Chapter 498 Greystone Town

Zi Ye’s eyes widened, looking at Wang Teng who had completely changed his appearance, with deep surprise in his eyes, and he circled Wang Teng several times.

“It’s alright, it turned my head dizzy.” Wang Teng said in a bad mood.

“Oh.” Zi Ye stopped in front of him.

“Call me Viscount Snow from now on, remember?” Wang Teng exhorted again.

“Yeah!” Zi Ye nodded.

Wang Teng patted her head with satisfaction, then turned to the four corpses of the blood race, and took off a scarlet ring from Viscount Snow.

He just learned through the skill of ‘Confusing the Heart’ that these blood races were not simply here to hunt, but for the secrets left by a certain ‘blood race ancestor’ tens of thousands of years ago.

I have to mention here that most blood races have a habit of hiding various treasures in dark corners, and they are very keen to find the treasures left by these predecessors.

Of course, it seems that almost all creatures like treasure hunting, which is both exciting and rich.

Wang Teng’s eyes flashed, and his mental power penetrated into the scarlet ring that had become ownerless due to the death of Viscount Snow, swept across it, and took out an old scroll of animal skins.

He opened it and looked at it. It was a complex ancient font, which looked elegant and complicated.

The problem is that Wang Teng doesn’t know a word.

This is not the most common dark language.

He shook his head, put it away, and decided to have a chance to translate it again. As for the so-called ‘blood ancestor’ secret store, it’s actually not that attractive to him, after all, he is not a blood race.

The most urgent thing is to find a way home!

Next, he searched for the bodies of the four dark species of the blood race. Except for some black spar, there was nothing valuable, and even the other three blood races didn’t even have a space ring, which was a complete poor ghost.

“This should be the dark rough stone.” Wang Teng muttered to himself, playing with the black spar in his hand, feeling the dark force in it.

After a few glances, he lost interest and made sure that there was no omission. Then he flicked his fingers, and the cyan flame fell on the four corpses of the blood race, and instantly swallowed them, leaving no bones and dregs left after a while.

The fire of heaven and earth is so awesome!

“Let’s go!” Wang Teng picked up Zi Ye’s collar again, rushed to the sky, and flew in the direction of the blood family named Snow before.

In less than half an hour, a town appeared in front of him. It was the Greystone Town that Snow said.

The town’s walls and buildings are all cast of a kind of gray stone, with a unique style, which probably gives this town its name.

But the houses in the town are basically stone fort-like buildings. Wang Teng looked at it and saw no figures. It seemed a little desolate and clear.

Wang Teng fell outside the town, and walked towards ‘Greystone Town’.

Although the town is sparsely popular, there are still dark species guards at the gate.

Viscount Snow, who saw Wang Teng’s changes, flashed a little surprise in his eyes, but he still stroked his chest with his hands, bowed to a kinship-specific courtesy, and said respectfully: “My lord Viscount!”

“Yeah.” Wang Teng had already understood Snow’s character, and nodded coldly at the moment, showing the power of the Viscount Lord, and then calmly walked over in front of a few blood races.

Like a little slave, Zi Ye followed closely behind Wang Teng, lowered his head, and followed closely.

When she first left the forest, she didn’t have any fear, but at this time she was in an extremely strange environment, and when she encountered more dark seeds, she became a little nervous.

So her appearance at this time is not all pretended.

Seeing the two walking far away, several blood races started talking in a low voice.

“Master Snow has just left, why did he come back so soon?”

“And I remember Master Snow brought three guards, right? Where did they go?”

“Okay, let’s interrupt in the matter of your lord.”

“By the way, Master Snow also brought a young mixed breed back. I don’t know what to do. Could it be…hehehe!”

Several dark voices spread far into Wang Teng’s ears, causing the corners of his mouth to twitch twice, and he glanced at Zi Ye without a trace.

Bah, innocent!

Get rid of all these dark species sooner or later!

According to the information obtained by questioning, Wang Teng looked for Viscount Snow’s residence while looking at the situation in Greystone Town.

