Chapter 511

Before Wang Teng could think about it, another memory appeared out of thin air in his mind.

This memory is the practice method of “Secret Technique of Latent Shadow”.

A light and shadow appeared in his mind, perfectly recreating the cultivation process, sometimes turning into a black shadow, and sometimes shuttled in the shadow, making people unpredictable.

Wang Teng’s eyes flashed with divine light, instantly enlightened, and soon mastered the “Secret Technique of Latent Shadow”!

This “Secret Technique of Latent Shadow” is like the previous blood race can sneak into the shadow of anything, and can perfectly hide oneself.

Before Wang Teng used the dark force to hide himself in the darkness, there was still a big gap with this method.

“The Secret Technique of Latent Shadow” is obviously much better.

Wang Teng’s eyes flashed, he looked at the corpse of the old blood race on the ground, and he was suddenly very grateful to him.

Thousands of miles to send the secret technique!

Good people!

There is also the master of Kunshan, who is not so angry now thinking about it, after all, it is the blood that has mastered the “Blood Clan Secrets” and “The Hidden Shadow Secret Art” to himself.

But thanks go thanks, kill or kill!

Does not affect…

When Wang Teng saw Zi Ye who was still staring at this side with wide eyes, he immediately recovered, put away the corpse of the blood clan, and said to her: “Go to sleep, nothing is wrong.”

“Oh.” Zi Ye also had a big heart. Hearing Wang Teng said that it was all right, he was really all right and fell asleep.

Wang Teng shook his head and moved in his heart. He took out the treasure map from the space ring and translated it according to the ciphertext memory of the blood family.

“Mata Mountain Range!” A thoughtful color flashed in Wang Teng’s eyes, and he muttered to himself: “Could this treasure map be real?”

According to the records on the treasure map, the secret store of the ancestor of the blood race is located somewhere in the Mata mountain range in the abyssal world. As for what is in the secret store, it is not known.

Wang Teng’s eyes flickered a few times, and he threw the so-called treasure map into the corner of the space ring.

The main thing now is to return to the earth and stars, and everything else will be pushed back.

The premise is that after he returns to Earth Star, he can return to this abyssal world.

Having said that, this secret treasure of the ancestor of the dignified blood clan is really awkward.

If it is obtained by other blood races, it will inevitably set off a bloody storm, and countless blood races will fight for it. Now it falls into the hands of Wang Teng, and it is also considered a jewel in the dust.

The next day.

Wang Teng approached Rodney and asked, “Blood people generally like to suck fresh blood. Is there any place in Black Raven City specifically for slaughtering star beasts?”

Rodney stunned for a moment and nodded: “Yes, right in the west of the city, there are a large number of powerful and rare star beasts being transported there every day, and after being slaughtered, they are transported to the castles of various blood nobles.”

“Take me there!” Wang Teng said with joy in his heart, but on the surface indifferently.

Rodney didn’t know what he was going to do, he just nodded.

To the west of the city, Wang Teng came here with Rodney and soon saw a huge slaughterhouse.

A stern roar of the beast came out from it, and a strong smell of blood rushed over his face.

“You wait for me outside!” After Wang Teng finished speaking, he walked straight into the slaughterhouse.

He is now a blood family, and many places have permission to enter, such as this slaughterhouse. Part of the blood food here is transported to the castles of various blood nobles, and part is used for sale, and other blood can also be purchased.

“My lord, what are your orders?” Wang Teng’s status as a Viscount still played a role, and the Dark Species of the Troll Race in the slaughterhouse asked respectfully when they saw him.

Although Black Raven City is a holy city belonging to the blood race, there are also some dark species of other races here.

This troll clan dark species is tall and extremely brutal and bloodthirsty, and it is just right to be a butcher.

“Take me to look around first.” Wang Teng said lightly with his hands in his hands.

“Okay, please come with me.”

The tall body of the troll tribe leads the way, passing through the slaughterhouses, there are different star beasts, which are being slaughtered and bloodletted, and the dark species of the troll tribe are introduced to Wang Teng like a few treasures.

While listening to the introduction, Wang Teng picked up the attribute bubbles scattered around.

【Dark Force*130】

【Blank attribute*105】

【Blank attribute*90】

【Dark Force*108】

【Blank attribute*100】

The long-lost blank attribute, this trip really didn’t come in vain!

Wang Teng was overjoyed.

These star beasts are dark star beasts, and the force is naturally the dark force. Wang Teng didn’t care about these, but the blank attribute was his real goal.

In order to return to the planet, he needs a lot of blank attributes to strengthen himself, otherwise the next plan will not be implemented.

Half a day later, Wang Teng left the slaughterhouse with a bewildered face in the darkness of the troll clan.

The viscount of the blood race wasted half a day without buying anything!

The resentment in the dark species of the troll race can be imagined.

But the opponent is too strong, even if it has resentment, it dare not do anything to Wang Teng.

Wang Teng pulled out the property panel and couldn’t help but smile.

[Blank attribute]: 3560

In such a short moment, he has gained more than 3,000 points of blank attributes. If this is to let him hunt the star beasts by himself, I don’t know how troublesome it will be.

So witty!

He is so witty!

Narcissistic thoughts in Wang Teng’s heart.

Several more visits to the slaughterhouse, his blank attributes can be broken through ten thousand, then it should be enough to support the plan.

So in the next few days, Wang Teng will take time to come to the slaughterhouse.

The dark species of the troll clan is almost crazy. This blood clan viscount comes every day and does not buy it every day. This is to make fun of it!

But when he thought of the aura that the other party had ‘accidentally’ leaked, the Troll Race Dark Breed immediately persuaded!

“Okay don’t send it off, I’ll come back tomorrow.” At the gate, Wang Teng waved his hand and left straight away.

“Come back!” The Troll Race Dark Species looked at his back, and his heart collapsed!

In fact, Wang Teng did not come again the next day. His blank attributes were enough. Now the blood race was searching everywhere for his whereabouts. He didn’t dare to delay any longer. If he was discovered, wouldn’t it be finished.

The blank attribute was used by Wang Teng in “Dark Clone” and “Secret Technique of Hidden Shadow”.

[Dark clone tactics]: 50005000 (Consummation)

[Secret of Latent Shadow]: 50005000 (Consummation)

The completion of these two secret techniques finally gave Wang Teng a trace of confidence.

At this moment, the black light on Wang Teng’s body flickered, and a piece of black smoke slowly floated out, turning into a clone, which was exactly what he really looked like. He smiled and said, “Go!”

“As soon as I summoned me out, let me go to death, you are really cruel!” The clone looked at his body, and then he lost his breath.

“Oh, don’t care about these details, you are not really dead anyway.” Wang Teng waved his hand.

“That’s all, who made you the deity, I am the clone, this matter is covered by me, to ensure that the dark species can’t see the slightest problem.” The clone said.

After speaking, the body slowly melted into the darkness and disappeared.

“It’s all up to you!” Wang Teng smiled slightly and said in his heart.

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