Chapter 495 Washed white, still a handsome white boy!

Wang Teng has been fighting for the dark and damp cave for four or five days.

I haven’t tried it, but I don’t know, it turns out that he is a strong person who can endure loneliness and can withstand harsh environments.

Well, very strong!

Considering that for the sake of his life, he abruptly endured such a long time in such an environment, and he admired himself very much.

At this time, he already felt that his injury was almost good. In an environment surrounded by dark force, the eight-armed monster that had just been acquired was like a duck in the water, making his recovery ability extremely powerful.

Coupled with the superposition of the two exercises of “Eight Extreme Magic Skills” and “Thunder Body”, his physical body recovery function can no longer be inferred by common sense.

In particular, the technique of “Thunder Body” has already tempered his physical body to a very powerful level after he practiced with the help of the Ten Thousand Thunders and Nation Array.

Sitting on the ground, Wang Teng clenched his fists, feeling that his fist might be enough to blast a 9-star warrior.

In fact, if it weren’t for the serious injury this time, with his series of abilities, the recovery time could be shortened by half.

Wang Teng is about to leave this damn small cave. If he stays in this place, he will suffer from claustrophobia.


He suddenly stretched out his hand and blasted his fist towards the top of his head.

The rhizomes of the big tree, the thick soil, were instantly blasted into the sky by him, and they fell in all directions.

Wang Teng flashed away and appeared ten meters away from the cave, and the dirt did not fall on him at all.

But the poor little guy who was still in the hole suffered.

These days, it is very comfortable, Wang Teng gives it food every day, and it is very delicious food, it does not need to go out hunting at all.

I stay in a small nest every day, either after eating or sleeping, or eating…I don’t know how comfortable my life is.

The skinny body seems to be fatter!

It is a pity that such days will be gone forever as Wang Teng’s injury completely recovered.

It was just asleep when it suddenly heard a loud noise, opened its eyes in horror, and jumped up from the ground. Before it could react, it saw its small nest ruined and a lot of dirt and grass from the sky. Smashed down.


A large piece of mud rock hit its head by accident, and it grinned in pain, with tears in its eyes.

The little thing stared blankly at its den, which became a patio, and it could see the sky when it looked up. Then it couldn’t help looking for the figure that had occupied its den for several days, and finally saw the big guy ten meters away. !

When Wang Teng met its innocent gaze, a sense of guilt suddenly rose in his heart.


MMP was momentarily excited and forgot that this is its home!

An awkward atmosphere permeated between the two sides. Wang Teng pretended to have done nothing and looked up at the sky.


The little thing crawled out of the cave, and it swore that if it hadn’t eaten his food, it would have to fight him desperately.

Wang Teng had a headache. He was about to leave here to find a way to return to the human world, but he didn’t think about how to deal with this little thing in front of him.

Just throw it here?

It seems cruel.

After a few days of getting along, Wang Teng discovered that this little thing really didn’t seem to be like a dark species.

If it is the Dark Seed, he will leave it directly without any psychological burden, but if it is not the Dark Seed, he has ‘accepted’ himself for so many days by virtue of it, and it would be hard for Wang Teng to leave it alone.

At this moment, Wang Teng looked down, and the little thing was standing five meters away, neither far nor close, looking at him with sullen eyes.

“Keep up!” Wang Teng said with a cold face.

After speaking, no matter what it thinks, it goes straight into the forest.

The little thing’s eyes flashed, and hurriedly followed.

Wang Teng released his mental power and sensed the situation in this gray forest, on the one hand to detect the existence of dangerous creatures, on the other hand to find clear water.

His body is already very dirty and smelly, and he must find a place to wash it.

There is also the little thing behind him, which is also black and sour and smells sour. I don’t know if I haven’t taken a bath in a few years.

People who didn’t know thought that these two people came out in a group to beg.

The little thing followed Wang Teng, appearing very alert, always leaning low, this is a gesture that can be evaded and attacked at any time.

When Wang Teng saw it, he knew that this little thing had lived in the forest for a long time, otherwise he could not develop such a cautious habit.

At this moment, his speed suddenly increased, and he ran towards somewhere in the forest.

The little thing was taken aback for a moment, and then the speed also accelerated suddenly, it touched the ground with its hands and feet, running like a beast.

Wang Teng was only testing its limits, otherwise at his speed, the little things would naturally not be able to keep up.

After a while, the little thing seemed to know Wang Teng’s purpose, and hurriedly shouted: “Don’t go, there, it’s dangerous!”

Wang Teng didn’t seem to hear it, and he still walked forward.

The little thing hesitated, as if thinking of some bad memory, with a look of horror on his face, but after a while he gritted his teeth and followed.

Before long, a peaceful lake appeared in front of the two of them.

Standing by the lake, Wang Teng looked back and saw that the little thing was still standing far away, not daring to approach the lake. His mental power suddenly rolled over and threw it into the lake.

And Wang Teng himself withdrew his clothes, and jumped into the icy cold lake with a ‘plop’.

The little thing poked its head out of the lake with a frightened look and a posture like a dog crawling, flopping towards the shore.

“Wash it clean, or I will leave you in the lake!” Wang Teng said coldly.

The little thing froze, looked at him and said, “There are monsters here, it’s dangerous!”

“Can’t die!” Wang Teng said, then ignored it and cleansed himself.

There are some necessary daily necessities stored in his space ring, which is just right for use at this time.

Washed white, fragrant, still a handsome white boy!

But at this moment, as if he had responded to a small thing, a black shadow suddenly emerged from under Wang Teng’s body.


A terrifying and hideous giant black fish jumped out of the water and swallowed it towards Wang Teng with its mouth wide open.

The little thing’s eyes widened and his face was full of horror.

“Looking for death!” Wang Teng snorted coldly, and opened his mouth to spit out a black ball of light, rushing towards the huge black fish.

Dark wind bomb!

The black ball of light plunged directly into the mouth of the black fish, and then the whole body of the big black fish swelled.


In the huge sound, the body of the big black fish exploded violently, and Wang Teng’s mental power rolled up all the minced meat and blood to the distance without polluting the lake at all.

The surroundings suddenly became quiet, and the lake was completely calm underneath, and the various creatures underneath that were about to move retracted into their nests, trembling and panicking.

The little thing widened his eyes, looking silently at someone who was still taking a shower.

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