Chapter 453 The Warlord-level Dark Species are all dumbfounded!

Star Maple City has turned into a battlefield!

Countless dark seeds rushed into the city and vandalized, but they couldn’t find half of the life form.

Human beings have already evacuated from Xingfeng City through the tunnel, and only twelve masters of rune are left, opening the Ten Thousand Thundering and Extinguishing Array to besiege countless dark species in the city.

Saberton and other general-level dark species are also trapped in it, avoiding the thunder that is constantly smashing from the sky.

They didn’t expect that the human beings actually prepared the Thunder Formation.

As dark creatures, they are extremely afraid of two powers, one is the power of light, which is the opposite of darkness, and the other is the power of thunder. The former is not mastered by humans, but the power of thunder can use it. There are quite a few.

And this thunder system rune formation is impressively among them, and it is extremely powerful.


At this time, Saberton and Zulzi and other warlord-level dark species looked ugly, even if they were, they were unwilling to face the power of this thunder.

Fortunately, they are fast enough to always avoid them.

It’s just that those low-level dark species on the ground are not so lucky. Under the terrifying thunder power, a large number of dark species are smashed into pieces and dissipated in the world.

“Damn it!”

Xile, the dark species of werewolves, was a little embarrassed at this time.

Suddenly, with a move of its nose, it seemed to smell a burning smell.

Looking behind it, the hair on its back was burnt and bald, and it looked extremely ugly.

It turned out that its speed was only a little slower just now, and it was hit by a thunderbolt.

A drop of cold sweat fell from its forehead, and Nima scared the wolf to death!

“Asshole, how did you plan to make such a big mistake, which caused us to fall into the trap of human beings!” Saberton’s angry eyes fired, and he yelled at the dark species of blood.

“My lord, I don’t know what’s going on!” The blood race dark species wanted to cry without tears, extremely depressed, and tremblingly shook his head again and again.

It originally thought that a warlord-level powerhouse would come, and human beings would undoubtedly die.

Unexpectedly, even these adults are trapped now.

This is completely different from what it thinks!


A thunderbolt slashed directly at the two dark seeds, and the silver snake danced wildly, opening its mouth as if to swallow them.

The blood race’s dark complexion changed, with a look of horror, and he was about to avoid it.

Suddenly, a hand grabbed its shoulder, and then its body rose into the air.

“Do not!”

It looked down in the sky and saw the indifferent face of Saberton, and suddenly yelled in despair.


The thunder slashed directly on it, and the silver light filled the sky, engulfing it in an instant.

“Trash!” Sabadon cursed coldly, and instead of looking at the thunder above his head, he turned his gloomy gaze to the twelve rune masters around him.

The core of the rune formation is the rune master. After solving these humans, this rune formation naturally has no threat.

“Kill them!”

Saberton shouted at the other warlord-level dark species.

Zulzi, Siller and other dark species flashed their eyes, and instantly rushed to Master Goring and others.

A sickle-like weapon suddenly appeared in Sabadon’s hand, and he came close, with a sullen expression, and slashed towards a figure above the lightning pole in front of him.

That figure is Goring!

Suddenly a dark black light blade cut through the void and rushed towards Goring!

But Goring’s complexion remained unchanged, his gaze was extremely flat, and he didn’t see any movement, a bolt of thunder suddenly cut out of the void in front of him, and collided with the dark black light blade.


During the explosion of the Force, the dark black light blade disappeared invisible.

The aftermath of surging power rushed to Goring, blowing his hair and beard into a flurry, and his robe was also hunting.

Saberton’s expression changed, and he didn’t expect his attack to be blocked so easily!


Thunder strikes again, and Saberton can only give up his attack and dodge hastily.

It looked ugly, gloomy as if dripping water.

The methods of these human runes are more difficult than the phenomenal ones.

At the same time, Zulzi and others also used various methods and launched frantic attacks on other rune masters.

After Zulzi and Siller saw the situation on Sabato’s side, they looked at each other and attacked Master Kaier together.

In the last Battle of Yangcheng, Zulzi’s weapon was captured by Wang Teng. The time was too short to forge a new weapon. So he had to replace it with a giant war sword and use it first. The quality was obviously inferior to that of the magic weapon.

And its broken arm has been restored to its original state without knowing what method it used.

However, if you observe carefully, you will find that the recovered broken arms are still a bit stiff, not as comfortable as other arms.

At this moment, it is holding a battle knife and slashing towards Master Kyle in front of it.


The thunder slashed head-on on the blade, making Zulzi’s attack fall short.

At this moment, the werewolf warlord Xyler stepped out from nowhere, and instantly came to Master Kai’s head.


It grinned, both claws carried a pair of steel claws made of unknown material, and suddenly swung out a claw blade attack.

“Huh!” Master Kaier snorted coldly, and with a wave of his hand, a purple mask immediately appeared above his head.

Thunder and lightning flashed on this purple mask, and Siller’s claw blade attack fell on it, and only a “chick” sound was completely disintegrated by the lightning above the mask.


At the same time, a thunder struck Siller.

Its pupils shrank and avoided dangerously and dangerously, but its body was rubbed by lightning again, burning a piece of it bald.

Siller appeared next to Zulz.

A scorching smell suddenly floated into Zulzi’s nose.

Zulz immediately turned his head to look at Siller, his face suddenly turned a little weird when he saw it.

This look really makes people want to laugh!

But Zulz still suffocated hard!

They are in the same camp anyway, so laughing at it would be a bit too much.

Even so, Siller was extremely keenly aware of Zulzi’s gaze, became angry, and gave it a fierce look.

But they don’t have time to quarrel now.

A scorching sensation suddenly rose from the ground, and flames appeared out of nowhere.

The Yimu Melting Fire Array has also been opened!

“What’s the matter? Isn’t it the lightning formation? How come it has become the fire formation again?” Zulzi’s complexion changed drastically, and he roared at Saberton in anger.

It is terribly jealous of this Fire Element Formation.

In the last Yangcheng battle, it was crippled by the Fire Element Formation, the Eight Desolate Fire Dragon Array. Now that I think about it, it is still vivid and there is a lingering fear in my heart.

The regained broken arm seemed to have bursts of pain again, reminding it all the time, the fire formation is also terrifying!

Saberton also had a dumb face right now, and the thunder formation was so good, and flames appeared again. What is this going to do?

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