Chapter 534 Slaughter Blade!

While all parts of Xia Kingdom were watching this tragic battle, the momentum of the East China Sea, the warlord-level powerhouses and the sea beasts was at the most critical moment.

The huge number of sea beasts has become an advantage, and the cohesive momentum is extremely huge.

Tan Taixuan, Governor Jiang and other generals looked a little ugly, and they kept backing down by this momentum.

One step, two steps, three steps…

They took three steps back, seemingly a short distance, but there was a huge gap.

“Humanity, death!”

The roar of the lord-level sea beast came from afar, shaking the sky.

Many low-level warriors couldn’t help but regress, unable to withstand the crush of this fierce aura, their complexion suddenly became pale.

The despair in my heart grew stronger.

Can humans really stop the sea beasts?

Otherwise, let’s run away, if you run far away, at least you can survive!

Where there is life, there is hope!

As long as you live, there is hope!

And isn’t it just retreating three hundred miles? The human territory is still very vast, with many inland martial arts powerful, who can save their lives, and they can counterattack in the future and retake the East China Sea!

These thoughts could not help but surfaced in the hearts of everyone.

This is human nature at the moment of life and death!

At this moment, a whistling sound rolled from far to near.

It was not clear at the beginning, but it was close to the coast in an instant, and it seemed to contain the power of thunder, rumbling down from the sky.

“What’s so scary about a group of beasts!”

“Humans, would rather die than retreat, fight to death!”


A cold shout exploded in the sky.

At the same time, an aura that was already beyond the rank of ordinary generals merged into the aura of the human side.


The momentum of the sea beast was pushed forward several meters.

Tan Taixuan, Governor Jiang and others were shocked, and a glimmer of light suddenly appeared in their eyes.

“Wang Teng!”

Several commander-level powerhouses looked at the incoming person, and a trace of stunnedness flashed in their eyes.

This kid is back! !

And this breath…no wonder they would feel familiar, it seems that the breath of promotion just now comes from him.

So young, but has become a warlord! ! !

Even if the situation is urgent at this moment, they can’t help but be filled with shock.

“Hahaha, good! I’ll be fine if I don’t die!” Tantai Xuan laughed with joy.

“Teacher!” Feeling Tan Taixuan’s concern, Wang Teng’s heart was warm, and he yelled at her.

“Are you promoted to the general rank?” Governor Jiang couldn’t help asking.

“Fuck!” Wang Teng nodded.

“…” The corners of their mouths twitched.

He was promoted to the rank of general at a young age. How could this be described by fluke?

Otherwise, when they were young, why didn’t they get lucky.

But for humans, this is a good thing.

One more warlord-level combat power is equivalent to multiple warrior squads, and the effect is too great!

At the same time, the other warriors saw that as Wang Teng joined, the human side had once again turned for the better, and everyone suddenly felt excited.

“It’s Wang Teng!”

Everyone could not help but exclaimed.

Fu Tiandao, Qin Hanxuan and others recognized Wang Teng, especially when they felt the general aura of him, they were shocked and shocked.

Good guy, this kid has actually become a warlord-level powerhouse!

This is going ahead of them!

At the beginning, they met Wang Teng for the first time. He had just become a martial artist, but now he has surpassed them.

Fu Tiandao suddenly felt whether they were getting old!

But the other warriors were overjoyed when they learned that Wang Teng was promoted to the rank of general.

“Wang Teng has been promoted to the general rank!!!”

“We have one more warlord-level powerhouse, great!”

“We still have hope, Wang Teng is right, what’s so scary about a group of beasts!”

“Humans should not back down, but should go forward courageously, even if they die, they should be fearless.”

They looked at the extremely young figure in the sky, remembered his words just now, and couldn’t help being infected by his unparalleled confidence.

“Fight to the death!”


I don’t know who it is, and roared first.

Subsequently, more and more people were aroused bloody, and also roared up to the sky.

“Fight to the death! Kill!!”

“Fight to the death! Kill!!”

“Fight to the death! Kill!!”

A soaring killing intent erupted from the human warrior.

This is the will of all the warriors, condensed and merged into the aura in the sky.

