Chapter 504 What should I do if I am surrounded by the Dark Seed? Waiting online, very anxious!

Looking at the content on the notice, Wang Teng’s face became darker and darker.

MMP is endless, this is to push him on the road to absolutes!

The dark seeds around were extremely excited and couldn’t help talking.

“Humans have entered our world!”

“Hahaha, as long as you catch that human being, you will be rewarded by Lord Demon Lord.”

“That’s a reward from Lord Demon. If I get it, I will definitely be able to become a strong one.”

“Hmph, if you want to get a reward, wait until you find that human first.”

The eyes of all the dark species were greedy, their eyes turned red, and then they disappeared, apparently they decided to search for Wang Teng’s trail.

It’s just that if they knew that the human being in the notice was right next to them at this moment, how would they feel?

Dark under the lights!

No one thought that Wang Teng would come to Black Raven City so blatantly.

Wang Teng looked at the dark species in the madness, and suddenly felt a tingling scalp.

Damn, these dark species are crazy!

Their eyes look like a tramp who has been hungry for a long time and suddenly sees a piece of fat, which is extremely permeating.

Wang Teng couldn’t help but shudder.

What should I do if I am surrounded by the dark species? Waiting online, very anxious!

He wanted to cry without tears, feeling like a little sheep falling into the wolves, about to be torn and eaten.


“My lord, what’s the matter with you?” Rodney asked carefully.

“It’s okay, I just mourned for that human being. It was a tragedy to fall into this dark world.” Wang Teng sighed and said with a pitiful look.

“Isn’t it? The Black Nightmare Lord personally ordered that the human being is probably not good enough.” Rodney shook his head.

“Cough cough.” Wang Teng gave a dry cough, and glanced at him dangerously: “Lao Luo, you must pay attention to the words when you speak!”

“…” Rodney felt a wave of malicious presence, and he couldn’t help but shiver, with a dazed expression on his face.

What did he say?

Why did Master Purple King look at him like this? ?

“My lord, did I make a mistake?” Rodney asked carefully.

“Lao Luo, do you see if our mixed race is very similar to that human being, living in a dark world, involuntarily involuntarily, it is very sad.” Wang Teng said.

“My lord said yes.” Rodney nodded, but he was still full of black question marks.

Does it matter?

“So, don’t say such unlucky words as if it is too bad, we want to wish him an early escape.” Wang Tengyu said earnestly.

“My lord… that’s right.” Rodney was stunned for a moment. His face was weird. The adult’s entry point was really tricky, but he nodded quickly in agreement and said kindly: “That human will definitely come to an end. , An Ran got away.”

Wang Teng patted his shoulder with satisfaction.

Ruzi can be taught too!

On the side, Zi Ye looked at Wang Teng strangely. Only she had seen Wang Teng’s real appearance, but the little girl was very clever. Just now, she found the portrait of Wang Teng on the notice. She didn’t say anything, just let him pass. Look.

Wang Tengchong blinked her eyes and said, “Let’s go, visit the City Lord’s Mansion.”

Having said that, they led the two towards the gate of the city lord’s mansion.

Before coming, Rodney introduced to him that this Black Raven City is a ‘Holy City’!

The so-called “Holy City” is a huge city guarded by at least three warlord-level powerhouses. Numerous cities and towns are built around the “Holy City”, forming patches of areas.

Each ‘Holy City’ is controlled by a different dark race, and the Black Raven City in front of it is controlled by the Gangelo clan, one of the thirteen clans of the blood clan.

The Gangaluo clan is one of the very ancient blood clan main line, inherited for a long time, and behind it are the shadows of several ancestor-level old monsters.

It’s just that such existences rarely appear in the world.

Of course, this is what Rodney said, and the specifics are not known.

Wang Teng seriously suspects that these ancestor-level blood races may have exceeded the scope of the generals, and their strength is extremely terrifying.

But he has no evidence!

And the strongest man today is probably the 13-star high-ranking general. I wonder if anyone has taken a stronger path?

While thinking, he walked to the gate of the City Lord’s Mansion.

“Who are you?” the blood clan guarding the door shouted.

“Thank you for a while, Viscount Snow of Greystone Town came to see the Lord of the City.” Wang Teng showed his identity certificate, which was a badge representing the Viscount title.

