Chapter 512: Plan Passes!

The next day, Wang Teng left the city like Viscount Snow.

Then Viscount Snow found traces of humans in the nearby mountains and forests, and a great battle broke out.

Well, that’s the situation!

Immediately afterwards, Viscount Snow lost to the opponent and sent a signal to the city lord for help.

Black Rook City, the castle of the lord.

At the same time, three black lights rushed into the sky, dashing across the sky like arrows, and galloping in a certain direction outside the city.

Before long, a team of blood races also rushed out of Black Rook City, followed closely behind, with great momentum.

Rodney and Zi Ye were left in the city by Wang Teng. Seeing this scene at this time, they were suddenly a little surprised.

At the same time, many mixed races noticed the sudden behavior of the blood race, and they walked out of the residence one after another, looking at their leaving back, they couldn’t help talking in a low voice.

Outside the city.

There was a sound of sonic boom in the sky, and the speed of the generals was very fast, and they hurried to the place where they found humans.

The three blood warlord-level dark species in the city dispatched at the same time, and while flying, they glanced at each other, their eyes shining brightly.

Unexpectedly, they really found that human in Black Raven City.

The reward of the Dark Nightmare Lord is here!

Even as a warlord-level powerhouse, they can’t help but feel a little excited.

After all, when you reach the general level, you need a lot of resources to build it up, and it is extremely difficult to upgrade each level.

They naturally don’t want to give up this great opportunity!

Boom boom boom!

There was a sudden violent roar in front, and the three warlord-level existences looked happy, and suddenly rushed towards that side.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise, and between the flashes of thunder, a figure fell on the ground, bursts of smoke and dust.

In the sky, a figure covered in thunder light stepped into the air, and the powerful thunder attack just now was clearly what he had issued.

He seemed to feel the three powerful auras that were approaching quickly in the distance. He glanced at the ground before directly giving up on the opponent he had just now, turning around and flew away.

When the three warlord-level dark species arrived, they saw the thunder figure rushing into the gray primitive jungle in the northwest.

The smoke and dust on the ground dispersed, revealing the figure of Viscount Snow. It has many wounds on its body and blood on the corners of its mouth. It hurriedly yelled at the three warlord-level dark species: “My lord, it was the human just now, his The Thunder Force is extremely powerful, I can’t stop him, let him run away!”

“It’s okay, since he falls within the territory of our Black Raven City, he can’t run away!” said one of the warlord-level Dark Species confidently.

“You are here waiting for the follow-up troops, and guide them to surround the forest, just in case, don’t let the human run away!” Another Warlord-level Dark Seed ordered.

“Yes!” Viscount Snow replied.

After that, the three warlord-level Dark Seeds stopped talking, and chased them straight to the northwest.

Viscount Snow looked at the direction they were leaving, and a mysterious smile gradually appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Not long after, a team of blood races arrived, and the leaders were the blood races he had seen before in the city lord’s mansion.

Seeing the Viscount Snow whom Wang Teng had transformed, these blood races had different expressions, and their eyes flashed with jealousy.

It’s really shit luck to find a human being by this side branch!

“The three adults ordered you to surround the forest, and you can’t let the humans run away!” Wang Teng said proudly, looking like a villain.

“How did you discover that human?” A trace of jealousy flashed in the eyes of a blood race, and he stood up and asked.

The other party is the former master of Kunshan!

“How I found out, it has nothing to do with you, you should do your own thing!” A cold light flashed in Wang Teng’s eyes, and he went back unceremoniously.

“You!” The blood clan couldn’t help being furious. At this time, it had many men, so it was naturally not afraid of Wang Teng.

“Okay, okay, business matters, don’t delay the affairs of the adults.” The other blood races stood up one after another to complete the battle.

Although many of them were also beaten by Wang Teng, they were extremely angry, but they didn’t dare to engage in trouble at this time. After all, if the human were to run away, they would definitely not be able to withstand the anger of the three adults.

“Humph!” With a cold snort, the blood race led his men to the forest in front.

A trace of killing intent flashed in Wang Teng’s eyes, but in the end there was no attack.

While a large number of blood races were blocking the so-called humans outside the city, the Black Rook City was plunged into an unprecedented emptiness.

At this moment, a dark shadow slipped into the castle silently.

Through the black light on his face, you can see that it is…Wang Teng!

If the three warlord-level dark species see him, I am afraid they will be shocked.

Isn’t that human being being hunted by them? Why are you here? ?

In fact, this is Wang Teng’s true body. Whether it is the human being outside the city or Viscount Snow, they are all his clones.

There is no doubt that he has separated two clones at the same time with the perfect level of “Dark Clone Art”!

And the strength of the two clones has reached the 9-star warrior level!

When Wang Teng separated his clone, he found an advantage of his own. He possessed multiple Forces, and most of them reached the 9-star warrior level.

Coupled with his imperial level mental power, it is completely possible to separate two clones that are almost no weaker than the deity.

These two avatars possessed his combat skills and combat awareness, even stronger than the ordinary 9-star warrior level.

Wang Teng let the two avatars perform a scene outside the city, leading to three warlord-level dark species and many blood clan powerhouses, and his real goal is the space crack in the castle.

After all, in a world surrounded by dark seeds, he also persuaded him!

It’s better to slip away early!

At this time, Wang Teng lurked into the castle with a hidden shadow secret method. He had already figured out the location of the space crack a few days ago.

He has a talent for space, and the violent fluctuations of the space crack naturally cannot escape his perception.

And this space crack is just below the castle!

Wang Teng randomly found a blood guard, and tortured out of the underground passage entrance.

Silently avoiding the blood guards of the underground passage, Wang Teng touched the underground space of the castle, and a long dark passage appeared in front of him.

Wang Teng melted into the darkness and approached the end of the passage extremely smoothly.

Suddenly, a light of Ruo Ruo Wu shining out.

Wang Teng thought he had reached the crack in the space, but when he looked inside, his eyes suddenly widened.

Various series of rough stones in one place, countless precious ores, and all kinds of rare and exotic treasures…

Wang Teng did not expect that this place turned out to be the place where the blood tribe piled up treasures.

The most important thing is that they don’t seem to value these things, but piled there like garbage, forming hills, which is breathtaking!

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