Chapter 447: Ten Thousand Tons of Critical Strike!

“You can give it a try!”

These four words carry uncertainty, but when everyone saw Wang Teng’s plain face, they couldn’t help but choose to believe it.

Even the rune masters are extremely optimistic about this junior, because he seems to have proven his strength with facts.

Putting forward the “thunder and fire double array” method, dominated the layout of the Yimu melting fire array, these are enough to explain the problem.

“If this is the case, let Wang Teng join in and complete the Ten Thousand Thundering Death Array with the masters!” Yang Wang directly clapped.

After finishing speaking, he said to Wang Teng again: “Wang Teng, this time I have to suffer for you.”

“The King Yang is serious.” Wang Teng nodded and said, “I will do my best!”

After a while of shock, the younger generation of rune masters showed their envy.

This guy was invited to join the ranks of rune masters and can work with them!

Everyone is obviously the same age, but Wang Teng walked ahead of them, which is really unwilling!

“Teacher, what about us?” Ni Wenguang couldn’t help asking.

The other young rune masters couldn’t help but look at their teacher, with hope in their eyes.

They also want to join, even if it’s just a soy sauce, it’s better than not being able to enter the door!

“You?” Master Dongguo showed disdain and snorted coldly: “How many catties and taels do you have, don’t you know?”

The corners of everyone’s mouth twitched, their faces a little hot.

Although Master Dongguo’s words are a bit ruthless, they are… facts!

Their strength is indeed a little bit worse!

Ni Wenguang’s face was blue and white, his eyes turned to other people, and he wanted to find someone to support him, but suddenly found…

These bastards had already put away their hopeful gazes, and looked at the ceiling one by one, looking like they had nothing to do with me.


You unethical death-deal!

Ni Wenguang no longer spoke in a serendipitous manner, leaving only a grievance in his heart.

After the meeting, Wang Teng was arrested by the rune masters to discuss the next rune inscription arrangements.

After tossing for a few days, they have only two days left.

The dark species will not pinch time to come, so they must be prepared before then, leaving enough time to cope, otherwise they are afraid that unpredictable changes will occur.

Ni Wenguang and the others watched Wang Teng being pulled away by the rune masters, but they didn’t pay attention to them at all, and they couldn’t help but stare at each other, standing in place, feeling an extremely desolate feeling.

The rune masters only had a rest for two or three hours, and then they were ready to continue their work at night.

And Wang Teng had to accompany this group of old men and old ladies to smear work at night, which is really miserable.

They came to the southwest corner of Xingfeng City, divided their work, and immediately began to inscribe this corner of the rune.

A group of rune masters used their own methods, and while the light flickered, runes formed in their hands and were engraved on the ground.

More than a dozen rune masters shot at the same time, this scene is quite rare.

Wang Teng didn’t talk nonsense either, he took a deep breath, his expression was slightly condensed, and he held the talisman pen and slowly dropped, the pen walked the dragon and snake…

Although the rune masters are all working on their own, they actually pay attention to Wang Teng’s side somewhat.

At this moment, seeing Wang Teng’s skillful techniques and extremely steady demeanor, they knew that they were suspicious.

Wang Teng’s excellence is beyond doubt, and his strength is worthy of recognition.

Goring smiled slightly, his expression was extremely relieved, having such a disciple, in front of a group of rune masters can be said to have made a lot of face.

In the early morning of the next day, everyone stopped their work and breathed a sigh of relief.

The rune masters took a look at the progress of the work at hand, glanced at each other, began to exchange areas, and proceeded to the final process…error correction!

Undoubtedly, their approach is exactly the same as Wang Teng’s previous approach to Ni Wenguang and others.

Even the Rune Master cannot guarantee that he will not make mistakes. It is still too late to modify the formation before it is completely completed. If it is time for the formation to be completely completed, then everything will be too late.

The whole array is a whole, which affects the whole body. Any small mistake will lead to unbearable consequences.

The collapse of the formation will surely defeat the rune master who presides over the formation.

So Goring and others had to be cautious.

After they corrected each other’s mistakes, everyone came to the area engraved by Wang Teng.

A crowd of people watched!

Wang Teng: “…”

This is the focus of attention!

He was a little dumbfounded, these rune masters still didn’t trust him much after all.

But it doesn’t matter, what can be checked out will be regarded as Wang Teng’s loss.

The rune masters originally watched the runes engraved by Wang Teng with the intention of investigating the deficiencies, but as a result, they seemed to have discovered something extraordinary, and their expressions suddenly became serious.

“This is……”

Master Kaier’s eyes flashed brightly, and he admired: “It’s such a subtle engraving technique, it’s not bad at all!”

“It’s amazing, I’m afraid this accomplishment alone will surpass the old!” Master Zha Shu was shocked and said in astonishment.

While they praised, they read all the runes carefully, and finally found that there was nothing wrong to find!

This rune is so perfect! ! !

A group of over-hundred-year-old rune masters showed incredible expressions, looking at each other, speechless for a while.

Two words came out in my mind at the same time:


“Wang Teng, how far is your rune master state?” Goring took a deep breath and asked.

“I don’t know, teacher, I haven’t done the corresponding grade evaluation yet.” Wang Teng pretended to be stupid.

“Is that so?” Goering nodded.

At this time, Master Kaier asked: “I see that your runes are perfectly inscribed. Could it be that you have inscribed them before?”

“It hasn’t been inscribed. The power of this Ten Thousand Thunders and Nirvana Array is terrifying, and there is no ordinary chance to come into contact with it.” Wang Teng shook his head.

Master Kaier also knew that he had asked a very silly question, and suddenly he shook his head and said: “This is really, this is really…”

He couldn’t find a vocabulary to describe Wang Teng’s achievements.

“You did a great job, and even better than us old guys.” Goering said calmly, with a wry smile.

“No, teacher, don’t scare me, I just want to inscribe these runes as much as possible.” Wang Teng smiled in his heart, but said in sincere fear on the surface.

“Try your best?” Everyone smiled bitterly.

I just tried my best to do well, so I surpassed them, and the rune masters felt that they had received 10,000 tons of crit!

It is clearly a very humble word, why is it so irritating to say it from Wang Teng’s mouth?

“Your rune level has improved a lot, and I even suspect that you have been promoted to the master level.” Goring said solemnly.

“Master, teacher, are you sure?” Wang Teng asked in a daze.

At this moment, he looked at what everyone believed to be true, and suddenly felt that his acting skills had improved a lot. It was awesome!

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