Chapter 506 Unexpected attribute bubbles!

Leaving the school grounds, Wang Teng and a group of blood dark species walked towards the mixed-breed ‘holding place’.

The status of the mixed race is too low, naturally it is impossible to bring it to see the city lord.

And other blood races also have blood servants, so Wang Teng is not the only blood race going to the’holding place’.

However, these blood races excluded Wang Teng and did not go with him.

This seems to be the natural discrimination of the main line against the side branches.

The so-called storage area is actually just a piece of vacant land.

For mixed races, purebreds have never cared about it, and naturally they would not give any good treatment.

Before Wang Teng approached, he heard a loud quarrel.

A group of mixed breeds gathered together, not knowing what they were doing.

Wang Teng didn’t see Rodney and Zi Ye, his brows frowned, and he walked over quickly.

Among the crowd.

Rodney was lying on the ground, pale, unable to get up.

A tall and sturdy mixed race with a collar on his neck grabbed Xiao Ziye’s hair, dragged it fiercely, and grinned: “Where is the wild girl, dare to run wild in front of me.”

“Let go of me, let me go!” Zi Ye struggled desperately, using both hands and feet, grabbing at the tall and sturdy mixed-race man with his teeth and claws.

But this big half-breed man was just pulled, and Xiao Ziye was thrown away so hard that he couldn’t touch him at all.


Xiao Ziye fell to the ground, her face turned pale, but she gritted her teeth, made no sound, just stared at the opponent fiercely with her eyes.

The other mixed races laughed and seemed to feel extremely funny.

When Wang Teng approached, he saw this scene, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Seeing the dark species of the blood race coming over, the mixed race gave way.

Wang Teng helped Xiao Ziye up, looked at her pale face, and asked softly, “Is it all right?”

Xiao Ziye didn’t say a word, and stubbornly shook his head.

“What’s the matter?” Wang Teng asked, turning his head to Rodney on the ground.

Rodney finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Wang Teng, and hardly propped up his body, and explained to him in a low voice.

It turns out that this conflict comes from the collars on the necks of these mixed-race slaves!

That collar is not only a symbol of slaves, but also a thing that determines their lives.

There is a rune device on the collar. Once the mixed-race slave has a heart of rebellion, their master can detonate it. Then the head of the mixed-race slave will burst open, and the dead can no longer die.

Seeing that Rodney and Zi Ye were both slaves, these mixed races didn’t wear the collars unique to slaves, so they naturally had an imbalance in their hearts, and they were looking for trouble for no reason.

Rodney and Zi Ye have only two people, and they are not as strong as these slave hybrids, of course they can only suffer.

Wang Teng was learning about the situation, but the other blood races left with their own slaves and did not take this conflict seriously.

Wang Teng’s face was slightly dark, and he said coldly, “Did I let you go?”

Those blood races couldn’t help but stopped, frowned and said, “What do you mean?”

“Hand over the mixed race you just started.” Wang Teng said.

The complexion of the mixed race man suddenly changed.

But his master smiled: “What if I refuse?”

“Do you want to be torn in half by me too?” Wang Teng looked at it indifferently.

The blood race’s dark heart jumped, but then it became annoyed. It was actually frightened by the other party, and a gloomy flashed in his eyes: “Boy, think about your identity, a sideman, you really think we are afraid of you.”

“Then you try to see if I dare.” Wang Teng said lightly.

“You!” A trace of fear flashed in the eyes of this blood race, and he turned to other blood races and said: “What do you say? Your mixed race just started doing it too.”

“Let’s go, don’t care about him, if he dares to do it, we will kill him together.” The remaining blood races said indifferently.

The master of the mixed-race big man smiled contemptuously, and then turned and left with the other blood races.


Wang Teng stopped talking any more, stepped on the ground, and rushed toward several blood races, his body flickered with black light, bursting out of 9-star warrior-level strength.

“not good!”

A few kinsmen did not expect Wang Teng to actually dare to do it, and his strength actually reached the 9-star warrior level, stronger than them, suddenly their complexion changed greatly, and they dispersed to avoid Wang Teng’s attack.

“Want to go!”

Wang Teng made a bold move, a flashing body appeared on the top of a dark seed, and kicked from the top of its head fiercely.


