Chapter 496: Sin! Sin!

【Dark Force*56】

【Blank attribute*80】

Killing the big black fish, two attribute bubbles fell out, and were swept back by the mental power, Wang Teng picked it up directly.

Then he turned his head and glanced at the little thing, and said with an aura: “What are you doing in a daze? Why don’t you wash it!”

“Oh oh!” The little thing nodded blankly, then took off his clothes silly, and began to become clear.

It finally understood that this mysterious big guy was very powerful. As long as he was by his side, the powerful existences it feared before, now there is no need to worry at all.

Wang Teng quickly finished the bath, walked to the shore, evaporated the water on his body with the force of the fire system, and then put on his clothes.

The little thing also climbed onto the shore, but his body was bare, and he was about to put on his original tattered animal skin.


Wang Teng suddenly widened his eyes and was dumbfounded.

This little thing turned out to be a girl’s paper!

After the shower, under that dark look turned out to be a pale and delicate face!

Wang Teng quickly closed his eyes.

Sin! Sin!

The little thing didn’t feel anything, and soon put on the clothes, then stared at Wang Teng.

Wang Teng opened his eyes and looked at the little thing carefully.

Her ears are a bit pointed, and her pupils are slightly dark purple, and the rest is no different from ordinary humans.

She has black hair, which looks very straight after washing, and it hangs on her back wet.

Wang Teng stroked his chin.

Not to mention, this little guy looks pretty delicate!

Except for some malnutrition, nothing else.


Wang Teng gave a dry cough, and quickly got rid of the strange thoughts in his mind. He didn’t have any interest in the little kid.

Having said that, after his feeding these days, at least some meat has grown, otherwise he will be thinner.

Wang Teng thought for a while and decided to take her with her first to see where she came from!

He directly carried the small thing by the collar, then flew into the sky, recognized the direction, and flew out of the forest.

The little thing didn’t look scared at all, staring at the scenery flying by below, with a curious expression on his face.

“what’s your name?”

At this time, a flat voice came from her ear.

She looked up at Wang Teng, tilted her head, and said, “Zi Ye!”

“Zi Ye!” Wang Teng looked down at her purple pupils, nodded thoughtfully as if he knew the reason, and asked, “Who made it for you?”

He originally thought that this wild boy had no name, but when he asked, he really asked.

“Me, mother!” Zi Ye said.

Wang Teng was silent for a while, already guessing that Zi Ye’s mother might be dead, otherwise she would not be left behind.

So he turned around and asked, “Did your mother bring you to this forest?”

“Yeah!” Zi Ye nodded.

Wang Teng didn’t ask any more, Zi Ye didn’t speak any more, just looked at everything around her with curiosity. This was the first time she stayed away from the small nest.

After flying for more than half an hour, the two of Wang Teng gradually approached the edge of the forest.

At this time, under the glance of his spiritual vision, several force light clusters appeared in the forest below.

There are a total of four light groups, judged by strength, three of which are at the 6-star warrior level, and one is at the 7-star warrior level.

Wang Teng’s eyes flashed, and Zi Ye fell down.

This is a dark species of the four-headed blood race, with two males and two females, and naturally looks very outstanding.

Seeing that the two of Wang Teng were not far in front of them, they immediately showed a look of alertness.

Wang Teng was not that stupid either. In the world of darkness, he would naturally act in a low-key manner. It was impossible to stupidly expose his human identity, so he had just been using the Dark Force.

The Four-Headed Blood Race Dark Species had no doubts. At first, seeing them falling from a high altitude and able to fly in the air, at least the strength of 7-star warrior level or above, I thought it was a strong one, so I didn’t dare to neglect it in the slightest.

But after seeing the appearance of the two of them, those vigilance was immediately reduced, his face couldn’t help showing arrogance, his eyes were full of contempt, and he said, “Mixed-blood!”

“Mixed race?” Wang Teng’s heart moved, he looked at himself and then at Zi Ye.

Is this talking about the two of them?

Isn’t it a misunderstanding of these few dark seeds?

“Who are you?” Wang Teng asked.

“Presumptuous, where do you come from a mixed race, when you encounter a purebred, you have to kneel down and bow down, don’t you know?” One of the dark species sneered coldly.

Wang Teng frowned suddenly.

Mrs. Gan Lin actually wanted him to kneel and bow!

Could these dark species live impatiently?

Seeing that he was motionless, the bloody dark species even showed a look of disdain on their faces, as if they had been greatly offended, and they were immediately furious: “You are looking for death!”

Two of the dark species suddenly flashed, and they directly moved their hands and rushed towards Wang Teng.

Wang Teng was stunned again, stunned in his heart.

Are these dark species so reckless?

Didn’t figure out his strength, dare to rush forward like this?

He couldn’t help looking at the other two dark species, only to see them standing flat on the spot, seemingly not worried about Wang Teng’s fight back.

Where is the superiority of these dark species?

Two dark species appeared in front of Wang Teng, seeing him actually ignoring them, the killing intent in his eyes was even more serious, there was no pity on his face, their palms were glowing with blood red light, and they grabbed Wang Teng’s heart.

“Get out!” Wang Teng’s expression was cold, and he suddenly shot.

Snapped! Snapped!

Two clear applause suddenly sounded, and the two dark blood species were suddenly fanned out more than ten meters away.


They fell heavily on the ground, and they couldn’t help but spit out a few teeth, and their pale and handsome faces suddenly swelled up and their faces were stunned.

“You, do you dare to hit us?” The two dark species were frightened and angry, as if Wang Teng shot them at something extremely incredible.

“Is there a problem with hitting you?” Wang Teng said coldly.

“Do you know what you are doing, dare to do something to the pureblood, there is no place for you in the entire abyss world.” The other two dark species of the blood race who had not done anything before looked at Wang Teng coldly and said.

“Abyss World!” Wang Teng was unmoved by his words, but he noticed the world name mentioned in his mouth, and he was a little surprised.

“Bastard, didn’t you hear what we said?” The four dark-headed species were furious, and never a mixed-breed dared to be so presumptuous in front of a pure-blood. Could this kid be frustrated?

“Oh, it’s not a race, you can’t even communicate!” Wang Teng sighed in his heart, his body moved, and his whole body disappeared in place.

The dark complexion of the four heads changed greatly, and they mobilized the dark force in their bodies, and the black light on their bodies flickered, and they immediately defended.

“Many arm as a car!”

Wang Teng sneered, and the dark force surged and punched out.


The four dark faces were shocked, and they were blasted out immediately, vomiting blood.

“who are you?”

They looked at Wang Teng with horror on their faces, and the arrogance on their faces finally disappeared.

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