Chapter 535 Five Elements Gather, Warlord Level! (4000+two in one)

The huge body of the giant octopus entangled above the sea, and the octopus claws swept wildly, almost indiscriminately attacking.

Wang Teng and Tan Taixuan were within the attack range of the octopus claws, and the two did not flinch. They used their own methods to face the giant octopus.


When the octopus claws swept, Wang Teng raised the magic weapon and Moque to block it.

This giant octopus is very powerful and already exists at the lower lord level.

And the lower lord level is equivalent to the human 11-star lower warlord level!

Therefore, every blow of the giant octopus contains extremely terrifying power. When sweeping, the air bursts and crackles.

Wang Teng’s eyes flashed and he let out a cold snort.

Octopus magic power, open!

Thunder body, open!

On the skin under his clothes, countless black patterns spread out, but then a trace of thunder power erupted from Wang Teng’s body, entwining his body, causing him to suddenly have more spots on his body. A breath of majesty.

The black pattern was also covered under the thunder, and no one could see anything.


A huge force burst out in Wang Teng’s body. Although his figure did not change in any way, his body seemed to suddenly become extremely powerful, containing terrifying power.

Tantai Xuan looked surprised, as if he felt the incomparably fierce aura of a star beast from his body.

“Get out!” Wang Teng shouted angrily, and Demon Que slashed fiercely, splitting the thick octopus claws.

On the other side, Tantai Xuan was also attacked, and three octopus claws with suction cups swept towards her, completely sealing her retreat.

But Tantai Xuan was not afraid at all, her strength was also at the 11-star subordinate general level, not losing the slightest amount of giant octopus, and even among the warriors of the same realm, she was invincible.

At this moment, facing the giant octopus in front of her, the war intent in her eyes rose, the sword in her hand burst out with extremely sharp gold sword intent, and the metal-like sound of “clang” sounded in the sky.

The golden sword light burst out, emerging from the surrounding void, slashing at all the octopus claws on the opposite side.

Sword marks immediately appeared on the octopus claws, blood splashed out, and the giant octopus made a huge roar.

Tantai Xuan’s attack completely angered it, and several octopus claws swept towards Tantai Xuan.

Eight octopus claws seemed to form a big net, dancing impermeably, shrouded towards Tantai.

Tantai Xuan’s complexion remained unchanged, strands of wind force appearing all over her, making her look like a gust of wind, her body shape erratic, and she was extremely sensitive to avoid the eight octopus claws.

Wang Teng raised his eyebrows. He knew that Tantai Xuan had the force of wind, so it was not surprising.

However, her wind system attainments were much higher than him, reaching the level of a warlord, and her speed was incredible.

The octopus claws danced all over the sky, and the suction cup on it suddenly sent out terrifying suction…

“My dear, the tentacle skills of this tentacle monster are almost full!” Wang Teng couldn’t help muttering to himself.

Even during the battle, Tan Taixuan still heard these words, and his face suddenly turned black.

What a god! Tentacle monster!

After a while, the boy was completely exposed.

“Go and help other people, don’t be an eyesore here.” Tantai Xuan yelled angrily.

Wang Teng’s face was a little bit ridiculous, seeing that Tan Tai Xuan was completely capable of dealing with the giant octopus in front of him, he didn’t talk nonsense, and rushed down.

Several sea beasts rushed towards him, judging from the aura on his body, they were all 8-star and 9-star powerful star beasts.

Wang Teng’s face was cold, he held the Devil Fault in his hand, and cut out the blade of his sword. Several powerful sea beasts could not withstand a single blow in front of him, and were instantly beheaded.

At the same time, he made a fist with the other hand, slamming a terrifying fist.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

One punch and one monster… Bah, one punch and one sea beast exploded their bodies.

That posture was absolutely violent.

Fu Tiandao, Qin Hanxuan and other high-ranking martial artists were stunned. They faced the high-ranking sea beasts, one person and one head, and they might not be able to kill them for a long time.

In the end, Wang Teng was here, but it was extremely easy, killing high-level sea beasts was like cutting leeks!

A group of sea beasts landed on the coast, rushed into the East Sea City, and attacked the surrounding warriors.

The number of human warriors is limited, but there are many sea beasts, often two or three, or even more sea beasts besieging a human warrior.

In this situation, human warriors are simply not enough.


