Chapter 509 The posture of the wool is very correct!

On the open space in the backyard of the tavern, Wang Teng saw the people of the Chongyan clan brought by Kunshan.

Roughly speaking, there are forty-seven people in total.

The appearance and features of these Zhongyan people are very similar to those of Kunshan. Among them, there are several women who are also big and square, with arms and thighs thick like pillars, but they all have hair on their heads.

They have all grown like this. If they don’t have hair yet, Wang Teng can’t even think about it.

Spicy eyes!

The King Kong Barbie still has the appearance of a Barbie doll anyway, but the female faces of these heavy rock tribes are also square, with edges and corners, like rocks.

And among these people, Wang Teng also saw a familiar figure-Da Le!

The brawny mixed race who was beaten by Wang Teng in the tavern before. Wang Teng didn’t know his identity at first, but now that he knows the existence of the Chongyan clan, he naturally has no doubts. He looks very similar to Kunshan. .

This similarity does not mean that they are similar in appearance, but the inexplicable sense of familiarity. As long as you see it, you will immediately know that they must be the same race.

When Wang Teng was looking at these Zhongyan people, the other party was also looking at him.

To be honest, if Kunshan hadn’t come forward, these Zhongyan people might not be willing to come to see Wang Teng.

After all, he is now the image of the blood race, and the mixed race has never trusted the pure blood.

Dalle didn’t recognize Wang Teng, but he recognized Rodney and Zi Ye beside him, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

How could these two guys be with this thoroughbred?

Haven’t they been following the “Purple King” all the time?

Could it be that the “Purple King” is actually this pure-blooded person? ?

A flash of light flashed in Dal’s mind, as if he had understood something, and decided to expose these traitors after he decided to go back.

He had no idea that the purple king and the mixed race in front of him were actually the same person.

Wang Teng didn’t know Dalle’s thoughts, and would not care if he knew it. These careful thoughts of the other party had no effect on him, so he coughed dryly and said:

“Ahem, since everyone is here, I will talk about my purpose for letting you come.”

The eyes of a crowd of mixed races were immediately attracted.

Wang Teng took out a dagger, handed it to Zi Ye, smiled and said: “Whoever of you wants to stabb her, I will give them ten dark rough stones.”

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone fell into confusion.

Even Zi Ye stared at him in a daze, wondering why she stabbed someone again? These big guys didn’t bully her.

“My lord?” Kunshan’s face twitched. Although he knew that this purebred was not a good thing, he didn’t expect to be so frantic.

“Oh, you can also participate.” Wang Teng seemed to react and said.


Is this a question whether I want to participate?

Dozens of black lines appeared on Kunshan’s forehead, and he felt as if he had fallen into a deep pit.

“Can I not participate?” he asked.

“Obviously not!” Wang Teng said with an expression of’you think too much’.


At the same time, other mixed races of the heavy rock clan also couldn’t help whispering.

There are ten dark rough stones to get with a single stabbing!

Although the dark rough stone is very attractive, it is really uncomfortable to be stabbed!

But after all, someone could not stop the temptation of the dark rough stone.

In fact, with their physical recovery ability of the Heavy Rock clan, such a cut is almost like a minor injury, and it can be completely recovered in two days without applying medicine.

Just like Kunshan, I was stabbed three times by Ziye in the morning, and now there are only three shallow scars left.

Their family, the stronger their strength, the better their ability to recover.

The first person to stand up turned out to be a female mixed race, hesitatingly asked: “With a stabbing, can you really get ten dark rough stones?”

Wang Teng was a little surprised at the gender of the other party. Could it be that the women of the Chongyan clan are more rigid than the men?

At this time, the other mixed races started talking in a low voice.

“It turned out to be Kunya!”

“It’s no wonder that her child has just been born, plus the five previously born, so many mouths, it must be a lot of dark rough stones to sustain her life.”

“With a few stabs, you can get dozens of dark rough stones, which is enough for us to spend three months!”

When Wang Teng heard these voices, he suddenly nodded and said, “Yes, the dark rough stone is here. You can take it away as soon as you finish it.”

“Of course, there is a limit of three dollars per person!”

After speaking, he waved a big hand, and a pile of dark rough stones appeared on the desktop beside him, piled up into a hill.

The breathing of the mixed race suddenly started to rush.

With so many dark rough stones, if it weren’t for the blood clan in front of them, they would definitely be tempted to snatch them.

“My lord, can’t you stabbing a few more times? My body can stand it.” The mixed female named Kunya said.

“…” Wang Teng.

What the hell?

Do these heavy rock tribes have a tendency to be abused?

This request is really excessive, but if he doesn’t agree, doesn’t it seem that Wang is too stingy.

“It’s not impossible to stab a few more times, but if there is a limit, let’s set it at five!” Wang Teng is not merciful, but feels that stabbing these mixed breeds is bad, and it is not conducive to his sustainable scalping. Development route.

“But don’t worry about it. I still have a chance in the future. I will find you again in two days. As long as you volunteer, my dark rough stone will not be stingy.”

