Chapter 50 Congratulations to China!

Tokai Budo Association.

Wang Teng stood at the gate, looking at the tall buildings in front of him, a little surprised.

This is a tall building resembling an octagonal minaret, and its appearance is very distinctive and recognizable.

Across a long distance, among the many surrounding buildings, the first thing I see must be this octagonal building.

At this time, people came and went in front of the building, and many people came in and out.

Wang Teng glanced at them, and these people faintly exuded a good vibe…

“Most of these people are martial artists!” He was startled, and said secretly with confidence.

Wang Teng was also a little nervous when seeing so many warriors for the first time.

After taking a deep breath and exhaling it, he walked towards the building.

When Wang Teng stepped into the building, a pair of eyes scanned, and his eyes fell on him in amazement.

However, they couldn’t see Wang Teng’s appearance!

Because he wore a mask of concave and convex…

Everyone’s eyes are a little weird, and there are people wearing masks who come to the Budo Association for research.

After all, everyone has secrets, and some people don’t want to expose themselves.

But this is the first time I’ve seen such a weird man wearing a concave-convex mask.

This person is not here to be funny!

Fortunately, they knew that no one would dare to come to the Budo Association to find something.

And the breath specially released from Wang Teng…

I have confirmed that it is a martial artist!

So no matter how weird it is, no one comes to look for trouble in a hurry.

“Hello, I’ll take the martial arts certificate.” Wang Teng came to the front desk and said to a staff member in front of him.

The staff member raised his head and saw a bumpy face, not to mention how weird his expression was.

She suppressed her smile and nodded solemnly: “Okay, please follow me.”

Under her guidance, Wang Teng came to a room outside.

“Go in and follow the instructions on the wall to operate the machine. If there is no problem, the system will enter your identity and you can generate your martial arts certificate in less than ten minutes.” The staff member reached out and explained.

Wang Teng nodded.

After entering the room, the staff closed the door.

He glanced at it and saw the machine placed by the wall, a bit like a bank counter machine.

A sense of familiarity emerges spontaneously.

And beside the counter machine, there is a machine that looks like a sleeping cabin in a sci-fi movie.

Wang Teng used a physical fitness tester in the Pole Star Martial Arts Hall. This machine looks more complicated than the physical fitness tester in the Martial Arts Hall.

But he knew that this was also a physique tester, it was only used to test the physique of the martial artist.

The physique of the warrior has changed a lot compared to the warrior, so it is much more complicated.

The cost of this machine is at least tens of millions, which is more than ten times more expensive than a martial artist’s fitness tester.

Wang Teng took off the concave-convex mask.

According to the procedure, first come to the counter machine and put the ID card in the induction area.

“Please enter your fingerprint and pupil!”

Hearing the prompt tone, Wang Teng put his hands and ten fingers on the two palm patterns in front of him, while aiming at the camera directly in front of him.

“Fingerprint entry!”

“Dip, the pupil scan is complete!”

“Identity verification…”

After about three minutes, the beep sounded again.

“Identity confirmation-Wang Teng, aged 17 years old, a Chinese citizen, no criminal record, innocent identity…in accordance with 108 martial arts regulations, verification passed!”

“Please enter the physical fitness tester to test your physical fitness!”

Even if he knew that there was no problem with his identity, Wang Teng was still a little nervous, and he was slightly relieved when he heard the passing sound.

Then step into the physical fitness tester.

The hatch closed slowly, and his whole body was scanned.

Don’t know if it was an illusion, Wang Teng always felt that a pair of invisible hands touched him from head to toe.

At the same time, I felt the pronucleus vibrate slightly, and the original force inside was stimulated, a little restless.

The test ended soon, and the prompt sounded.

“Testing done!”

“Wang Teng, congratulations on becoming a warrior!”

“Warrior certificate is being generated, please be patient for a while.”

At the same time, a black car slowly stopped at the entrance of the Warrior Association building, and a man with hair like steel thorns walked down.

It is the master of Pole Star Martial Arts Pavilion who pays the Heavenly Sword.