“Wait a minute.” The guard turned and entered the city lord’s mansion.

Not long after, the guard opened the door and led Wang Teng and the three of them into it.

“Come with me, the city lord is waiting for you on the campus,” the guard said.

“School field?” Wang Teng was puzzled.

The guard didn’t say much.

Wang Teng’s eyes flashed, and he winked at Rodney.

Rodney was also a human spirit, and immediately understood, took out a few dark rough stones and stuffed them into the guards’ hands.

The guard weighed it lightly, smiled slightly, and said: “My lord came by coincidence. Today, the city lord has just gathered the kinsmen in the city, ready to assign them to search for the whereabouts of the human being. If the lord can enter the eyes of the city lord, there will be many benefits. ”

On the way, Wang Teng inquired more about the city lord until he arrived at the school.

The school field is located behind the old castle, with an area about the size of a stadium. At this moment, many kinsmen are gathered.

The guards led the three of Wang Teng to a high platform in front of the schoolyard and respectfully said: “My lord, Viscount Snow is here.”

“Well, let’s go down.” A flat voice came from the high platform.

A pale and handsome middle-aged blood race leaned back on a soft and comfortable chair with a lazy expression, revealing the unique arrogance and indifference of the blood race.

Wang Teng felt an extremely powerful aura from its body.

This city owner seems to be a warlord-level existence.

“Snow has seen Lord City Lord.” Wang Teng had already concealed his own cultivation base and performed a noble courtesy of a blood clan towards the middle-aged clan.

“You should be a child of a certain side branch, I don’t have any impression.” The middle-aged blood said.

“Yes, my lord.” Wang Teng nodded.

He had already known the identity of Viscount Snow before, and knew that he was on the sidelines. In fact, he had no foundation or background. Being able to be a free Viscount in the remote Greystone Town was already a great incense.

There are many blood races around, and after hearing that he is just a certain side branch, there is a flash of contempt in his eyes.

“What can you do with me?” the middle-aged kinsman asked.

“My lord, I heard that humans have broken into our world, so I’m here to ask if you have any instructions?” Wang Teng said.

“You are smart.” The middle-aged kinsmen suddenly smiled faintly: “But since it’s here, just stay.”

“Thank you, sir.” Wang Teng smiled and retreated respectfully.

The rest of the blood races cast hostile gazes at him. In the search for humans, everyone wants to share a piece of the pie. Even the warlord-level city lord is no exception. Although they can only drink some soup after the lord, they can also Don’t let a guy from the country step in.

“My lord, this Viscount Snow doesn’t know what his strength is. If his strength is too low, I’m afraid it will delay the affairs of the adults.” A 7-star warrior-level blood clan powerhouse did not shy away from Wang Teng, and went straight out and said to the city lord. .

“Oh, what do you think?” the middle-aged blood family said with great interest.

“Why don’t you let him compete with everyone present and see how strong it is?” said the strong blood clan.

“What do you think?” the middle-aged blood clan asked Wang Teng.

“I have no opinion.” Wang Teng raised his eyebrows, his eyes sweeping meaningfully across the crowd.

“Okay, it’s better than one game.” The middle-aged blood clan laughed.

“It’s up to me to test the strength of this Viscount.” The 7-star warrior-level blood clan just laughed.


Wang Teng naturally has no doubts.

The two sides stood in the center of the school field, and the 7-star warrior-level blood race said: “I won’t keep my hands, it’s too late for you to admit defeat now.”

“Similarly, I won’t keep my hands, so you can do it for yourself.” Wang Teng said.

The 7-Star War Soldier-level blood family looked gloomy, did not say any more, and disappeared in place with a flash of black light, and fell from Wang Teng’s head like a big bat.

Wang Teng raised his head, facing its cold bloody eyes, his hands were claw-shaped, and he suddenly protruded upwards.

Ghost Claw!


A black light flashed, grabbing the blood race’s body, and tore it apart.

In one round, the blood race was turned into two halves, and the blood was sprayed on the school ground. Wang Teng flashed back a few steps without letting a drop of blood fall on his body.

All the blood races present immediately looked stiff, staring at him in a daze.

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