Chapter 52 I’ll Send A Few Flies

Wang Teng followed Lin Chuhan all the way and found that she had just returned home.

Seeing her entering the house from a distance, and about to leave, suddenly saw a group of people approaching.

The leader was a bald man in a black suit.

Followed by five or six gangsters like young people.

Wang Teng stopped immediately, lit a cigarette, and stood on the side of the road to smoke.

“What are you looking at? Huh!” The black suit bald head saw Wang Teng staring at them in a daze, and he cursed fiercely.

Wang Teng didn’t say anything, and turned his head away.

The black suit and bald head didn’t entangle, but he walked into Lin Chuhan’s house cursingly.

Lin Chuhan’s house is a three-story private house, which looks very old. The first floor is used as a store and a small grocery store has been opened.

He walked into Lin Chuhan’s grocery store with a bald head in a black suit, grabbed a bottle of Coke and took a big sip.

A middle-aged woman in the shop should be Lin Chuhan’s mother, standing beside her with a panic expression, she didn’t dare to say a word.

After a hiccup in the air, the black suit and bald head turned to look at the middle-aged woman and said, “How about it, is the money ready?”

“Boss, the guy in my family has already borrowed money from relatives and friends. You can give me a few more days.” The middle-aged woman pleaded.

“A few days of grace, I have given you three days of grace. Isn’t that enough? Huh?”

The bald head in the black suit stared at his eyes, and he kicked over a box with candies next to him. Suddenly, the box of candies flew around and scattered all over the place.

“I think you just don’t want to pay back the money?”

“Boss, it’s really not that we don’t pay it back. It’s just that the money hasn’t been collected yet, so please allow two or three more days, please!” The middle-aged woman shrank in fright and said with red eyes.

“Stop talking nonsense, if you can’t get the money today, I will smash your shop!” The black suit and bald head didn’t mean to let go.

“This…I can’t help it. Our family lives on this grocery store. My daughter has to take the college entrance examination. You smashed the store. How can we survive!” The middle-aged woman was in tears.

“Who cares how you live! It seems that you still don’t have any money today. Think of me as the one who opened a shantang. You smashed it!”

With a bald head in a black suit, sitting on a chair with a big horse, and waving a big hand, his men are about to smash the shop.

“Hold on!”

A voice came down from the building.

Lin Chuhan rushed down the stairs. She had just returned home and went to the toilet. When she came out, she heard the movement from downstairs. She hurriedly went downstairs. Sure enough, these people came back.

“Yo!” Seeing Lin Chuhan with a bald head in a black suit, his eyes lit up suddenly.

“Why are you down?”

The middle-aged woman was anxious immediately, she hurriedly blocked Lin Chuhan behind her, and bald her head in a black suit and said, “Boss, my daughter is still young. This has nothing to do with her. Don’t be familiar with him.”

“I don’t want to be small!” The black suit bald stood up, his eyes fell on Lin Chuhan’s body, a little ill-intentioned.

Lin Chuhan did not show weakness, stood up behind the middle-aged woman, and said: “Our family owes you 150,000 yuan, right? I will pay you back now. You take the money and get out of my house immediately.”

“Haha, the tone is not small, can you have 150,000?” The black suit bald head smiled contemptuously.

“You girl, where did we get so much money.” Lin Chuhan’s mother frowned, thinking she was messing around, and wanted to pull her back behind her.

Lin Chuhan’s mother with a black suit and bald gaze is too clear that these people are not good stubborns. His daughter is just a high school student, and it is impossible to beat them.

Lin Chuhan remained unmoved: “You take out the IOU and return it to us, and I will transfer it to you now.”

“This little girl really got the money! She is so beautiful, maybe someone really paid for her.” The bald head in the black suit muttered to herself.

Looking at Lin Chuhan’s beautiful face full of youth and vitality, his heart was fiery, he immediately had an idea, and sneered.

“Okay, as long as you pay back the money, we will leave immediately, but one hundred and fifty thousand was three days ago, and now three days have passed, let me figure it out, you will owe me… two hundred thousand!”

“How about it, little sister, is there two hundred thousand?”

“Two hundred thousand! Only three days later, how could it rise to two hundred thousand!” Lin Chuhan’s mother turned pale, and she didn’t know if she was angry or scared.

“You are shameless!” Lin Chuhan trembled with anger.

Originally, their family only borrowed 100,000, but later it was said that the interest was 50,000 for three months. Their family couldn’t afford it, so they had no choice but to admit their fate and borrow money everywhere to make money.

But over the years, relatives and friends who can borrow have all borrowed, and they all know about Lin Chuhan’s family.

Lin Chuhan’s father was paralyzed in bed, unable to work, and there was a sister who had a strange illness in the family. Only Lin Mu opened a grocery store to support the family.

Borrowing money from their family is like filling a bottomless pit. You may be able to pay back a small amount, but no one dares to borrow a larger amount.

Before Lin Chuhan finally put down his self-esteem and borrowed 150,000 from Wang Teng, he thought he could fill this bad debt.

I didn’t expect the other party to be so shameless, and now he actually said that he would add another 50,000 yuan in three days!

“Little sister, don’t talk nonsense, I’m such a decent person, how can I be considered shameless!” The black suit and bald head said indifferently.

“You are illegal, I can sue you.” Lin Chuhan gritted his teeth.

“Then you go to sue, I didn’t stop it, but it’s hard to say whether your store can be opened in the future.” The black suit bald head sneered.

“You!” Lin Chuhan pointed at him, angrily speechless.

“So you don’t want to make it, it’s difficult to do… It’s better to be like this, I still lack a girlfriend, if you want to be my woman, I won’t even want you to pay back the money.” Black suit bald head Hehe smiled.

“Impossible, don’t even think about it. Even if my store can’t go on, you don’t want to move my daughter a bit.” Mother Lin looked like a tigress with a blown up fur, protecting Lin Chuhan behind her, glaring at him. Bald head in black suit.

Lin Chuhan’s face was ugly, and there was a hint of panic in her eyes. She didn’t expect the other party to dare to pay such attention. She still underestimated the sinister heart.

“Then you blame me for being impolite…”

The bald head in the black suit smiled slyly, but before the words were finished, a voice came in from behind.

“Why are you welcome?”

The bald head in the black suit turned his head and looked: “Boy, it’s you!”

“Wang Teng!” Lin Chuhan also saw the visitor, wondering why it seemed to have found a trace of support in his heart.

“Hehe, I still knew it.” The bald head in the black suit squinted his eyes and looked at Wang Teng: “Why, do you want a hero to save the United States?”

“The hero saves the United States? It’s not counted!” Wang Teng thought for a while and said.

“Hahaha, look at him like that.” The black suit bald head suddenly laughed.

His little brothers also ridiculed and mocked.

“I just came here to send a few flies!” Wang Teng said lightly.

The bald face in the black suit was suddenly very ugly, he was actually underestimated, and the boy’s indifferent expression stung him.

“You are looking for death!” he said word by word.

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