Screams one after another, a human warrior was thrown down by a sea beast, and then several sea beasts swarmed up and bit the human warrior.

Wang Teng’s gaze swept down, his complexion was ugly, and he flew over his body, rushing towards the center of Donghai City.


In an instant, the spiritual power of the Emperor Realm swept out, radiating to the surroundings, covering the entire East China Sea City.

Control the field!

Take control of the audience!

All the sea beasts suddenly stagnated, as if time had stopped on them.

The warriors all around couldn’t help but froze, wondering what happened.

The people in the underground air-raid shelter were also stunned when they saw this scene.


At this moment, a billowing shout full of murderous intent came from the sky.

“It’s Wang Teng!”

“What did he do??”

All the warriors reacted, and their hearts were full of doubts, but it was obviously not the time to delve into it at this time, especially when seeing Wang Teng’s solemn face, he knew that he could do this, it was not an easy task.

So all the warriors immediately rushed to the sea beast in front of them, waved their butcher knives, and poured out all their anger.

The human warrior leaped over the huge bodies of the beasts, sending weapons into their bodies, splashing blood.

A large number of low-level sea beasts died in the hands of human warriors, and the human side seemed to turn over for an instant.

The high-ranking martial artist could not help but be overjoyed when he saw this scene.

The people in the underground air-raid shelters couldn’t help cheering and were greatly excited.

“It’s saved!”

“We still have hope!”

“Wang Teng! Wang Teng!”

“It’s him, just what means he used to hold all the sea beasts.”

Many of the underground air-raid shelters noticed Wang Teng’s actions, and they talked loudly with excitement.

All over the country, many warriors saw this scene, and their eyes flashed, seeming to see something.

This young man is so powerful that he can control the audience!

Even if it only acts on the low-level sea beasts, it is also very remarkable.

This ability is enough to completely flip the battlefield situation!

Xiadu, the first university.

Ji Xiuming and his classmates were paying attention to the situation in the East China Sea. He saw Wang Teng, the figure galloping on the battlefield, with a complex expression.


That guy has reached the warlord level!

This made him extremely frustrated. Today he is only an 8-star warrior, and Wang Teng has already crossed the huge threshold that can block countless warriors.

The gap is getting bigger and bigger!

He was not convinced when he was defeated in the martial arts contest by Wang Teng.

And everyone is similar, what if you lose once?

One game is not everything. He is confident that he can catch up quickly. The next encounter will inevitably defeat Wang Teng and find his glory again.

But now, he no longer has such confidence.

The opponent is too enchanting, he didn’t lose injustice!

In the Ren family, a young man with a proud face is also paying attention to Donghai. He is… Ren Qingcang!

Beside him is the old man of the Ren family.

They looked at Wang Teng’s figure on the screen, and their faces were extremely ugly.

Ren Qingcang’s face was gloomy, and he slammed a fist on the wall. Suddenly, cracks spread to the surroundings, and a deep pit emerged.

“What kind of shit luck has the Wang family gone, why can such a arrogant appear!” The old man of the Ren family looked ugly and muttered to himself, as if he had been greatly affected.

At the beginning, he sent warriors to the East China Sea to destroy the Wang family. As a result, Wang Teng suddenly emerged and ruined his plan.

Then came the martial arts competition, and Wang Teng was an absolute arrogant posture, defeating his proud grandson Ren Qingcang, and shattered his greatest reliance.

No one can realize how broken and bursting his mood really is.

At the martial arts competition, he directly vomited blood and fainted. Finally, he was rescued. Now that Wang Teng was promoted to the rank of general, he had another impulse to vomit blood.

This little beast is so irritating!

In addition to Ji Xiuming and Ren Qingcang, Luo Cheng from Xiadu Military Academy, Zhao Yuanwu from Qian Yuanzong, and even Tianjiao from all over the country are paying attention, and their hearts are also extremely complicated.

Wang Teng is the first existence of their generation to enter the warlord level, and he has already walked in front of everyone!

In the East China Sea, after Wang Teng controlled and cut a stubble of leeks with absolute spirit, another wave of sea beasts gushed from the bottom of the sea.

People were not happy yet, and their expressions were shocked again.

“Fuck!” Wang Teng couldn’t help but explode when he saw the sea beasts pouring out like mountains and seas.

These sea beasts are dead!

How many of them have reproduced over the years, and why are there so many? ?

How can you fight this?

So many sea beasts can’t be killed at all.

