Chapter 505 Discuss with the Dark Seed how to catch yourself!

The sudden bloody scene stunned the Dark Species of the blood race present.

I thought it was just a simple discussion, but I didn’t expect that Viscount Snow, who had no background, turned out to be a ruthless character, so ruthless and cruel when he came up.

Rao was also shocked by the cold-blooded ruthlessness of the dark species of blood.

Even the middle-aged blood clan on the high platform was stunned.

“Oh, I’m sorry, it seems that the strength has been accidentally used a little bit.” Suddenly, a voice that sounded very exaggerated sounded.


All the kinsmen looked at the speaker, and layers of black lines appeared on their foreheads.


They all tore the Dark Seed, which has always been known for its physical strength, into two halves. Did it just take a little bit of strength?

on purpose!

This bastard must be deliberate!

This thought came out of the hearts of all the dark species, and they suddenly reacted. This Viscount Snow was giving them power, and they immediately looked at Wang Teng with a gloomy face.

The middle-aged blood clan on the high platform looked at Wang Teng with interest: “This kid is a thorn, but with this strength and character, how could he have been unknown before?”

A trace of doubt flashed in its heart, but it didn’t care, only when this’Snow’ had been dormant and forbearing before, and now it has improved in strength, did it choose to take the lead.

As for the slightly extreme behavior just now, from its point of view, it was obvious that the younger generation wanted to show their faces in front of it.

For side branches without background, this is also understandable.

Wang Teng glanced over and smiled slightly in his heart, it seemed that his goal was achieved.

Then he looked at the corpse of the blood family that he had torn in half, and several attribute bubbles floated there quietly.

【Dark Force*260】

【Advanced Dark Talent*45】



Wang Teng raised his eyebrows.


These are all blood races with pure blood, not only are they highly talented, but they also possess the talented skill to confuse the mind!

This blood family didn’t kill in vain!

The middle-aged blood race didn’t entangle anymore and waved his hand: “Well, now that Viscount Snow’s strength has been confirmed, then let’s move on to the topic, talking about searching for humans. I don’t want such a good opportunity to be won by other holy cities. go.”

Hearing the words, all the blood race dark species immediately couldn’t care about troubles with Wang Teng. No matter what, it was not as important as searching for that human being.

As for the body that was torn in half on the ground, there was no darkness at all.

Die one, add one, no more, no less, just right!

“This is the portrait and characteristics of that human. You can take a look first.” With a big wave of the middle-aged blood race, a roll of animal skin appeared out of thin air, flying towards the blood race dark species below.

All the blood races immediately surrounded.

Naturally, Wang Teng also pretended to be very curious, mixed in the crowd, and looked at the animal skin scroll.

“Well… this human being looks even more handsome than our blood race!” Suddenly the blood race frowned.

“It is true, does this human have the blood of our blood?”

“Maybe it really is, otherwise how could those crooked humans be so handsome.”

Wang Teng: “…”

Hearing a group of kinsmen discussing his handsome appearance very seriously, Wang Teng’s heart rushed past countless horses.

Are these dark concerns a bit crooked?

Is it time to discuss who is more handsome and whether he has blood pedigree?

Although he is really handsome, this is not the point. Okay, the point is how to catch him!

Pooh…he can’t be caught.

This dark species has been pretending for a long time, and it was almost taken away crooked.

“Cough cough.” The middle-aged blood coughed dryly. In fact, it was very upset about the appearance of this human being. However, it is not the time to discuss this, and immediately said: “According to the news from Lord Demon, This human being is extremely powerful. He once killed the generals. He is suspected of possessing fire, thunder, wind, earth, and even space talents. As for other talents, it has yet to be verified. At the same time, he is also a master of formation. Possess a very high level of rune formation…”

Upon hearing the words, the blood races below showed solemn expressions on their faces.

This human being is so strong!

They have even killed the generals. They are definitely not opponents. It seems that they can only be responsible for the search work. It is the adults who really need to take action!

“For this talented and terrifying human Tianjiao, Lord Demon took great pains to pull him into the dark world, so we must catch him and never let him escape, otherwise, Lord Demon, we will not be able to explain.” The Nian Blood Race continued.

“My lord, since that human being can kill the warlord-level existence, then we may not be able to stop him.” There is a dark species said.

“You are only in charge of searching. As long as you find the trace, you will report it immediately. At the same time, you will have a communication token on your body. Once it is found, the message will be sent in time, and I and the other two generals will arrive quickly.” The middle-aged blood said.

Wang Teng listened to a group of dark species seriously analyzing him there, discussing how to arrest him. As the discussant, his heart was extremely broken…

Ma Dan, discuss with a group of kinsmen how to catch yourself. It’s exciting and fun!

This experience can bring back the earth star and others and blow it up for three days and three nights.

But the Dark Species of the blood race were tight in their hearts, and they couldn’t help looking at each other. According to this meaning, if they were discovered by that human, they would probably be sacrificed heroically!

“I don’t want to participate, it’s too late to withdraw now.” The middle-aged blood said.

The blood races are hesitating, everyone wants the reward of Lord Demon Lord, but if their lives are gone, everything is empty talk.

What’s more, even if they get the reward, they can only drink some soup, and the big head is still with the commander-level powerhouse.

As the desire aroused by the reward at the beginning cooled down, many blood races retreated.

“My Lord City Lord, I suddenly remembered that I had promised the elders of the clan to pick bloodline plants for him. It is better to do this search, I will not participate.” A blood clan hesitated and stood up and said.

“Yes!” The middle-aged blood clan was surprisingly easy to talk. It asked, “Is there anyone else who wants to quit?”

The rest of the blood race stood in place, but they did not choose to quit.

“Since there is no one, then you can leave by yourself.” The middle-aged blood clan said to the blood clan who was about to quit.

“Yes!” The blood clan heaved a sigh of relief and turned to leave.

Suddenly, a ray of blood passed through the center of its eyebrows, its body froze suddenly, a daze flashed in its eyes, and then its body crashed to the ground.

The middle-aged blood clan on the high platform slowly retracted his fingers, his complexion was flat, as if nothing had happened.

Wang Teng’s eyebrows twitched, can he say that he is a kind of darkness?

There is no ambiguity when you start with your own people!

【Dark Force*210】

【Advanced Dark Talent*20】



However, this attribute bubble was cheaper for him. Wang Teng picked it up happily, thinking that it would be best for this city lord to kill all the blood races again, but unfortunately he knew it was impossible, unless the opponent was really crazy.

“Okay, everyone is gone, and they organize their own personnel to start searching. I hope you can bring me good news.” The middle-aged blood clan waved.

“Yes!” All the blood races responded in unison.

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