Chapter 499 Adult, she’s still young!

The sudden uninvited guests made the atmosphere in the room into extreme embarrassment.

Wang Teng and Xiao Ziye were holding barbecued meat in their mouths, and they looked dumbfounded and turned their heads to look at the person in front of them.

The man was wrapped in a slightly tattered black cloak, and his wide hood shrouded his face in the shadows.

The light red moonlight outside the window fell in from behind him, making his back more mysterious.

Of course, if you ignore his body that suddenly stiffened because of seeing someone in the room, everything would be perfect.

Perfect break-in, perfect landing, but unfortunately also perfectly discovered…

A look of interest suddenly appeared in Wang Teng’s eyes, and an aura flashed in the depths of his pupils, opening the eyes of spiritual vision, and immediately saw that this person was only a 5-star combat soldier-level strength.

And there is an aura close to Xiao Ziye…

“Sorry, I went wrong!”

As if feeling Wang Teng’s playful gaze, a hoarse voice came from under the cloak, and then he slowly got up and carefully retreated toward the window sill.

It can be felt that his eyes have been fixed on the transformed Viscount Snow from Wang Teng, as if he was afraid that he would suddenly do something.

“It’s all here, why leave in such a hurry.” Wang Teng smiled lightly.

Hearing this sound, the pupils of the figure under the black cloak shrank, and the speed surged, and he wanted to jump out of the window sill to escape.

But at this moment, he was completely stiff, and he couldn’t move at all!

He was shocked, looking at Wang Teng who was smiling, and exclaimed: “What did you do?”

He felt as if his body was bound by an invisible force, unable to move at all.

That is Wang Teng’s mental power!

“Let’s talk about it, what are you doing here?” Wang Teng ignored his question and asked instead.

“No, I didn’t do anything. I just accidentally strayed into this place and disturbed the dinner for both of you. I’m very sorry, but it’s really just like this.” The black robe man was nervous, but still said stiffly.

“Haha!” Wang Teng sneered, decided to cool him off, and turned his head to continue eating.

Seeing that Xiao Ziye was still looking at him, she broke her head back, “Leave him alone, fill up your stomach first!”

“Oh!” Zi Ye replied, and finally remembered the delicious food, stuffed the barbecue into his mouth, and started to eat.

After getting along these days, Wang Teng gradually discovered that this little thing is actually a foodie, with a small belly and a lot of food.

The two of them ate faster than the other, as if they were afraid that each other would steal all the food.

The strong smell of food wafts in the room.


Suddenly, a very clear sound rang in the room.

Wang Teng and Xiao Ziye turned their heads together and looked at someone in a black robe standing upright in front of the window sill.

“He seems to be hungry!” Wang Teng said.

“Yeah.” Zi Ye nodded solemnly.

“Forget it, leave him alone, we don’t have enough to eat ourselves.” Wang Teng said.

“Yeah.” Zi Ye nodded seriously.

So the two speeded up, and the wind rolled in the clouds, the barbecue, drinks, etc. on the table quickly disappeared.


Are these two guys the devil?

The black-robed man was crazy in his heart, and he seriously doubted whether coming here tonight was a terribly wrong decision.



At this moment, two very similar full hiccups came from his ears.

Wang Teng and Xiao Ziye ate and drank enough before they came to the black robe man, took off his hood, and revealed a slightly pale, wrinkled old man’s face.

When he saw his appearance, Wang Teng was slightly stunned.

“Mixed race!”

“Master Viscount, I really just broke in unintentionally. Your lord has a large number, just let me go. I can be your slave, as long as you don’t think I am old.” The mixed-race old man showed a humble expression and laughed dryly.

“How can this old guy look so shameless!” Wang Teng glanced at him. Although his expression was very humble, the trace of cunning flashing in his eyes could not hide from Wang Teng’s eyes.

“It looks like you don’t plan to tell the truth.” Wang Teng smiled coldly, a red light flashed in his eyes.

“Not good!” The mixed-race old man immediately recognized the blood clan’s “confusing mind”, was shocked, and closed his eyes very quickly, trying to avoid Wang Teng’s eyes with this method.

It’s a pity that he still underestimated Wang Teng. If he were the real Viscount Snow, he would really not be able to be recruited without looking at each other, but Wang Teng’s mental power was too strong and directly pierced into his mind.

The mixed-race old man let out a scream, and was suddenly involuntarily controlled by Wang Teng.

He opened his eyes, his pupils dilated and confused.

“Explain your purpose?” Wang Teng said.

“I came to rescue the young mixed race.” The mixed race old man said.

Wang Teng couldn’t help but stared at Zi Ye.

This result was indeed beyond his expectation.

Zi Ye heard this answer, but didn’t respond, just staring at the mixed-race old man dumbly.

“What about after being rescued?” Wang Teng asked again.

“Greystone Town is the territory of Viscount Snow. After rescuing the young mixed race, we can only escape to other places to survive.” The mixed race old man said.

“How many of you are there?” Wang Teng asked with a move in his heart.

“There are hundreds of mixed races living in Greystone Town, but many of them have been completely enslaved, and they are unwilling to leave.” The mixed race old man said.

Wang Teng was silent for a while, and then asked a few more questions, and then relieved the mind-confuse skills.

The mixed-race old man woke up, his face was pale, his headache was distraught, and he gradually understood what had happened, and looked at Wang Teng desperately.

“I’ve been hiding for so many years, but I didn’t expect to fall into the hands of your blood.” The mixed-race old man sighed, his expression finally becoming extremely calm.

“He is not a blood clan.” Zi Ye said suddenly.

“It’s not a blood clan, what’s a joke, how could Viscount Snow not be a blood clan.” The mixed-race old man glanced at Zi Ye and seemed to think her innocence was ridiculous, and said, “Don’t be fooled by him. None of these mixed-races are good. Things, they just treat our mixed race as slaves and playthings.”

“I have a question, how did you survive until now when you broke into someone’s bedroom so stupid as you?” Wang Teng asked jokingly.

The mixed-race old man blushed: “This is an accident!”

“Forget it, I don’t bother to care about you.” Wang Teng shook his head and said, “But Ziye should stay with me, it’s better than wandering around with you.”

“My lord, she is still young, please let her go.” The mixed-race old man glanced at Zi Ye, a trace of sorrow flashed in his eyes, and couldn’t help begging.

“…” Wang Teng.

Why does this sound weird!

Damn, is he the kind of person who would do bad things to little kids?

There is no trust at all between people!

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