The hearts of other human warriors were once again filled with despair.

The generals in front of them looked extremely ugly and felt weak.

They were entangled by the lord-level sea beasts, and they were extremely anxious, but they couldn’t deal with the low-level sea beasts below, otherwise they could resist for a while with their strength.

Wang Teng could only grit his teeth, once again swept out the imperial realm spirit power, and assisted the surrounding warriors to slay the sea beasts in the same way.

However, this method consumes too much mental power. He can only control the field while picking up the surrounding attribute bubbles to make up for his own consumption.


【Earth Force *10】

【Golden Force*60】

【Blank attribute*31】

【The Force of Wind*110】


【Water Force Force*40】

【Fire Force*52】

【Blank attribute*23】

Various attribute bubbles merged into Wang Teng’s body, causing him to be shocked, his original power was replenished, and his mental power was revived…

His slightly pale complexion also improved a lot.

But he knows that it will not work if this continues. The number of sea beasts is too large, and the method of controlling the field is only to treat the symptoms and not the root cause. When his mental power is completely exhausted, and the pickup attribute cannot keep up with the consumption rate, it will be catastrophic for humans. s inception.

Perhaps before the support arrives, the East China Sea and all the warriors will be completely swallowed by the sea beasts.

“Is there any way? Is there any way…”

Wang Teng’s thoughts turned sharply, his eyes swept across the attribute panel.

Suddenly, his head shook, as if thinking of something, he immediately raised his head and his eyes fell on the coastline.

Then he swept across the East Sea City again, his eyes gleaming with a strong light.

Finally, his gaze stretched out to the outside of the city…

A whimsical method appeared in his mind.

“Maybe… feasible!”

Wang Teng thought in his heart, his eyes brightened, and he immediately turned into firmness.

He is a decisive person. Now that he thinks it well, even if there is only one in ten thousand possibility, he will not hesitate to implement it.

What’s more, Dong Hai has also reached the worst time, even if he fails? No matter how bad it is, it can’t be too bad.

But before that, a large number of attribute bubbles are needed to enhance strength.

With his current strength, if he wanted to implement that method, it was still a lot worse.

Once Wang Teng gritted his teeth, he withdrew his mental power, no longer controlling the field, but instead picking up attribute bubbles.

【Blank attribute*250】


【Water Force *35】

【Wood Force *60】

【Blank attribute*100】


【Blank attribute*140】

The warrior below lost Wang Teng’s help and had to face the counterattack of the sea beast, and the situation became more difficult.

They were shocked, wondering why Wang Teng suddenly stopped helping?

The warriors across the country were also puzzled. The battle in the East China Sea affected everyone’s hearts. Wang Teng suddenly stopped, causing the situation in the East China Sea to take a turn for the worse. Many people couldn’t help but frown.

“what happened?”

“Did he consume too much?”

“Sure enough, this method cannot be used indefinitely, the East China Sea is in danger!”

Many people sighed, clenched their fists nervously, and squeezed their sweat for Donghai!


Suddenly, Wang Teng’s whole body was shocked, and a powerful force wave flashed on him.

The crimson force rose into the sky, and the monstrous flame filled his whole body, setting him off like the Lord of Flame!

His fire force has broken through, and he has reached the rank of warlord at this moment!

Everyone looked at this side, shocked!

Wang Teng broke through again? ? !

Didn’t he just break through the general rank?

“I see, Wang Teng is a multi-line martial artist, and his second element force has broken through!” someone suddenly shouted.

As soon as the voice fell, there was another roar.


The yellow force burst out, not much weaker than the fire force.

The two forces formed two beams of light, rising into the sky.

Wang Teng broke through again!

This thought just came out, and two more roars followed.



The force of the two colors, one gold and one green, rushed high into the sky, and the beam of light formed was intertwined with the previous two beams of light.

Wang Teng broke through again! !

Wang Teng broke through again and again! ! !

As if driven by these four forces, the water system forces in Wang Teng’s body that had previously broken through the warlord level also broke out at this time, forming a blue beam of light.

Five pillars of light pierce through the sky and the earth, surrounding Wang Teng, like the emperor guarding them!

At this moment, both the Tokai warriors and the people in front of the screens across the country opened their mouths and looked incredible at the young figure surrounded by the five elements in the sky.

The five elements gather to advance to the general rank! ! !

This guy, are you hanging up? ?

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