Chapter 51 The Attention of Two Big Brothers

When Fu Tiandao and Qin Hanxuan were chatting, there was a noise from the computer in the office

“What’s the matter?” Fu Tiandao looked at Qin Hanxuan.

“I’ll take a look.” Qin Hanxuan got up and walked to the computer desk, and saw a piece of information popping out from the computer.

The eyes swept away, and I couldn’t help being surprised.

“Old Fu, come and take a look!” He shouted at Fu Tiandao over there.

Fu Tiandao got up and walked over.

“At the age of seventeen, I have become a warrior!” Seeing the information on the computer, Fu Tiandao was also a little surprised.

When he saw Wang Teng’s name, his brows frowned slightly.

“Wang Teng, this name is a bit familiar!”

“Why, do you know him?” Qin Hanxuan asked in surprise.

Fu Tiandao thought for a while, and then suddenly said: “I remember, the person below handed over a data report a few days ago. If it is not the same name and surname, I think that data report should belong to him.”

“Turn on the monitor to see if it’s the same person.”

Qin Hanxuan manipulated the computer, and suddenly the situation of Wang Teng’s room was projected on the opposite wall.

“Yes, it’s him, the same as in the photo.” Fu Tiandao recognized Wang Teng immediately.

“By the way, what data did you just say?” Qin Hanxuan asked.

“That data shows that within a month of entering our martial arts gym, this kid was promoted from an ordinary person to a senior warrior.” Fu Tiandao said.

“Haha, Wang Teng must have started training before he came to your martial arts gym. Look at his information, the third generation of the East Sea King’s family should have no shortage of resources for him to practice martial arts.” Qin Hanxuan smiled.

“I think so too. I wanted to observe and observe again. I didn’t expect that he has become a martial artist. It seems that he is indeed a genius.” Fu Tiandao exclaimed.

Seventeen-year-old warriors are rare!

“It seems that this martial arts test is going to be a big black horse.” Qin Hanxuan said with a smile.

“Let’s take a look at that time?” Even though Fu Tiandao maintained an indifferent appearance, he was still quite concerned about this.

“Okay, go together!”

Wang Teng didn’t know that he had just become a warrior, and he gained the attention of two big brothers. It was really terrifying!

Ten minutes later, the martial arts card is completed.

Looking at the black notebook in his hand, Wang Teng couldn’t help but smile.

Put on the bump Man mask and left the Budo Association.

When I returned to school, the last class in the morning was not over, everyone was in class, and Wang Teng did not disturb the teacher.

Come to the small forest, enter the martial arts ID number on Taobao, pay and place an order.

This [Master Lu] is also awesome, there is no martial artist’s certificate number, and if you don’t place an order, don’t go with the money if you have trouble with it!

Forget it, look at the other person’s tone, it’s probably not bad for money!

After placing the order, Wang Teng sent a message urging: “The order is placed, hurry up and ship!”

“Okay, dear ε=(´ο`*)))”

The opposite immediately replied.

Soon after class was over, Wang Teng and Xu Jie joined together and went to the cafeteria to eat. They ran into Li Rongcheng and Yuan Zhenghua who had not seen each other for a few days.

When Li Rongcheng saw Wang Teng, his face didn’t look good.

Especially after that day, Zhou Baiyun even asked him to inquire about Wang Teng.

Originally Zhou Baijun valued him very much, and Li Rongcheng also believed that he had a chance to win the heart of that Zhou family’s third lady, and later married Bai Fumei and embarked on the pinnacle of life.

The Zhou family will definitely be a big help for him.

When that happens, Li Rongcheng will be a man with a face in the East China Sea, not just a rich second generation who depends on his father.

But Wang Teng and Wang Teng again. The appearance of this guy stole the limelight that should have belonged to him. Even Zhou Baiyun became interested in Wang Teng.


Li Rongcheng was annoyed.

“Shao Li, come to eat too.” Wang Teng greeted Li Rongcheng casually when he saw Li Rongcheng.

“Humph!” Li Rongcheng snorted and walked away.

“What’s the matter? Where did I provoke him again?” Wang Teng said with a bewildered expression, rushing to Xu Jie beside him.

“Who knows!” Xu Jie shrugged.

During the lunch break, Wang Teng practiced in the grove, and did not return to the class until class time.

Anyway, it’s the last day of this week. It’s not like giving the teacher some face.

The three classes ended soon.

After school, Wang Teng got up to go home, but was stopped by Lin Chuhan.

“You, wait for me.” She bit her lower lip, looking a little embarrassed, but finally shouted with courage.

Wang Teng had already noticed that she was a little absent-minded, and when he saw her stop himself at this time, he stopped to see what she wanted to say?

Lin Chuhan finished packing his schoolbags and walked out of the classroom with Wang Teng.

The two went to a place with no one.

Lin Chuhan fell into hesitation again, his expression constantly changing, helpless for a while, and resolute for a while.

“If you have any difficulties, just talk about it?” Wang Teng whispered.

Maybe it was Wang Teng’s soft attitude that made Lin Chuhan sure. She took a deep breath and said, “Can you…could you lend me some money?”

She said these words as if she was discouraged, and a trace of helplessness and bitterness flashed in her heart.

“How much to borrow?” Wang Teng looked at her and suddenly felt faintly moved in his heart.

This girl is not easy!

He believed that Lin Chuhan must have come to the point where there was no way to borrow money, otherwise, with her self-esteem, she would not even be able to speak such words.

“Ten, one hundred and fifty thousand!” Lin Chuhan was a little embarrassed, and hurriedly said: “I know a lot, but I will pay you back as soon as possible. After the college entrance examination, I will go to work, as soon as I have money… …”

Wang Teng couldn’t help being a little surprised.

It was not because of what, but because he was a little wondering why Lin Chuhan would need so much money?

But he didn’t ask much, he took out his phone and said directly: “Give me your Alipay account, and I will transfer it to you now.”

“…I’ll give it back to you!” Before Lin Chuhan finished speaking, he suddenly raised his head when he heard Wang Teng’s words. His eyes suddenly turned red. He took a breath, calmed himself down, and said with a strong smile: “Thank you!”

“I will return it to you soon.”

She emphasized this sentence again, as if only in this way could she retain the little self-esteem in her heart.

“Don’t worry, you do what you can.” Wang Teng nodded, scanned her Alipay account, and transferred the money directly.

There are many differences in this world. For example, Alipay can support large transfers without restrictions.

Lin Chuhan thanked again, holding her mobile phone tightly, the 150,000 yuan made her feel extremely heavy in her hands. When their family saved the most money, they didn’t have that much money.

For a family like Wang Teng, one hundred or two hundred thousand may be just pocket money, but for many ordinary families, it may not be possible to save so much money for several years.

“I don’t know what difficulties she encountered?”

Wang Teng looked at the back of Lin Chuhan’s departure, and after thinking about it, he was still a little worried, so he quietly followed.

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