Chapter 454: Admission!

However, Saberton and other dark species had no time to think about this. The terrifying flames surrounded from all sides, forming huge fire pythons, roaring towards them.

The high-level dark species of the dignified general class, at this time, is like a mouse crossing the street, chasing by the fire python, holding its head and scurrying.



Two-pronged approach, Saberton and others were tired of coping. They could hide this but not that.

From time to time, either be swallowed by the fire python, or hit by the thunder…

Soon there was a scorch mark on the east and a scorch mark on the west, which looked very miserable.

In particular, Xile of the werewolf tribe, with thick hair, was bald and upside-down under the impact of lightning and flames.

It looks like a family buried in love than a family buried in love!

On the other side, just when the warlord-level dark species were in dire straits, the teams hidden in the dark finally moved.

On the edge of the forest, Tantai Xuan waved his hand:

“let us go!”

Niu Li, Yu Wenxuan and the others shook their expressions, and rushed out suddenly while driving the hurricane wolf.




At the same time, in all directions of Xingfeng City, there was also billowing smoke and dust, shouting and killing, and a team rushed out with unmatched momentum…

An anti-encirclement was formed in an instant!

There are still many dark species outside Xingfeng City that have not been able to enter the city, they are wandering around.

At this moment, the human army seemed to rush into the battlefield with meat grinders, strangling all the dark species, without any fish slipping through the net.

Kong Li and others have already rushed into the battlefield, but Wang Teng has not acted yet.

Although Hanfeng, Black Widow and the others were a little confused, they still stood quietly behind him. Each of them had a hurricane wolf lying next to them, with their ears pricked up, their eyes all looking forward to Wang Teng.

Under the rule of the Wolf King, the pack of wolves bows their heads!

Wang Teng glanced at Tantaixuan.

Tantai Xuan nodded at him and said lightly: “Don’t die, or you will lose my person!”

“Can’t die!” Wang Teng smiled.

The next moment, his body slowly rose to the sky, and Cold Wind, Black Widow and others saw this and jumped onto the back of Storm Wolf.


The sound of wolf howling sounded.

The blast wolves stood up, and after Wang Teng turned into a long rainbow and entered the battlefield, they were also surrounded by the blast and turned into afterimages, like a sharp blade of wind, piercing into the battlefield.

Tantai Xuan moved her feet, and her body slowly disappeared in place.

On the battlefield, as soon as Wang Teng approached, he noticed the attribute bubbles all over the ground, densely packed with countless numbers.

He landed on the ground and was about to pick up a wave first.

A 5-star warrior-level troll dark species found him, his sturdy body wielding a mace-like heavy weapon, ready to give Wang Teng a blow.

Wang Teng raised his eyebrows and stared at him.

Who gave you the courage to rush over to die?

Most importantly, it also affected him to pick up attribute bubbles, which was extremely sinful and unforgivable.

“Be careful!” someone next to him saw his young face and couldn’t help but reminded him.

“Humanity, death!” The troll clan dark species roared wildly, and the mace hit the sky above Wang Teng’s head.

Suddenly, its hand stopped!

Its complexion changed slightly, and a hint of weirdness appeared on its face.

The small human on the opposite side had such terrifying power, not only blocked his heavy blow, but also seemed to be effortless.

It pulled the weapon in its hand, but it didn’t move at all!


A drop of cold sweat fell from the forehead of the dark species of the troll race, and it seemed to have kicked the iron plate!

I saw the short human on the opposite side holding the mace in one hand and grinning at it, revealing a mouthful of white teeth.

It quickly grabbed the mace with both hands, desperately…

“Come on!” Wang Teng suddenly said, using the universal language of darkness.

“…” The Dark Species of the Troll Race suddenly looked dumbfounded.

Is this little human being stupid? Even cheering it on, a hint of sarcasm appeared in the corner of its mouth…

Suddenly it seemed to be thinking of something, and the smile on the corner of its mouth suddenly stiffened.

No, this human being is playing tricks on it.

The dark species of the troll race turned into anger in an instant, staring fiercely with a pair of copper bells and big eyes, and continued to exert force, trying to pull out the mace, and then smashed the short human in front of him.

It took Wang Teng to see this dark species of the troll race for a long time before he realized that he had a new understanding of the lower limit of the IQ of the dark species of the troll race.

They may not be very smart!

Seeing that there was nothing fun, Wang Teng suddenly raised his hand, lifting up the Troll Dark Species who was still holding the mace.

The dark species of the troll clan felt that he was flying into the air suddenly, with a blank expression on his face.

Everyone around was so shocked that their jaws were about to fall.

Wang Teng’s body shape formed a strong contrast with the body shape of the dark species of the troll tribe, but at this moment the dark species of the troll tribe was easily lifted by Wang Teng.

This scene is really amazing!

Before the Troll Clan Dark Seed could react, Wang Teng suddenly moved, his arm rose, and he moved downward.


It was too late for the dark species of the troll race to let go, and the entire huge body was smashed into the soil, leaving only half of its body still outside.

It was in pain all over, and immediately let go of the hand holding the mace, and roared wildly.

“I am going to kill you!”

The dark species of the troll race roared while struggling to crawl out of the soil.

It’s a pity that Wang Teng didn’t give it this chance. He turned the mace he had captured, then moved his arm again and smashed it down.

Bang bang bang!

There were loud and dull noises.

The mace slammed on the head of the dark species of the troll clan fiercely, smashing its body down continuously.

The huge body of the dark species of the troll tribe sank into the ground inch by inch, and in the end only one head was left exposed.

Wang Teng looked at his masterpiece, nodded in satisfaction, threw away the mace in his hand, clapped his hands, and then looked at the attribute bubbles around him.


However, the surrounding dark species thought they were watching them, and instantly retreated more than a dozen meters.

As a result, a vacuum zone suddenly formed around Wang Teng.

Even the human warriors felt dry and dry, swallowing saliva, looking at Wang Teng as if looking at a humanoid monster.

The dark species of the troll race, known for their power, was actually smashed into the soil by a human youth.

Speak out, who can believe it?

This is a bit unreliable to take out to brag!

Regardless of everyone’s gaze, Wang Teng swept away his mental power and immediately gathered countless attribute bubbles.

Some of the huge attribute bubbles that fell when the space cracks formed were also picked up by him, because it was not a long time and those attribute bubbles had not disappeared, otherwise Wang Teng would have been unable to sit still.

These space attribute bubbles are the most important thing!

For a moment, Wang Teng didn’t take a close look. He swept his eyes and saw a 7-star warrior-level dark species fighting with two human warriors, and he immediately rushed over.

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