Chapter 533 Martial Artist, Protect One’s Peace!

A terrifying roar came from the ocean, and the rumbling resounded through the entire East Sea City.

Only hear the sound, but not see its shadow.

You can only see the dense shadows of sea beasts on the surface of the sea, setting off the words full of killing intent just now, making people understand that this statement is definitely not a joke, but it can indeed be done.

Whether it is a warrior on the ground or an ordinary person in an underground air-raid shelter, their complexion has changed drastically at this moment, and there is an unspeakable despair in their hearts!

Donghae, is it really impossible to keep it?


However, at this moment, a cold shout mixed with anger followed.

Although this sound was not as loud as the roar of the sea beasts, it reached everyone’s ears and even overwhelmed the huge roars of all the sea beasts.

Several figures stood in the air, coldly looking at the sea beasts in the ocean, the majestic momentum burst out.

That was… a warlord-level powerhouse!

Their auras merged into one, and they generally pressed down against the sea beasts in the ocean.


The waves rolled and rushed into the sky.


The lord-level sea beasts in the ocean also roared, with a fierce aura, rushing to greet them.

Boom boom boom!

The competition between the two sides alone was extremely terrifying, with a huge roar, blowing up bottomless vortices on the surface of the sea.

Roar! Roar! Roar!

All the sea beasts were roaring, and their aura blended into that of the lord-level sea beasts.

Suddenly, the sea beast’s momentum skyrocketed, and it instantly overwhelmed the human aura.

The complexion of the several strong generals changed slightly, and they took a step forward and resisted firmly.

The atmosphere freezes suddenly!

On the human side, everyone became nervous, staring closely at the commander-level powerhouse in the forefront.

Although ordinary people can’t see much, they can feel the tense atmosphere in front of them, and even the situation where the generals are faintly sinking into the wind.

Everyone knows that the next battle must be life and death.

When the lord-level sea beasts are dispatched, the horror of the war will surely rise sharply.

If the human warlord-level powerhouse loses in the imposing competition, morale will definitely be affected, which is undoubtedly worse for the human side.

As early as when the sea beasts invaded, Xiadu in the far north had already received the news.


Located in the center of Xiadu, there is a magnificent, simple and majestic building called… Summer Palace!

Xia Guo (hereinafter referred to as Xia Guo) gathered here, including martial arts leaders, education ministers, military marshals, generals, and so on, all of them big-time figures.

At this moment, in front of them, the situation of the East China Sea battle is being broadcast.

Everyone’s expressions were extremely solemn, and then a meeting began in full swing.

Soon, one after another news flew out of the summer palace and passed on layer by layer.

The army was deployed, and a large number of warriors rushed to the East China Sea.

At the same time, the top management made an amazing decision-to broadcast the war in the East China Sea live nationwide! ! !

The operation of the state machinery was beyond imagination, and within a dozen minutes, wars in the East China Sea emerged across the country.

Jinlin, Guanghai, Longjiang, Xiangdao, Northern Xinjiang, Nanhai…every corner of Xia Country, without exception!

It is broadcast on TV, on the Internet, and even on huge screens in large shopping malls in various cities.

Countless pedestrians couldn’t help but stop, their faces full of consternation, and stopped to look at the screen beside them.

On the screen, the prosperous city is reduced to ruins, wars are flying, the waves in the ocean are overwhelming, terrifying sea beasts swept the city, blood stained the ground, and the roar resounded, shaking people’s ears…

This scene formed a tragic picture, shocking people’s eyeballs.

In an instant, a soaring uproar broke out across the country.

“Oh my God, what happened??”

“That is the East China Sea!!!”

“I saw the Tower of the East Pearl, it is really the East Sea!!”

“A monster invaded the East China Sea, what…what the hell is going on??”

“It’s terrible, is that a star beast in the ocean? It’s so hideous, so big, it’s so terrifying!”

“Didn’t the star beasts have been with us all the time? Why did they suddenly rush into the human city? Is the end of the world coming?”

The entire Xia Guo fell into a panic, the women and children were crying, and the men were pale…

But at this time, some warriors stepped up, and even more powerful men stepped onto the sky in front of the people and said loudly: “Everyone, as you can see, the East China Sea is falling into an unprecedented disaster, and the star beast in the sea has stepped on it. On the ground, the city is reduced to ruins!”

“But I want to tell you that this is the true face of the martial arts era. We are faced with opportunities to become stronger, but we also suffer from extremely terrible crises at all times.”

“In the past, there were warriors who isolated all crises from the city, and even cut off them in unknown places, so that you can enjoy tranquility and peace, but there is always a time when paper cannot contain the fire. Now it is to let everyone know the truth. It’s time.”

“Everything you see is the cruelest fact. The warriors of the East China Sea are fighting with the sea beasts.”

“This battle is the first collision between humans and sea beasts.”

“If you win, the East China Sea will be there, if you lose, the East China Sea will be destroyed!”

“Everyone, it’s time to open your eyes and take a look at this real era of martial arts!”

There are countless such cases in Xia Country.

The governors of various cities, the president of the martial arts association, the director of education, the master of martial arts, and other martial arts experts all stood up. After saying these words, they did not leave, but accompanied everyone to watch the war in the East China Sea.

Everyone who should go has gone, and they still have to guard their respective cities in case of accidents!

All ordinary people fell silent.

Everything in the past appeared in my mind, suddenly a little stunned.

No wonder the country is vigorously promoting martial arts, no wonder the first martial arts contest is suddenly broadcast nationwide…

In fact, the clues have long been revealed before, but the information has not existed on the Internet for a long time, and it has been completely wiped out, so that people think that it is just a rumor.

Now that the cruel facts are in front of us, everyone is awake.

The scenes of war in the East China Sea impacted their hearts and shocked them. They thought it was just a dream, but in the end they had to bite the bullet and accept it.

Many people want to blame the martial arts powerhouses for concealing for so long, but as soon as this resentment arises, they feel weak and even ashamed.

What if I know it?

Can ordinary people stop all this?

Knowing this danger, how many people are still willing to become warriors?

The warriors have blocked all the dangers for ordinary people, so that everyone can enjoy tranquility and peace. What qualifications do they have to blame? What stand to blame?

At this moment, in the scene of the East China Sea battlefield, countless warriors have fallen under the mouth of the sea beast. This scene does not just confirm that sentence——

Warrior, protect the peace of one party!

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