With a move in Wang Teng’s heart, the killing mood broke out in an instant.

Under the outbreak of his killing mood, the killing intent of all the warriors seemed to be attracted, and they gathered together and gradually condensed into an invisible killing blade.

Governor Jiang and the others couldn’t help but turn their heads and look at them, with a strange color on their faces.

What a terrible killing intent!

They are all extremely powerful fighters, knowing a lot, and it is natural to see that Wang Teng has already condensed a killing mood.

But it makes them feel incredible.

How many people did he kill to condense such a killing mood?

You must know that even the veterans who have been fighting for years on the battlefield may not be able to condense the momentum of killing, let alone a higher artistic conception.

But Wang Teng actually did it.

Several commander-level powerhouses didn’t have time to think about it, the killing blade above Wang Teng’s head became more and more condensed and terrifying, exuding a terrifying aura.

The killing blade seemed to be contaminated with countless lives, raging and killing intent, as if carrying a sea of ​​corpses.

Governor Jiang and the others were too close, even if it wasn’t against them, they immediately felt a terrifying killing intent upon themselves, and they were instantly affected.

The expressions of several people changed slightly, and they couldn’t help turning back, then glanced at each other and shouted violently.




Along with the shout, the same spirit of murderous intent came out vigorously.

Instead, they merged their aura into Wang Teng’s killing.

Not long after, Wang Teng felt that the killing blade above his head had reached its limit, his eyes opened violently, and a sharp and sharp light pierced into the distance.


As his cold voice fell, the killing blade above his head was cut out in an instant.

Boom boom boom!

The aura of the sea beast on the opposite side suddenly fell apart.

The surface of the sea burst, the sea was separated, and countless sea beasts struggled and screamed.


“Humans, you are looking for death!”

The lord-level sea beasts in the ocean were extremely angry and roared.

Suddenly, huge figures broke through the sea and appeared on the sea in the distance.

Those huge figures of sea beasts, some of them covered in scales and barbeds, resemble weird fishes, are extremely hideous, some of them meandering, tens of meters in length, they are deep-sea giant pythons, and some fish-tailed crocodiles. The body is in a weird shape…

If there is any similarity, it is that the auras on their bodies are extremely powerful.


These lord-level sea beasts roared, and rushed toward the human warlord-level powerhouse first.

The sea beasts in the sea were completely mad, and they flocked to the coast desperately, climbed onto the land, and rushed to the surrounding human warriors.

Tan Taixuan and others changed their faces and shouted:

“Quickly stop them!”

In the next moment, several commander-level powerhouses were divided into two groups, some were facing the lord-level sea beasts, while others were the sea beasts rushing down.

Boom boom boom!

The terrifying battle broke out instantly.

Governor Jiang, Ye Jixing, the master of the Jixing Martial Arts Hall, and others entangled the lord-level sea beasts and fought with them.

The sky is constantly roaring, and the energy waves of the force impact and blow away, rolling the waves that blow on the sea.

At the other end, Wang Teng, Tantaixuan and others rushed towards the sea beast below.

A large number of sea beasts wanted to land, and Tantai Xuan held a war sword, splitting out a sword beam of tens of meters long, and swept it out.

Wang Teng held the magic fault in his hand, and the flames filled his hands.

High-ranking warriors from all around also rushed to stop the sea beasts from coming on the coast.

The scene suddenly became extremely chaotic and urgent.

The number of sea beasts is too terrifying.

“Human, your opponent is me!”

A roar rang out, and a general-level sea beast chased after him, attacking Tantaixuan, Wang Teng and others.

This is a giant octopus-like sea beast, as huge as a ship, dozens of octopus claws with suction cups swept toward the generals.

“Quickly get out of the way!” Tan Tai Xuan’s complexion changed drastically, and she drew away.


The octopus claws fell on the beach, leaving a ten-meter-long pit on the ground.

Some of the sea beasts that had no time to dodge were smashed into flesh, splashing blood, but the giant octopus sea beast didn’t care at all.

The octopus claws with blood swept towards Tantaixuan, Wang Teng and others again.

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