governor Jiang and others took advantage of this to launch a fierce attack, and continuously forced the lord-level sea beasts back into the ocean.

Tantai Xuan’s war sword slashed out, and the sword glow filled the sky, cutting off the tentacles of two giant octopuses, causing them to roar again and again, and the blood stained the sea red.

The war knife in Wang Dapao’s hand burst out angrily, and a series of blades slashed on the hard shell of the lord-level lobster, causing cracks to appear in it.

One of its long whiskers had been cut off, and it was frightened at the moment, and wanted to escape back into the sea.

“Don’t run, you are indispensable for my whole shrimp banquet.” Wang Da shouted in his cannon, and pursued him.

I treat you as my opponent, but you want to finish it!

“Change too!” The lord-level lobster’s face turned green, and he ran away in fright, trying to rush into the sea to escape.

In the distance, Wang Teng drove the body of rock to the outside of the city, his eyes swept over and locked on the two mountains.

Foot on the ground, rumbling!

He strode to the front of the mountain. The two mountains are uninhabited and barren mountains, and there are no traces of people living nearby, so there is no need to worry about hurting ordinary people.

Wang Teng looked like a torch, took a deep breath, and then drove his body of rock, stretched his arms and embraced the two mountains in front of him.

He actually wants to move two mountains at the same time!

“Ancient God Body!”

An angry roar sounded in his heart, and the ancient divine body was completely opened.


In an instant, the two big mountains shook with loud noises, huge boulders rolled down, and trees on them collapsed one after another.




This time, Wang Teng did not roar in his heart, but raised a terrifying roar to the sky!

He used this method to mobilize his strength to the extreme and burst out completely.

At this moment, even the people in Donghai City heard the earth-shaking roar, and they all looked shockingly at the huge rock giant in the distance.

In the underground air-raid shelter, everyone in the Wang family saw all this through the screen, especially when they saw the huge rock giant, all fell silent.

Is this really what manpower can do?

But at the moment they heard that roar, they felt how desperate Wang Teng was, for everyone, for all the lives of Donghai, he really did his best!

“Come on!” Wang Teng’s cousin Tian Xinyu couldn’t help clenching her fists and shouted in a low voice.

When Wang Hao and Fang Qianwen heard this voice, they couldn’t help but yelled, “Cousin Wang Teng, come on!”

“Come on!” Wang Yanan also shouted in a low voice.

The emotions of the royal family aroused everyone around, and some people screamed.

“come on!”

“come on!”

Emotions can be contagious. More and more people joined in, and their voices became louder and louder, shaking the entire underground air-raid shelter. In the end, thousands of wills merged into these two words: “Come on!”

The sound was loud, as if it was about to break through the underground air-raid shelter and reach the outside world Wang Teng’s ears.

Perhaps it was this will that played a role, and the two mountains under Wang Teng’s arms suddenly shook, and there was a slight looseness.

Wang Teng was overjoyed, adjusting his power even more crazily, as if he was about to explode the potential deep in his body.

Get up!

The roar shook the sky and the earth, and with a bang, the two mountains finally completely separated from the ground…

Everyone fell into silence, looking at the huge figure that completely moved the two mountains, an old saying suddenly appeared in their minds——

Get up and down!

In the evening, there are ancient humans who can carry the top, and they are very talented!

Nowadays, there are unparalleled human heroes who have moved mountains and filled the sea to cover the whole world!

Then came cheers.

Wang Teng did it!

He really did it!


The two big mountains were moved by Wang Teng, following his huge rocky body, walking step by step towards the coastline.

He did not step on the ground, but stepped on the void, but the power was too heavy, causing the air to violently scream, and there was a huge noise at every step.

“Everyone back off!”

As he approached, Wang Teng’s voice rumbled.

The human warriors all around were overjoyed and quickly dispersed, and the warriors on the coastline also retreated…

“Quickly stop him!” The lord-level sea beast roared, looking at the huge body coming, feeling trembling and horrified.

“Hahaha, your arrogance should come to an end!” Governor Jiang laughed and rushed to the lord-level sea beasts to block them from the coastline.

The generals like Tantaixuan and Ye Jixing also shot, never let the lord-level sea beasts block Wang Teng’s pace.


The huge rocky body came to the front, and wherever it passed, everyone raised their heads and saw the stalwart body at close range, all shocked.

boom! boom! boom!

Wang Teng smashed two large mountains into the coastline, smashing countless sea beasts, the sea water poured in, and the huge waves were turned up. The scene was like a tsunami, and it was extremely terrifying.

The huge rock giant stood beside the two mountains, and in the bang, the rocky body slowly curled up and turned into the third mountain in everyone’s eyes! ! !

After a while, the waves gradually subsided, and two large mountains were already standing on the coast, separating the land and the sea.

Wang Teng’s figure appeared above the three big mountains, panting heavily, his face pale, but his eyes were extremely eye-catching, and he pierced the countless sea beasts in the sea, and his cold voice suddenly spread:

“Cross this mountain and die!”

For a time, countless sea beasts were silent!

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