Chapter 510

[Lucky]: 36 (the upper limit for ordinary people is 10)

[Heart of Heavy Rock]: 3510000

After dismissing the mixed races of the heavy rock clan, Wang Teng looked at his attribute panel again and was satisfied!

After a while, Kunshan walked back, his face was a little swollen, looking at Wang Teng’s eyes, as if looking at a devil!

The tribesmen who had just been sent away were just like him, with blue noses and swollen faces.

Is it worth it for ten dark rough stones?


In the abyss world, the status of the mixed race is too low, and it is very difficult to earn the dark rough stone.

Even if some mixed races have extremely strong strength, they cannot get the treatment they deserve, and it is common for some purebreds to simply capture them as slaves.

Therefore, facing Wang Teng’s seemingly cruel requirements today, they actually found it not that difficult to accept.

There are even many mixed races who secretly wondered whether this blood race had their head caught by the door, otherwise, how could they do such a stupid thing?

All in all, everyone thinks that the other party is a fool, and they all get what they want. It’s a win-win situation!

At night, in the tavern room, Wang Teng was experimenting with the effect of [Heart of Heavy Rock] after lifting. At this time, he condensed the rock on his body and was able to completely cover his hands and feet. The power was naturally increased by a few more than before. Times.

But that’s all. With his current strength, this level of rock armor can’t play much role, and may not be able to resist a blow from a 9-star warrior-level powerhouse.

Xiao Ziye watched with relish, very curious and yearning.

When Wang Teng saw her look like this, he couldn’t help but smile, and beckoned at her: “Want to learn?”

Xiao Ziye nodded heavily.

“Then I will teach you, but I can’t teach this just now, I have to teach others!” Wang Teng said.

These days, Zi Ye is by his side, Wang Teng has also seen Zi Ye’s dependence on him, and now he has discovered her lucky talent. Naturally, she needs to be nurtured. It will definitely be a great help in the future.

Wang Teng has never been stingy with people who he can trust.

“Start with the basics, step by step.” Wang Teng began to guide Ziye’s practice.

Zi Ye’s talent was beyond Wang Teng’s expectation. Almost everything will be learned in a short time, and the progress is amazing. It may not be long before she can cross the martial arts threshold and enter the martial arts stage.

Two hours later, Wang Teng watched her fall asleep deeply, with a smile like an old father on her face, then closed his eyes and sank into practice.

The night was dark, and the light red moonlight outside the window was cast in. In the darkness in the corner, a shadow suddenly floated.

Immediately afterwards, the shadow of Wang Teng projected on the ground by the moonlight suddenly stretched, expanded, and became flared…

All this is silent!

Wang Teng closed his eyes, his face was calm, and he was always immersed in his practice.

Suddenly, the shadow on the ground stood up and rushed towards Wang Teng.

In an instant, Wang Teng opened his eyes, and a sharp light burst from the depths of his pupils.

It was as if the substantive spiritual power suddenly pierced out.

The shadow fell into a momentary stagnation.

In the next moment, Wang Teng shot his hand like an electricity, and blasted the black shadow with a punch.


The black shadow was instantly knocked into the air, but when it hit the wall, it immediately merged into the darkness in the corner and disappeared.

Wang Teng stood up and scanned the surroundings calmly.

Xiao Ziye was awakened and looked at him ignorantly.

“Stay there.” Wang Teng said lightly.

“call out!”

At this moment, the black shadow threw out from another corner again, and the sharp claws formed by the shadow glowed red, tearing towards Wang Teng.

Wang Teng’s eyes condensed, and he turned on the eight-pole magic power, his whole body flickered with black light, and mysterious black lines spread all over his skin. In the dark world, he could finally release it completely.

Then a punch came out.


The power of terror erupted instantly.

“Ah!” Sombra let out a scream, burst open, and a figure fell out from it, and fell heavily on the wall.

It turned out to be an old-faced dark species of blood!

It looked at Wang Teng incredulously, and said in amazement, “You are not a 9-star warrior level, you are a warrior level, who are you?”

“That’s a lot of nonsense!” Wang Teng strode forward, grabbing a claw on the neck of the Blood Race Dark Species.

The face of the other side changed, black light appeared all over, and he wanted to escape.

“Want to go!” Wang Teng smiled coldly and appeared in front of it instantly, pinching its neck with a paw.

The black light on the surface of the blood race’s dark species suddenly collapsed, unable to condense, it was pinched by its neck, its complexion turned red, and the throat made a “uh uh” sound.

“Who sent you?” Wang Teng asked coldly.

“…” It was pinched by its neck, speechless, and could only look at him with pleading eyes.

“Oh, sorry, did you pinch it too tightly?” Wang Teng didn’t mean to let go at all, and his tone was insincere, until the other party was about to be unable to breathe and his eyes turned white.

The heart of this old blood clan was about to collapse.

Don’t you want to know who the messenger is?

How do you pinch it so tightly! ! !

It feels like it’s dying, its eyes are black, and its consciousness is falling!

This ‘Viscount Snow’ is so cruel, this is to crush it alive!

Suddenly, a strange red light flashed in Wang Teng’s eyes, which pierced into the eyes of this blood race, instantly controlling its consciousness.

Then Wang Teng let go and let it fall to the ground, coughing violently.

In a short while, Wang Teng learned the identity of the main messenger from his mouth, and he was the former master of Kunshan.

With a grudge in his heart, the other party found a 9-star warrior-level blood clan in the clan who was good at assassination, and wanted to kill Wang Teng in order to avenge the day.

“I really don’t know how to live or die!” Wang Teng muttered to himself, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

I thought those blood races wouldn’t dare to trouble him again, but I didn’t expect that blood race would want to take his life before a day passed.

At this time, the old blood family regained consciousness, and said in amazement: “Did you use confusion on me?”

“You are worthless!” Wang Teng’s eyes were indifferent, and he patted his head with a palm.

Complex emotions such as unwillingness, regret, etc. appeared in the heart of this blood race… When the eyes went dark, the consciousness was completely plunged into darkness.

Several attribute bubbles floated up.

【Dark Force*260】


【Blood ciphertext*60】

【Secret of Latent Shadow*1】

After Wang Teng picked it up, his eyes lit up suddenly.

Blood ciphertext!

Hidden Shadow Secret Technique!

These are two extremely rare attribute bubbles.

In an instant, Wang Teng’s mind flooded with large literal memories, which was an ancient ciphertext that belonged exclusively to the blood family.

Wang Teng suddenly remembered the treasure map that was said to be the ancestor of a certain blood clan. The text on it seemed very similar to the cipher text of the blood clan.

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