This blood race suddenly plunged into the ground, and only the head of the whole body was exposed.

The rest of the blood races were shocked, Wang Teng didn’t give them time to react, and once again rushed to the other blood race and punched out.

“Asshole, aren’t you afraid of the forces behind us?” the blood clan cried out with a pale face.

“I’m afraid you’re a ball!” Wang Teng hit his stomach with a punch, blasted it a few meters away, and fell to the ground without knowing his life or death.

The faces of the other kinsmen were shocked, their eyes frightened, and they kept retreating violently.

Wang Teng followed closely.

“Wait, we’ll leave the mixed race to you and take care of it!” Seeing that Wang Teng was so cruel, they suddenly chose to compromise and shouted.

“I’m sorry, now I think you are unhappy, so I want to hit you first.” Wang Teng sneered.

“…” Several kinsmen.

Who can bear this grievance Madd!

Boom boom boom!

Wang Teng was never kind to the Dark Seed, and when he shot it, it was a heavy blow. He pressed a few of the Dark Seed of the Blood Race to the ground and beat them violently.

However, he did not kill these blood races this time. After all, this is the blood race’s territory. The city lord still counts on these blood races to do things. If he kills them all, the blood city lord probably will find him in trouble.

Before leaving the world of darkness, life is still important!

After a while, Wang Teng stopped his hands and let out a sigh of relief.

Damn, I’ve been holding you back for a long time!

Let you show superiority.

Xiao Ziye stared at him with gleaming eyes, with a gleam in his eyes, clenched his fists, wishing to beat these bad guys like a big guy.

Wang Teng raised his eyes and looked at the mixed race around him.

Those mixed races immediately took a step back, especially the big mixed race guy, with a face full of horror and regret in his heart. Why bother to find the two mixed races, and now angered this evil star.

They couldn’t think of it, there are kinsmen who will make their heads for hybrids.

“You, come here!” Wang Teng said coldly at the mixed-race big man.

The mixed-race man couldn’t help looking at his master, but it was a pity that he had been buried in the soil and had long been unconscious.

“Calling you over, didn’t you hear?” Wang Teng said.

“If you want to kill, you have to smash it, listen and respect it.” The mixed-race brawny man’s face was stiff, and he stalked his neck.

“Aren’t you very bully, bullying the child, and pretending to be hard-hearted now.” Wang Teng looked at him coldly and said, “I’ll count three times. If you can’t come, don’t blame me for being cruel.”

The mixed-race brawny looked aggrieved, and finally walked over honestly.

In the dark world, they have already understood a truth. If you offend anyone, don’t offend the pureblood, otherwise there is only one dead end.

“He was the one who hit you just now, now it’s up to you.” Wang Teng lowered his head and said to Zi Ye.

“Lend me the knife.” Xiao Ziye said with a fierce look suddenly.

Wang Teng was not surprised. Xiao Ziye was not that kind of weak kid who could live alone in the forest for so long.

He took out a dagger from the space ring and handed it over.

Xiao Ziye took the dagger and walked towards the mixed-race man step by step.

The mixed-race man knew what she was going to do, his eyes flashed, but when he saw Wang Teng in the distance, he didn’t dare to move in the end.

Zi Ye walked in front of him, only as high as his thigh, looked up at him, and said, “Squat down!”

The mixed-race guy was so frustrated that this little girl wanted to stab him and even squat down on his own. It was so maddening.

But he dared not squat.

Seeing the mixed-race man squatting down, Zi Ye stabbed out his dagger fiercely.




Three knives were pierced into the belly of the mixed-race man, and the blood spurted out, making his face pale in bursts.

At the same time, several attribute bubbles fell out.

“Huh!” Wang Teng couldn’t help but whispered.

He saw that not only did the mixed-breed strong man drop an attribute bubble, but Xiao Ziye also dropped an attribute bubble with an extremely peculiar color.

Pick it up!


Wang Teng was taken aback, an accident flashed in his eyes.

There is even this kind of attribute bubble!


Is it possible to increase the lucky attribute after picking up the lucky attribute, and then become…European Emperor?

But the question is, what the hell is Xiao Ziye’s murderous lucky attribute? ?

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