Chapter 455 Human, you are looking for shit!

In the sky, two human warriors were attacked by a blood species of darkness, retreating steadily, and even faintly fell into a disadvantage.

When Wang Teng saw this scene, he was naturally a little surprised, so he rushed to the sky to help the two human warriors.

Judging from his eyes, these two human warriors are obviously not opponents of the blood race dark species.

This is not his alarmist talk, but the blood race dark species is indeed very strong, more than several times stronger than the average 7-star warrior level.

And judging from its appearance, it is still extremely young.

No matter which race you are in, there will always be such an extremely talented individual, and that blood race dark species is obviously one of them.

Wang Teng has defeated many human geniuses, but he has never encountered foreign geniuses. At this moment, he is a little happy with hunting, so he intends to fight with the opponent to see how the dark genius of this blood race looks like.

What’s more, if you can kill the genius among the three, four, five, or six species of darkness, for humans, that would be a good thing with immense merit!

And when Wang Teng rushed to the sky, although the blood dark species had the upper hand, the two human warriors were not without resistance. The two sides had exchanges, and the battle was quite fierce.

The dark blood species held two blood-colored bone blades, forming an airtight attack.

And the two human warriors, one holding a long spear, a little bit of cold light burst out from the tip of the spear, and the other holding a war sword, suddenly splitting a huge blue sword light.

Boom boom boom!

The forces of the two sides collided in the sky, one black, one green and the other blue. Three completely different forces of light converged, eroded, and then melted…

In this violent explosion, the two human warriors were hit by a terrifying shock wave more than ten meters away. They just stopped, their pupils suddenly shrank, and an afterimage rushed straight out like a bloody lightning, and the two bloody bone blades seemed to be cut apart. Space, making a harsh rubbing sound.

It was filled with the dark force of pitch black as ink, as if darkness was soaked in blood, bloody and weird.

The red and black blade carried extremely violent power and drew towards the necks of the two human warriors.

And it was too late for the two warriors to avoid, in the battle of the high-rank warriors, take a slow shot, everything slowed down, and there was a distance between life and death.


Seeing that the Blood Race Dark Seed wanted to succeed, the corner of his mouth showed a grin, and his eyes flashed with bloodthirsty light.

The two of them looked pale and wanted to avoid them, but their bodies couldn’t keep up with their nerves.


Suddenly, a figure abruptly inserted into the battlefield from below, blocking the two blood-colored bone blades of the dark species of the blood race.

When the two human warriors saw that this mortal blow was blocked by someone, they escaped by chance, and they suddenly sighed with relief, and found that their backs had been soaked in cold sweat.

They looked at the figure that suddenly appeared in front of them and glanced at each other. They all saw the lingering palpitations in the other’s eyes, and then they hurriedly said, “Thank you for your help!”

Wang Teng tilted his head, looked at one of the figures, and said lightly: “If you are dead, who will pay the money you owe me?”

“?” Wearing a mask, Xie Xueyan was stunned after hearing this familiar voice, with a stunned face: “It’s you!”

“Do you know?” The other human warrior was obviously also in a daze.

“Now is not the time to talk about this, let’s work together to solve this blood race.” Xie Xueyan said.

In this short period of time, the dark blood species had already withdrawn.

It is somewhat afraid of the young people who suddenly appeared in front of him and easily caught its attack. It is not a wise choice to attack rashly before figuring out the strength of the opponent.

“Who are you?” It had a slightly weird tone, but it spoke in human language.

“Oh, it’s another dark species that can speak human language.” Wang Teng said in surprise.

The Dark Species of the Blood Race heard contempt from the tone of the young man on the opposite side, and his face suddenly sank: “Human, you are looking for shit!”

“…” Wang Teng’s face was full of constipation.

When a dark guy said he was “looking for shit” with a serious face, his heart was extremely speechless, he wanted to laugh but couldn’t laugh.

So he looked at each other depressed, and seriously replied: “I don’t look for shit, really!”

“Puff!” Xie Xueyan smiled directly.

Where did this guy come from? I don’t know what the situation is now, and it’s still there to make things strange!

The most important thing is that he still has no consciousness at all.

It’s absolutely amazing!

Another human warrior had a weird face, and felt a trace of joy like a sand sculpture on the fierce battlefield of life and death.

“…” The blood race dark species stared at Wang Teng coldly. As a blood race genius, he had never experienced the feeling of being exploded in popularity. It felt that it could not control the impulse to kill the young man in front of him. NS.

“Look at it with an expression that is about to suck my blood, it’s terrible!” Wang Teng pointed to Leslie’s face and shouted at Xie Xueyan.

Xie Xueyan: “…”

Another human warrior: “…”

Leslie: “…”

There were many dark species all around who noticed the situation here, with expressions of astonishment on their faces.

“That human being is so fearless, he took the initiative to provoke Leslie!”

“Look at Leslie’s expression, it seems to be angry!”

“Let’s stay away to avoid being affected…”

So there was such a scene, the dark species screamed like being pushed by a dog, and rushed towards the distance.

The blood genius Leslie looked at Wang Teng’s incomparably beaten face, and finally could no longer stand the provocation. He was so angry that he roared wildly, and disappeared in place. The next moment two blood-colored blades appeared on Wang Teng’s head. Chopped off.

“Be careful!” Xie Xueyan and another human warrior suddenly changed their complexions and yelled in unison.

But Wang Teng still did not evade.


In Xie Xueyan’s horrified eyes, two blood blades cut him into three sections.

“No, no!” Xie Xueyan was full of anger, and saw that guy die in front of him. Although he was a bit hateful, he was also a human being, and he just saved her life, is he dead now?

“No!” The other human warrior said in shock: “He is not dead, so fast!”

When Leslie slashed Wang Teng’s body with a bloody blade in his hand, he noticed something was wrong, it was not the touch of slicing the flesh.

Its pupils shrank, then backed away in an instant.

On the other side, Wang Teng’s figure slowly emerged, patting his chest and shouting, “Wow, I almost got shot.”

“It’s muddy!” Xie Xueyan felt that even if he and Wang Teng were on the same side, he couldn’t help but feel mad at this time.

Obviously, she could easily avoid it, but she had to react at the last minute, causing her to worry for nothing, and the sadness that was finally brewing was completely lost.

And the acting is so exaggerated that people can’t evaluate it, can you be fake it, bastard?

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