Chapter 449: My Dad Still Disagrees

On the edge of the forest when they came, everyone from the Black Sparrow Legion was stationed here.

These days, Kong Li, Yu Wenxuan and others are waiting for the war to come, while developing a tacit understanding with Dust Wind Wolf.

In fact, only one-third of their three teams were assigned to Stormwolf, and only the team led by Wang Teng was fully equipped with Stormwolf.

For this, Kong Li and others were extremely envious, but helpless, they could only stare.

And these days when Wang Teng was absent, Cold Wind and Black Widow followed the orders left by him, presided over the training, and allowed the others in the team to quickly establish a tacit understanding with Dustwind Wolf.

These hurricane wolves were originally wild and untamable, but with the deterrent power left by Wang Teng, they dare not make any changes, and can only honestly cooperate with everyone.

Tantai Xuan also returned here today, and she couldn’t help but be amazed when she saw the performance of the hurricane wolf.

How did it do it?

She was full of doubts, but she was so knowledgeable and could not understand the reason.

As for what Wang Teng said that because he killed the Wolf King, she didn’t believe it at all.

“That kid has a lot of secrets!” Tan Taixuan smiled to herself, although she was curious, she didn’t plan to go into it.

In the martial arts era, there are too many magical things, and who has no little secrets.

Thinking of these things, she suddenly raised her head and looked at the sky: “Huh, are you back?”

Sure enough, within a moment, a figure fell from the sky.

“Teacher!” Wang Teng yelled when he saw Tan Taixuan.

“Your kid is a busy man!” Tan Taixuan quipped.

“Hey, your apprentice I am so good. Without me, the formation would probably not be completed on time.” Wang Teng shook his head and said helplessly.

“Say you are fat, you are still breathing.” Tan Taixuan couldn’t help rolling her eyes at him.

Wang Teng smiled.

“Looking at your appearance, there is nothing unexpected about the formation?” Tan Taixuan asked.

“Well, both formations went smoothly.” Wang Teng said.

“You do have two brushes on one rune.” Tan Taixuan raised her eyebrows and said with emotion.

After the two said a few words, Wang Teng walked to Kong Li and the others and said hello.

“Where have you been these days?” Kong Li couldn’t help but asked curiously.

“Xingfeng City.” Wang Teng said.

Several people looked at each other, and there was a secret voice. They heard the conversation between Wang Teng and Tan Taixuan just now, and they had guessed a little bit.

But since Wang Teng didn’t elaborate, they couldn’t ask more.

After chatting with a few people, Wang Teng finally came to the subordinates.

“Captain!” Cold Wind and Black Widow cried.

“You did a good job these days when I was away.” Wang Teng glanced at the state of the crowd and Dust Wind Wolf, and applauded.

“Thanks to the captain’s deterrence, otherwise these hurricane wolves are not easy to control.” The cold wind did not take credit, and said with a smile.

The hurricane wolf roared low and low, as if echoing what the cold wind said.

Damn human beings, if it weren’t for fear that he will settle accounts after Autumn, they would have ran away long ago.

Wang Teng smiled softly, and looked at a group of hurricane wolves with gentle eyes.


Suddenly, all the hurricane wolves were agitated, and immediately uttered a grieving voice, lying on the ground and pretending to be dead.


The star and the moon hung high, and the sound of insects resounded all around. Besides, there was no other sound, which made it extremely quiet.

Tan Tai Xuan sealed off an area.

Wang Teng and others were in this area, and no sound could be heard.

In the middle of the woodland, everyone sat in a circle, and a bonfire rose.

Wang Teng took out the star beast meat, put it on the fire and roasted it, and said with a smile: “Dark seed is coming, and tomorrow may be the day of the war. I will do it myself tonight, and I should invite everyone to have a good meal. ”

The eyes of Hanfeng and others suddenly brightened, but they had seen Wang Teng cook spiritual food with their own eyes. The fragrance and appearance are simply not too tempting!

At this moment, Wang Teng even said that he would cook for them himself. While everyone was surprised, they secretly looked forward to it.

“Are you delicious? Don’t fool us with a bunch of dark dishes at the end.” Kong Li gave Wang Teng a slanted look and said suspiciously.

Niu Li and Yu Wenxuan also looked distrustful, and Yu Wenxuan even directly took out the dry food and ate it on their own, as if they were extremely disdainful of Wang Teng’s food.

Hanfeng and the others couldn’t help but glance at Yuwenxuan with weird expressions. When the captain’s spiritual food is cooked, I wonder if this Major Yuwen will regret it next time?

“If you don’t believe me, you don’t need to eat it.” Wang Teng said indifferently: “The food I make is only for people who believe in me.”

“Heh, I’m proud of it.” Kong Li said with disdain.

Tantai Xuan sat on the canopy of the big tree above them without participating. She looked at the moonlight and listened to the laughter of the people below, her eyes seemed to contain a lot of vicissitudes.

Not long after, when she moved her nose, she suddenly smelled an extremely strong fragrance, and she couldn’t help looking down in surprise.

At this time, Kong Li had long forgotten what he had said before, and when he saw the golden barbecue in Wang Teng’s hand, his saliva was about to flow out, and he immediately rushed to snatch it.

“Eh eh eh, who just said that they would not eat my dark food?” Wang Teng dodged and joked.

“Give it to me!” Kong Li was furious and chased him.

“I’m a dark dish. It will kill you if you eat it.” Wang Teng ran around the crowd, the scent drifted away, attracting everyone’s eyes, but he himself took a big bite, with great relish. Chewing especially chewing, the look is extremely intoxicated.

Kong Li was itchy with hatred: “If you don’t give it or don’t give it, I will…”

“What are you doing?” Wang Teng stopped and laughed.

“Just let me cry for you?” Kong Li said, her mouth flat, as if she really wanted to cry.

Wang Teng: “…”

You are too fake!

Obviously a female man, what a weak woman to pretend to be!

Everyone does not know who, is this interesting?

“Don’t act for me. If you really want to cry, I can think of you as a mother.” Wang Teng sneered.

“Bah, baah, who wants to be your mother, I am so young, do you have a son like yours!” Kong Li rolled his eyes angrily.

“My dad still disagrees.” Wang Tengyou said quietly.

“Puff hahaha!” Niu Li and the others couldn’t hold back, and laughed.

“Okay, you Wang Teng, take me away!”

Kong Li was furious, and it was another round of you chasing me.

“If you want to eat, my teacher will eat first. There is no reason for you.” Wang Teng happened to come under the tree where Tantai Xuan was, leaped gently, and landed in front of Tantai Xuan, and handed her the roasted meat in his hands. Said: “Teacher, this is a disciple who honors you.”

Tantaixuan glanced at Wang Teng with a smile, and took a bite of the barbecue. His eyes lit up, and he said in surprise: “You’re doing a good job. Your level is better than that of the fat guy in school!”

“That is necessary, in order to make a delicious meal for the teacher, I have worked hard.” Wang Teng said solemnly.

“Hehe, I believe you are a big-headed ghost!” Tan Taixuan rolled his eyes at him.

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