A middle-aged man with a refined temperament greeted him and said with a smile: “Old Fu, it’s really hard for you to ask, I have invited you several times, and this time I agreed to come over.”

“Everything in the martial arts hall is so busy that I can’t get away from it.” Fu Tiandao said concisely.

“You!” The elegant man felt helpless, and gave him a imaginary point.

“Didn’t you say that you have prepared a good foreign world jade dragon tea? Don’t lead the way!” Fu Tiandao squinted at the elegant man and said.

“Walk around, I’ve been ready a long time ago, just waiting for you to come.” The elegant man laughed, stretched out his hand to give in, and walked into the building first.

As soon as the two left, the surrounding crowd exploded.

“That is the Master Fu Tiandao of the East China Sea Branch of Pole Star Martial Arts Hall, right?”

“It’s better to see it after hearing it, the aura is really strong!”

“Then it goes without saying, what kind of strength is that person, who can represent the Pole Star Martial Arts Hall in the city of East China Sea, which shows that its strength is strong!”

“Who is the other elegant man? He actually asked to pay the Heavenly Sword!”

“Idiot, that’s Qin Hanxuan, the president of the Donghai Branch of the Budo Association!”

“I’m going, I really don’t know Taishan, I didn’t even recognize the real person in person.”

“This is also a big man…”

The discussion was endless, Fu Tiandao and the two had gone for a long time, and everyone was still talking about their deeds.

Although the deeds of the two have long been well-known, they are iconic figures in the East China Sea, and the East China Sea people’s pursuit of them has never diminished.

While talking with Qin Hanxuan, Fu Tiandao took the elevator to the top floor of the building and came to Qin Hanxuan’s office.

As soon as I walked into the office, I saw a full wall of floor-to-ceiling windows.

Located directly in front of the gate.

From here, you can overlook the entire East China Sea, with a small view of the mountains.

There is a coffee table by the floor-to-ceiling windows.

“Sit!” Qin Hanxuan said casually.

“Your place, not bad!” Fu Tiandao walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, overlooking the busy traffic below, and said lightly.

Qin Hanxuan sat down, making tea naturally and freely, and the fragrance of tea wafted up slightly.

He said: “Well, the heights are so cold, I work here every day, and it doesn’t feel good.”

“Pretentious!” Fu Tiandao sneered.

“You, the dog can’t spit out ivory, drink tea, drink tea!” Qin Hanxuan was helpless and poured tea on him.

Futian sat down at the knife table, took a sip from the teacup, opened his closed eyes and said, “It’s really good tea!”

“Then I need to say that I gave up my old face for this tea, and then came in from the governor.” Qin Hanxuan said triumphantly.

“How is Governor Jiang now?” Fu Tiandao raised his eyebrows and asked.

“The last time I met, Governor Jiang is preparing to attack the general rank.” Qin Hanxuan looked at him.

“Oh? Are you sure?” Fu Tiandao asked quickly, his face shaking.

“According to what he said, at least 60% certainty.” Qin Hanxuan said.

“Sixty percent, it’s a bit low! Why don’t you wait anymore?” Fu Tiandao took a breath and frowned.

“I heard that Governor Li of Jinlin had entered the warlord level half a month ago!” Qin Hanxuan suddenly released a depth bomb.

“What! Seriously?” Fu Tiandao suddenly stood up.

“Sit down, sit down, of course it’s true, can I still be aimless.” Qin Hanxuan rolled his eyes and said.

“We have one more soldier, congratulate me in China!” Fu Tiandao beamed his eyes.

“Hey!” Qin Hanxuan nodded.

“It’s just that Governor Jiang is too impulsive, how can he be so arrogant.” Fu Tiandao turned back to the topic again, seemingly worried.

“You don’t know that the two have been rivals since they were in college, and they have been fighting for a lifetime. How can Governor Jiang swallow this breath?” Qin Hanxuan smiled bitterly.

“Really so!” Fu Tiandao was also helpless.

“I just hope Governor Jiang can pass this level smoothly. By then, I will be able to have one more warlord in Donghai…”

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