After hearing Wang Teng’s last word of assurance, Kunya breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately walked to Zi Ye and said, “Little girl, you stabbed it.”

Zi Ye was a little confused and couldn’t help turning his head to look at Wang Teng.

“Come on, it’s up to you!” Wang Teng encouraged: “Poke it well, I will treat you to something delicious tonight.”

When Kunshan and Rodney heard these words on the sidelines, they looked strange and strange.

Zi Ye nodded, without hesitation, stabbed Kunya in the stomach.


The blood spurted out, and the scene was spectacular.

It’s just inexplicably funny!

Kunya just frowned, her face faintly pale.

Zi Ye stabbed three times in a row, then stopped and turned to look at Wang Teng.

“Don’t stop, go on!” Kunya said anxiously, unwillingly.

“Two more stabbings.” Wang Teng said silently.

Zi Ye nodded again, unambiguously, and stabbed twice again.

Kunya’s complexion was a little pale, but as soon as the force in the body was used, the wound healed automatically and no more bleeding. Then she took fifty dark rough stones with joy and retreated into the team.

Wang Teng’s eyes flashed, he saw a few attribute bubbles falling on the ground, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

Pick it up!

【Earth Force *45 (Black)】

【Heart of Heavy Rock*1】


Here comes, it really is you, lucky attribute, and the heart of heavy rock attribute!

Wang Teng’s face was cheerful, and he silently gave himself a compliment. The woolen posture was correct and there was no problem.

He has faintly grasped the key point.

Zi Ye would lose the lucky attribute, not because she stabbed someone, but because she let the mixed race of the heavy rock clan drop the rare talent attribute [Heart of Heavy Rock], and therefore consumed her lucky attribute.

And Wang Teng guessed that Zi Ye’s lucky attribute was not a permanent drop, but a temporary drop, which would soon be restored.

Before, Wang Teng was very puzzled. With Zi Ye’s young body and no cultivation base, how he lived alone in the forest for so long without being eaten by wild beasts, or died of illness or poisoning. An accident happened.

Now he understands, it’s definitely because Zi Ye’s lucky attributes have exploded!

Every time she encounters danger, she may drop lucky attributes to turn the danger into peace.

It’s just that these lucky attributes were dropped before they were dropped, and when they disappeared automatically, they were wasted, but now Wang Teng picked them up and used them as waste, which would kill two birds with one stone.

“Is there anyone else?” These thoughts flashed in Wang Teng’s heart, and raised his head.

Seeing Kunya tasted the sweetness, but it was not a big deal, the other mixed races finally couldn’t help it.

“I come!”

“I come!”

The two mixed races suddenly stood up.

“How many dollars?” Wang Teng asked.

“Five knives!” The two mixed-breeds were also wolves, and they chose five knives at the same time.

Zi Ye stepped forward to execute.

【Earth Force *80 (Black)】

【Heart of Heavy Rock*2】


Next, other mixed races also stepped forward one after another.

After about two dozen people passed, Zi Ye’s lucky attribute no longer appeared, and the mixed race did not drop the [Heart of Heavy Rock] talent attribute.

Although it is a bit regretful, Wang Teng knows that today has reached the limit.

“Well, let’s get here today, and continue in two days.” Wang Teng stood up from the chair, stretched his waist, and said.

“Ah, my lord, why aren’t you here? It’s not our turn yet!” The mixed race who hadn’t had a turn behind suddenly cried out.

“Don’t seize the opportunity, blame me!” Wang Teng shook his head and put away the dark rough stone.

The mixed race who didn’t have a turn didn’t dare to say anything more, with regrets and regrets on their faces, and even faintly regretted.

But the half-breed that had already been in the turn was a little bit lucky, and got fifty dark rough stones.

They have forgotten the pain of being stabbed!

Wang Teng’s gain this time was not small, he couldn’t help pulling out the attribute panel and glanced at it.

[Lucky]: 31 (the upper limit for ordinary people is 10)

[Heart of Heavy Rock]: 2610000

His luck attribute skyrocketed to 31 points, far beyond the scope of ordinary people.

The Heart of Heavy Rock has also increased to 26 points. He feels that he can control more rocks and his power will be stronger.

This is the feeling of becoming stronger!

Suddenly, Wang Teng thought of something. His lucky attribute has improved so much, why not try it yourself?

“Ahem, what? I am very touched to see you so unwilling, so…” Wang Teng said suddenly.

The corner of Kunshan’s mouth twitched next to him.

God is so touched!

These people of his tribe are also poisonous, even begging to be stabbed and die!

Wang Teng continued: “So next, let’s change to another project and give me a punch. Then we can get a dark rough stone with a limit of ten punches. Does anyone want to participate?”

The mixed race who hadn’t just had a turn for a moment was taken aback, then reacted, and immediately squeezed forward.



“I am I!”

“…” Kunshan looked astonished.

Crazy crazy, his people are crazy, they are afraid that this blood clan played it badly, right? ?

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