Chapter 448 Wang Teng, we are at odds with you!

Wang Teng has always felt that he is a very innocent person, and occasionally showing off his acting skills is nothing more than putting a protective color on himself. His essence remains the same.

Master Goering and others also feel so.

This child is so good that he didn’t even notice it.

See how he doesn’t even know how far he has reached, which shows how simple his mind is.

Faced with Wang Teng’s rhetorical question, Göring hadn’t even spoken yet, Master Kaier said anxiously: “It must have reached the master level. Where can such a perfect rune be inscribed by an ordinary runemaster? Master Göring, you’re so lucky. , Actually picked up such a wicked disciple.”

After speaking, he looked at Goring with envy and hatred, wishing to snatch Wang Teng over.

Now no matter whether they can teach Wang Teng or not, just having the status of master and apprentice, it is a good story to spread out!

Master and apprentice, listen to it, how compelling it is!

It’s a pity that after all, that is someone else’s apprentice.

“Ahem.” Goring gave a dry cough and said, “Before the evaluation, it’s not necessarily, but Master Kaier, can you stop looking at me like this, the old man doesn’t have any feelings for you.”

“Puff!” Wang Teng grinned directly. He didn’t expect Teacher Goring to have such a weird side.

Moreover, this kind of sorrow was uttered from the mouth of a seemingly respectable elder like Goring, and the lethality was almost doubled.

The other rune masters laughed.

Master Kai’s face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, and angrily said: “You are old and not repaired, and you have a lot of trouble with children and grandchildren. How can you look like you are still a ten-thousand-year-old virgin.”

Wang Teng looked weird, as if he had heard something terribly important, he took a careful look at his teacher.

At this moment, Master Goering showed a deep chill, gritted his teeth and said: “Kay, I think you have to clean up!”

“Hmph, the old man is not afraid of you.” Master Kaier felt a little bit in his heart, but the surface was still as stable as a dog, and he hummed lightly.

“Okay, okay, stop arguing, you are digressing.” The other rune masters suffocated a smile, and immediately came out to complete the game.

After a busy night, several people went back to their rooms to rest for three hours, waited until eight o’clock, and got up for breakfast.

The young rune masters had been in the midst of “falling out of favor” all night, and when they woke up early in the morning, they saw the extraordinary enthusiasm of the rune masters for Wang Teng, and their mood suddenly became even worse.

They wanted to step forward to say hello, but the rune masters didn’t like them at all. They all circled around Wang Teng, just like Wang Teng was their own disciple.

A group of young runes stood there, silently desolate.

What’s going on. ?

Overnight, it seemed that they had lost their teacher’s love, and they were helpless like abandoned stray dogs.

Everyone was sitting in the corner eating breakfast, looking frequently at the next table. The rune masters were chatting and laughing with Wang Teng, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

They whispered, gritted their teeth, and their resentment towards Wang Teng continued to increase…

“Who is scolding me?” Wang Teng suddenly sneezed three times, suspiciously.

After eating, everyone continued to engrave the runes. They woke up early and greedy the dark, and one day passed quickly. Finally, at five o’clock in the morning the next day, they completed all the runes of the Array of Ten Thousand Thunders.

A ray of morning light was also slowly rising at this time and falling to the earth.

At that moment, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

A group of rune masters smiled at each other, even if it was them, they couldn’t help but feel a sense of accomplishment!

The Array of Wanlei Extinction has finally become!

At this moment, I waited for the darkness to come to the door and die.

Wang Teng smiled faintly, and suddenly said, “Teacher, masters, the Ten Thousand Thunders and Silence Array is complete, there is nothing to do with me here, I still have a task to do, so I will leave!”

“What, you have to perform the task!” Master Kai Er exclaimed.

“No way, no way, it’s too dangerous, you are the new star of our rune world, you must not go to the risk.” Master Zha Shu shook his head repeatedly.

Other rune masters also responded, all kinds of persuasion.

This cooperation has enabled all rune masters to see Wang Teng’s enchanting rune master potential. For this outstanding younger generation, they all love and care from the bottom of their hearts, how can they easily let him go to adventure.

Wang Teng couldn’t laugh or cry, but he didn’t expect this situation to become.

He is naturally grateful for the love of the rune masters, but he is not only a rune master, but also a warrior, who can’t stay behind anyway.

“Masters, I understand your thoughts, but I am a warrior after all, and I belong to the Earth Star Army. You can’t let me be a deserter, right?” Wang Teng said.

“Don’t worry, let’s talk to Your Excellency Tantai, we will definitely persuade her not to let you go to the battlefield.” Master Kai Er patted his chest and promised.

“Well, Wang Teng has his own way. How should he choose? Let him be the master.” At this moment, Goring said.


When everyone saw that Goring, Wang Teng’s genuine teacher, said so, the words of persuasion that reached their mouths could no longer be said.

He sighed in his heart and shook his head.

“That’s all, that’s all, you juniors still have to go your own way.” Master Kai Er said helplessly.

“Then thank you all masters for your accomplishment.” Wang Teng saluted the rune masters, then looked at Goring and said, “Teacher, I’m leaving!”

“Go!” Goering smiled.

Without saying more, Wang Teng rose into the air, turning into a long rainbow across the sky, going away in the light of dawn.

“Gering, if something happens to Wang Teng, you will regret it.” Master Zha Shu sighed.

“The old man believes him.” Goering said with a smile.

“I don’t know where your self-confidence is, such a good apprentice, if something happens, you will cry.” Kai Er coldly snorted.

Goring was still smiling.

“Speaking of which, this time it is really thanks to Wang Teng, who is a new force, joining in, otherwise the engraving behind us could not be so smooth.” Master Zha Shu suddenly said with emotion.

The other rune masters couldn’t help nodding their heads, sighing in their hearts.

When Ni Wenguang and others got up early in the morning, they found that Wang Teng had disappeared!

The rune masters finally couldn’t see the hateful figure beside them. They immediately refreshed and approached their respective teachers and asked, “Teacher, where is that guy?”

“What that guy?”

“It’s Wang Teng.”

“Wang Teng is Wang Teng. What kind of guy, this guy, knows how to be polite, look at Wang Teng, look at you, one by one, doing nothing all day, the rune attainment is so terrible, you still have faces appearing in front of us …”

The young runemasters were so happy just now that they were extinguished by a basin of cold water, and some stunned they were greeted with an angry scolding from the teachers.

what happened?

Why are they scolded?

The guy Wang Teng was obviously gone, why his shadow was still on their heads, the young runemen were confused and felt very wronged.

The hatred for someone in my heart rises sharply… Wang Teng, we are at odds with you!

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