Chapter 452 Ten Thousand Thundering Nation Array, Come!

Wang Teng couldn’t imagine what a desperate scene would be if the existence called the “devil god” by humans descended on this world.

With its eyes peeking into the world, countless ordinary people, and even warriors, fell into madness and lost themselves.

It just pierced the barrier of space with one hand, allowing countless species of darkness to come…

Can human beings stop such a terrifying existence?

Fortunately, it has not been able to cross the border so far. Its body seems extremely terrifying, and ordinary space cracks cannot carry it.

That being said, everyone is actually worried, and one day the devil will come personally!

At this moment, behind the cracks in space, countless kinds of darkness emerged.

They fell from the five spatial vortices and landed on Xingfeng City.

Like a black meteor, it fell towards the defensive cover.




A group of figures bombarded the defensive cover, and there was a loud noise!

In the previous attack of the Dark Seed, cracks appeared in the defensive cover. At this moment, under the bombardment of countless dark seeds, the cracks continued to expand, and the sound of cracking like glass cracking was clearly audible.


At this moment, Yin Tongfang suddenly issued an order, loudly spreading across the entire Star Maple City.

Upon hearing this, the sergeants on the wall immediately gathered towards the center of the city.

Behind the Dark Seed, the Blood Dark Seed couldn’t help frowning: “What are they going to do?”

“Aren’t you afraid of being beaten by us?” The dark species of the troll clan laughed.

“Idiot!” The Blood Race Dark Species cursed inwardly, looking at Xingfeng City with a puzzled expression: “I have a bad premonition.”

“Don’t worry, the adults have arrived. The defense cover of that military town is in danger and will soon be broken. Human beings are already lambs to be slaughtered.” The troll clan said in the dark.

The Blood Race Dark Seed seemed to think of something, his expression was slightly slow, and he said in his heart: “This guy has a good point, even if humans are cunning, if those adults come, humans will undoubtedly die!”

It immediately expelled the ominous premonitions in its heart, and when self-deprecating became so suspicious, it was not like it.

Fortunately, I didn’t show it, otherwise, wouldn’t I be teased by this big guy.

“Adults are coming, let’s do it too.” The troll clan said in the dark.

The Dark Species of the Blood Race nodded, and his back flapped, rushing forward, followed by the Dark Species of the Troll Race.

Under the five huge space cracks, several powerful dark forms emerged.

They have different forms, some are blood races, some are goat head demons, and some are werewolf races. The eight-armed demons that Wang Teng knows are also among them…

“Zulz, this is a good opportunity for you to atone for your sins, you have to take it well!” The dark species of sheep’s head among them laughed.

“Humph!” The Eight-armed Demon General Zulzi snorted coldly, and said coldly, “You don’t need to worry about my business.”

The Goathead Demon Sabaton chuckled, then he looked solemnly, and said: “The adult from Black Nightmare Mountain is on the way here. We are leading the way, so don’t let the adults read the jokes.”

The dark-haired Werewolf race Syler, who was covered in pitch-black hair, grinned and bared his fangs, said: “I can’t wait!”

“Then do it!”

Several figures looked at each other, swooping towards the Xingfeng City below in the grinning laughter.

Boom boom boom!

I didn’t see what weapons they used, just relying on the strength of their bodies, they slammed into the defensive cover and made a loud noise.


The defensive shield could no longer withstand this terrifying blow, and collapsed on the spot, turning into countless fragments of the original force, floating away, and dissipating invisible.

Several warlord-level dark species laughed wildly.


“Kill all humans!”

With a big wave of their hands, countless low-level dark seeds rushed into Xingfeng City.

The Dark Seeds raged in the city, filling the whole city in an instant. They were frantically looking for living creatures and destroying everything that could be seen.

The dark species of the blood race and the dark species of the troll race rushed over to meet with the eight-armed demon generals in the sky and the other dark species.

“grown ups!”

The dark species at both ends knelt down, and respectfully saluted the digital warlord-level dark species.

Sabaton looked around, frowning, “Why can’t I feel the slightest human breath?”

There was a sudden tremor in the blood of the Dark Species, and the previously unknown premonition resurfaced in his heart again.

“My lord, the human beings were still in the city just now.” It turned pale and said anxiously.

“Then tell me, what about people?” Sabadon said angrily.

“This…” The blood race’s dark mind trembled and couldn’t answer.

“What the hell is going on? Make it clear!” Zulzi frowned coldly.

“Humans seem to be aware of our plan, they, they…” Cold sweat dripped from the blood race’s dark forehead, and the whole body trembled.

“What are they?” Sabadon asked blankly.

“They may have escaped!” The Blood Race Dark Species said uncertainly, holding a fluke.

“If you want to escape, you have already escaped. How can you wait for us to arrive before leaving…”

The Werewolf Clan’s dark species Sele hadn’t finished speaking, and the dark species such as Saberton and Zulzi suddenly changed their complexions.

“not good!”


In a hurry, several warlord-level dark species didn’t have time to think about it, and rushed straight to the sky.

“Since it’s here, let’s stay!”

A voice with a strong killing intent in the cold suddenly came from all directions.

“Ten Thousand Lei Nying Array, Kai!”

With a loud drink falling, twelve purple rays of light burst into the sky around Xingfeng City.


Accompanied by a loud noise, the twelve lightning pillars slowly rose.


The digital warlord-level Dark Seed was rushing to the sky, and suddenly an invisible force blocked them back.

“Rune formation!” Sabadon looked ugly, stopped in the air and looked around.

I saw twelve elder figures sitting cross-legged on the twelve pillars of lightning, staring at the warlord-level dark species without showing any weakness.

“Today I will let you back and forth!”

An icy voice came from the mouths of Master Goering and others.

“Old stuff, it’s up to you!” Zulzi sneered disdainfully.

“It means breaking directly, I don’t believe it. With the strength of a few of our generals, we can’t break this broken rune formation.” Siller turned his neck and made a crisp sound, and said grimly.


At this moment, thunder rang out in the sky.

Thunder and lightning descended from the sky, as if to split the space, with unmatched momentum, slashing straight towards the warlord-level dark species.

“Thunder Element Formation!” The dark complexions of several generals changed slightly, and they subconsciously chose to dodge.

Several lightning that struck them suddenly fell on the ground.

The low-level dark species on the ground could not be avoided, and a large area was emptied in an instant, leaving only a few huge pits and the scorched body fragments all around.

“Damn it, it’s actually the Thunder Formation!” Saberton’s face twitched, as if he had lingering fears.

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