I have to say that in this dark world, even the towns seem very dark and weird. Wang Teng walked along, feeling like he had entered a dead town, lifeless, and the sky was dim without sunlight, as if everything They all looked very dull.

One or two ragged figures flashed occasionally in the alleys on both sides of the street. When they saw Wang Teng’s transformed Viscount Snow, their eyes flashed with fear, and then their eyes fell on Zi Ye behind him.

One after another, gazes peeked out from the various alleys, peeking at Zi Ye, there seemed to be many things in those gazes.

Zi Ye keenly felt these gazes, couldn’t help but stop, and looked into the alley.

“Go!” Wang Teng coldly shouted in front without looking back.

“Oh.” Zi Ye replied, and quickly followed.

Before long, the two came to the largest castle building in the middle of the town. Greystone Town is the fief of Viscount Snow, and its residence is not difficult to find.

Wang Teng took out a token from the scarlet ring, swiped it on the door, and the door slowly opened.

Wang Teng stepped into it first.

“My lord, you are back!” In the dark castle hall, two rows of maids in black and white costumes saluted him respectfully under the leadership of a blood clan in housekeeper costumes.

“My dear, Snow will enjoy this too much, right.” Wang Teng swept his eyes, and his tongue was stunned in his heart.

The maids of the blood race in front of them are, without exception, the best in appearance, placed on Earth Star, they are definitely the goddess-level figures in the minds of countless otaku licking dogs.

“Well, has my room been cleaned?” Wang Teng asked indifferently, unmoved.

“My lord, it’s been cleaned up.” The kinsman wearing a housekeeper’s costume led the way. It was Anne, the housekeeper of this old castle.

It is worth mentioning that it is a female blood family with a huge weapon.

Wang Teng glanced at it without a trace, then faintly retracted his gaze—Snow of the dog day!

After crossing a long corridor, she came to a bedroom, and Annie respectfully opened the door for Wang Teng.

“You go down first, I didn’t call, don’t bother me.” Wang Teng said indifferently.

“Yes!” Annie glanced at Zi Ye ambiguously with a pair of fox-like eyes, then turned and left.

The corner of Wang Teng’s eyes twitched.

Damn, what kind of look is that? ?

Too lazy to care about a blood family, Wang Teng walked into the bedroom with Zi Ye.

He found that the space in this bedroom was huge, with dark black wooden desks, unknown leather sofas, goose down beds, etc., all equipped.

Wang Teng let out a suffocating breath and said to Ziye: “You play by yourself for a while, don’t run around.”

Zi Ye nodded and looked around curiously.

Wang Teng stopped paying attention to her, and turned around in the room, the eyes of spiritual vision opened, and he scanned the surroundings, and found no problems, then he sat down at the desk.

There were many simple books on the desk and in the bookcase behind him. Wang Teng flipped through them. Some were written in dark language, and some were written in another language he didn’t recognize.

He took a dark language book that he could understand. This book was a popular product, but the content on it was a brief history of the abyssal world that Wang Teng badly needed.

If you want to leave this world, you have to understand it first before you can find a way.

For the next time, Wang Teng was completely immersed in the books, until Zi Ye came over and pulled his clothes.

He raised his head suspiciously.

“I’m hungry!” Zi Ye said.

Wang Teng was taken aback, looked at the sky outside, it was completely dark, making the already gloomy world appear darker and deeper.

A huge scarlet full moon hung high in the night sky, and the light red moonlight was scattered on the ground like a tulle.

The full moon seemed to hang overhead, and Wang Teng could even see the crater and scar-like rugged mountains above.

“Is it so late?” Wang Teng smiled bitterly, stretched his waist, took out the star beast meat from the space ring and grilled it on the spot.

He knows that the blood race generally feeds on blood. Naturally, he and Ziye cannot drink blood like beasts. Fortunately, there are a lot of star beast meat and other dry food in his space ring, which is enough for him to eat for a long time.

Under the craftsmanship of Master Chef Wang Tengling, the delicious barbecue was quickly baked. He also took out the drinks, and sat around the table with Zi Ye, enjoying themselves.


Suddenly, a figure bumped in from outside the window…

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