Chapter 503: Secret of Mixed Force

In the tavern, a group of mixed races looked at the figure under the black cloak with shock in their eyes.

Judging from the situation of the shot just now, the strength of this strong man must definitely surpass all the mixed races present.

However, among the mixed races, when did such a little-known strong person appear?

It’s so powerful, it shouldn’t be without any reputation.

Everyone couldn’t help looking at Rodney in doubt, this strong man was brought by him, presumably no one knew the details of this strong man better than him.

In the face of everyone’s gaze, Rodney suddenly felt a sense of excitement at this moment.

Grandma, a bear, makes you look down on Lao Tzu!

Now you know who is the wisest.

There was a trace of pride and pride in Rodney’s heart. It was that he had discovered the “Purple King” and voted under him.

Uh…Although the process of surrendering is not so pleasant!

He ignored everyone’s gazes, looked down at Dalle, and his anger was truly relieved.

Daller noticed Rodney’s eyes, and a hint of shame flashed across his face. He did not expect that the ‘adult’ Rodney brought was really a strong man.

And just before the fight, he clearly felt the unfathomable depth of this strong man, that was definitely not an ordinary strong man.

Wang Teng’s eyes swept around, and all the mixed races couldn’t help taking a step back.

“Can you prepare the room for us?” A faint voice came from under the hood.

“Okay, okay!” the red nosed old man behind the counter repeatedly said.

He took the key, walked out from behind the counter in a hurry, and personally led the three of Wang Teng to the second floor.

After the three of them left, everyone dared to step forward to help Dalle.

“Dalle, are you okay?” someone asked caringly.

“It’s okay.” Dalle shook his head and wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, looking ugly.

“You said, where did this strong come from? I have never seen it before.”

“Who knows, maybe it’s from other places.”

“Good luck Rodney found a thick thigh.”

“Hmph, how long this good fortune can last, maybe one or two strong men of our mixed races occasionally appear, and not all of them are captured by purebreds as slaves. I’m afraid this one can’t escape such a fate.”


Everyone couldn’t help talking, but at the end they sighed, feeling somewhat disheartened, and the atmosphere fell into silence for a while.

The second floor.

The old man with the red nose took them out of the room and said respectfully: “This is already the best room in our place, I hope you don’t mind.”

“It’s okay!” Wang Teng said flatly.

“My lord, Dalle is not malicious in fact. Your lord has a lot, so don’t be familiar with him.” The old man with red nose hesitated and said again.

“As long as he doesn’t mess with me, I will naturally not care about him, but if there is another time, I may not be able to keep it.” Wang Teng glanced at him and said.

“Yes.” There was a drop of cold sweat on the forehead of the red nose, and he nodded repeatedly.

“Hmph, the adults don’t care, the adults are magnanimous, you tell him, before you do it next time, let him think clearly, don’t offend people who shouldn’t offend.” Rodney snorted coldly.

“You should be clear about his situation. That’s why he is so sensitive to the two words’adult’, so don’t care about him.” The red nose old man said.

Rodney snorted again, but stopped talking.

The old man with the red nose sighed and left.

Wang Teng ignored the content of their conversation and led Zi Ye into the room.

Rodney opened his mouth behind his back, but in the end he said nothing.

In the room, Wang Teng took a look at the situation in the room, and said to Zi Ye: “You are away from home, you will have a room with me tonight, uh… you sleep in bed.”

Zi Ye looked at the only bed, tilted his head, and suddenly asked, “Aren’t you sleeping with me?”

Wang Teng tried to get a bottle of drink and drank it. Hearing these words, he suddenly sprayed: “Puff…cough cough cough cough, don’t talk nonsense, I, I want to practice, yes, I want to practice!”

“Oh.” Zi Ye gave him a strange look, wondering why he suddenly reacted so strongly?

This person is weird!

Wang Teng immediately sat down cross-legged on the sofa, closed his eyes, and was immersed in the property panel.

【Earth Force*50 (Black)】

This is the attribute bubble he just got from the hybrid named Dalle.

Unlike the pure Dark Force or the Five Elements Force, this turned out to be a mixed type of Force.

“Mixed race?” Wang Teng thoughtfully, feeling quite interesting.

However, after this mixed force entered his body, it was automatically divided into the dark force and the earth force, and it did not exist in a mixed form.

But when the two were separated, Wang Teng used this to gain insight into the mystery of the mixed force.

He believed that as long as he picked up the Hybrid Force a few times, he would surely be able to master it quickly.

Wang Teng quickly remembered the “sword storm” he created before.

The same is to mix the power of various attributes, but although he successfully used it once, there is still a very high failure rate. Last time in the martial arts competition, he almost failed.

If you can now master the mystery of the mixed force, you can definitely increase your success rate, or even master it thoroughly.

And this must fall on these mixed races.

People sit at home, and the pot comes from the sky!

The mixed race may not know that someone has been eyeing them.

Wang Teng touched his chin, and a wavy smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

He seemed to feel that his smile was a little wretched, he immediately reduced his smile, gave a dry cough, and then stopped thinking about it, and entered a state of cultivation.

The next day.

The three left the tavern, and Wang Teng reappeared as Viscount Snow, and took Rodney to the city lord’s mansion in Black Raven City.

The City Lord’s Mansion is a magnificent castle-like building, covering a very wide area. Although it is daytime, it has a gloomy feeling.

As he walked, Zi Ye suddenly stopped.

“What’s wrong?” Wang Teng asked differently.

Zi Ye pulled Wang Teng’s sleeve and pointed to the stone wall outside the castle. There was a notice posted there. At this moment, many people were watching.

Wang Teng looked suspicious and walked over with them, using his secret energy to line up the crowd.

Those dark species felt that his strength was strong, and they dared not say anything, so they could only make a way out.

When Wang Teng saw the content on the notice, his face suddenly went black.

“Damn, the female devil of the Dark Nightmare Lord is really lingering.” Wang Teng cursed involuntarily in his heart.

It turned out that this notice was used to want Wang Teng, with his portrait and some introduction descriptions on it.

And this notice has spread to various cities, that is to say, almost all the dark species now know that a human has mixed into their world.

The notice also said that if you find Wang Teng, you will be rewarded by the Dark Nightmare Lord, and both status and wealth will be at your fingertips.

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