Chapter 497 Viscount Snow

In the Abyssal World, there is an unwritten rule, or to be more precise, it should be a conventional rule.

That is, purebreds are generally more noble than mixed breeds!

Among the dark races, blood is almost the main factor determining everything.

Origin, talent, status, these all depend on blood.

In the eyes of the pure-blooded dark species, the mixed-race species have always been humble slaves, and the bugs in the mud are the objects they can drive at will.

As long as they don’t enter the Warlord level, the mixed breed must bow its head when facing the purebred breed.

Moreover, many hybrids are blood foods and slaves raised in captivity by purebreds.

Mixed-breeds cannot get the corresponding resources, basically it is impossible to reach the rank of warlord, and can only be succumbed to pure-bloods and be enslaved by them forever.

In this world, there is never fairness to mixed races.

Therefore, when these four dark species saw the appearance of the two Wang Teng, they showed the proud expression of “God is first, I am second.”

Because they look right, they are standard for mixed races.

Obviously these four dark species regarded Wang Teng and Ziye as objects that could be slaughtered at will.

But they didn’t expect that the strength of the’hybrid species’ in front of them was so strong that they would defeat all four of them with a single punch.

With such strength, they have only been seen in 9-star combat soldiers and even adults of higher realm.

This shows that the ‘hybrid species’ in front of him at least has the strength of a 9-star warrior.

But… when did such a strong person appear in the mixed race? ?

The four-headed Blood Race Dark Species looked at each other, and a deep horror and inconceivability appeared in their eyes, and they couldn’t help asking the biggest doubt in their hearts:

“who are you?”

Wang Teng glanced at them and stretched out his hand. A big rock flew in the distance and fell in front of them. Then Wang Tengshi sat down and said lightly: “Now I ask, you answer!”

“Do you understand?”

A trace of humiliation flashed in the eyes of the four dark species. The 7-star warrior-level blood family was clearly the leader. He couldn’t help but say: “Your Excellency, since you already have this level of strength, you deserve to be respected. I, Viscount Snow, are willing to do so I apologize to you for your recklessness and disrespect…”

Before he could finish his words, a gleaming golden shadow quickly magnified in his eyes, and then called on his handsome pale face.


This blood race slammed into the soil, his butt was pushed up high, his hands and feet twitched unconsciously, showing how painful it really was.

The muscles on the faces of the other three blood races twitched, and they looked at the ‘pure blood’ in horror. They never thought he would be so cruel.

Zi Ye’s eyes lit up, and he looked at the blood family who was photographed into the soil, and then at the golden tiles in Wang Teng’s hands, as if he had discovered a new world.

The blood clan supported the ground with his hands, and forcibly pulled his head out of the soil.

Its hair was messy, blood was flowing out of its forehead and nose, and it looked extremely embarrassed, and a trace of shame and resentment flashed in its eyes.

“Do you not understand what I said?” Wang Teng looked at it and asked.

Viscount Snow scolded his mother.

The ‘hybrid race’ in front of him didn’t play the card according to common sense. He had already admitted to apologize, but still wanted to fight it. The dignified viscount of the blood clan had never been so aggrieved.

And this bastard is too dark!

It’s an insult to shoot it directly into the soil!

However, this “hybrid” of unknown origin is obviously very different from the usual servile hybrids. Faced with this pure-blood with the rank of viscount, they dare to start, either a fool or a lunatic.

But no matter what it is, the best way is not to offend him.

When he returned to his territory, there were naturally countless ways to kill him.

So it nodded honestly and stopped speaking.

A trace of regret flashed in Wang Teng’s eyes, but he no longer wasted time and asked directly: “Where are you from?”

“…” A few drops of cold sweat suddenly appeared on the dark foreheads.

What do those regretful eyes mean? ?

The leading kin flashed his gaze and was about to answer, but he heard the “hybrid” in front of him throwing the golden brick in his hand and said: “Think about it well, I will find you lie to me later, I’m not so good at talking. NS.”

“Langtou Ridge, Greystone Town!” said the leading kin without hesitation.

“What are you doing here?” Wang Teng continued to ask.


Then, under Wang Teng’s cross-examination, the four-headed blood race actually spoke out the things he asked very honestly.

Wang Teng learned a lot of useful information from it, and at the same time, he also knew what the so-called mixed-breed and pure-blood were all about.

All in all, pretty fucking!

And he also guessed that why Zi Ye’s mother came to the forest alone with her young Zi Ye to survive, probably has a lot to do with this insurmountable class.

Wang Teng glanced at Zi Ye thoughtfully, who looked back at him ignorantly.

He retracted his gaze, and a strange red light flashed in his eyes.


Under his powerful mental power, the leading kin was instantly lost.

Wang Teng asked a few key questions again. Except that their purpose was not to hunt, the other answers were no different from the previous answers, so I won’t ask more.

The leader of the blood race shook all over, and suddenly woke up. He looked like a ghost, and shouted in horror: “How can you know my blood race’s talent skills?”

The other three kinsmen were taken aback for a moment, and finally knew what had happened, looking at Wang Teng in astonishment.

This hybrid species has the unique talent skills of their blood race, and even used them in turn.

“The dead know what so much.” Wang Teng glanced at them, his eyes cold.

The four-headed blood race looked terrified, and withdrew violently without even thinking about it.

“If you kill us, all the purebreds will regard you as a public enemy, and they will kill you soon afterwards.” The leading kinsmen ran away and said loudly.

“Just a few of us here, killing you, who knows I did it?” Wang Teng stood there, jokingly.

“You, you…” The leading blood clan was speechless, feeling that what this ‘hybrid’ said was so reasonable that it couldn’t refute it.

It never expected that there were mixed races who would dare to kill purebreds.

This guy is definitely a lunatic!

As a result, they escaped faster, and they used all their milk-feeding strength, and they just wanted to quickly stay away from this lunatic.


Suddenly, the four dark species that were fleeing all shocked, and a blood flower burst out from their temples.

Their bodies were stiff, the expressions on their faces were frozen, and they fell to the ground, and they couldn’t die anymore.

“For all uncertainties, I prefer to erase them directly!”

Wang Teng looked silent, stretched out his hand, a stream of light fell on his hand, it was the meteor cone!

Several attribute bubbles fell on the ground and were picked up by him.

【Dark Force*160】

【Dark Force*140】


【Dark Force*145】



Wang Teng’s eyes flashed, his body slowly changed, and he changed into another appearance in an instant, and he said to Zi Ye: “From now on, call me Viscount Snow!”

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