Chapter 446 You can give it a try!

The younger generation of runemasters did not hear Wang Teng’s self-talk, but they shuddered all over, as if they were wrapped in a strong maliciousness.

At this moment, they gathered together to talk in a low voice, glanced at Wang Teng from time to time, and it was obvious that the topic was all on him.

These genius runes did not have much intersection, but now they are on the same front with the same enemy.

“Ni Wenguang, if you want me to say, you still don’t have trouble with him, this Wang Teng is simply a devil!”

“Yeah, his rune skills are so terrifying, I can’t imagine how he did it.”

“I heard my teacher say that Master Goering’s rune attainments are far above my teacher. I didn’t expect that even the disciples he trained would be so terrifying!”

“If you have a teacher, you will have an apprentice! Ni Wenguang, really don’t fight, you can’t fight!”

The words of the people made Ni Wenguang very uncomfortable. Although he still couldn’t understand Wang Teng in his heart, he still had some self-knowledge.

It’s a pity that the bastard Wang Teng caught him and kept him. Every time he talked about things, and even if he said things, his tone was obviously much worse than that of others.

Others also clearly felt this, secretly glad that they had not offended Wang Teng before.

This guy is a little thief!

At this time, Master Goering and the others dragged their tired bodies and walked over from a distance.

Master Kai Er asked first: “How is the layout of the Yimu Melting Fire Array?”

Everyone answered truthfully.

“A little more than one-third, did you lie to us?” The rune masters all showed a skeptical look.

The young rune masters were very aggrieved, and it was enough to be tossed hard by Wang Teng. Finally, the results were produced, and their teachers even doubted!

Master Kaier’s disciple is also a goblin tribe, short, and very similar in temper to his teacher. He jumped out, pointed to the area they had already engraved and said: “Teacher, if you don’t believe it, you can check it yourself.”

“Oh!” The rune masters were amazed, but they didn’t expect these little guys to be confident.

Could it be true?

But this is unscientific. Even if the Yimu Melting Fire Array is not as difficult as the Ten Thousand Thunders and Nirvana Array, it is a large-scale formation anyway.

A group of little guys completed more than one-third in a day. It’s a little bit unbelievable to think about it.

They walked over with doubts and surprises. A dozen masters watched the large runes engraved around them, and the more they looked inside, the more surprised they became.

Good guys!

Really accomplished so much!

And there are no errors or omissions, and the degree of completion is very high. When did these little rascals become so good?

“You… did a good job!” Master Zha Shu couldn’t help but praise.

“I just said that the young people should be given a chance!” Goering stroked his beard and smiled.

Other rune masters also nodded one after another, showing their approbation, and cast gratified gazes to their respective disciples.

The grievances of the young runemasters just disappeared instantly, their chests swelled, and there was a sense of refreshment in their hearts.

“How did you get there, there wasn’t a single error or omission?” Master Kai Er asked suspiciously.

“This…” The young rune masters suddenly turned their heads to look at Wang Teng.

“Huh?” The rune masters looked at Wang Teng with a look of doubt, “What do you all look at Wang Teng doing?”

Master Kaier’s disciple gritted his teeth and simply said the cause and effect.

“So that’s it!” Zha Shu smiled bitterly: “I thought it was these little guys who have grown in.”

“Hey, I knew that these little rascals can have this accomplishment, and I don’t usually have a headache.” Master Kai Er glared at his disciple and sneered.

“Teacher, I’m working hard too.” Master Kaier’s disciple said angrily.

Seeing that the pair of masters and disciples was about to quarrel, Master Zha Shu quickly stopped them, and said to Ge Lin: “Master Ge Lin really taught an amazing apprentice. The next formation will be arranged for us disciples who are not effective. I have to ask Wang Teng to take care of me!”

“The masters have passed the awards, and I can’t take care of them. Let Wang Teng and the disciples of the masters communicate with each other and learn from each other.” Goring said modestly.

“It’s true, all masters, rest assured, I will communicate with them and learn together.” Wang Teng also said.

The senses of the rune masters on Wang Teng suddenly improved a lot, and various words of praise and praise were sent without money.

At this time, Wang Teng once again became a child of someone else’s family.

The younger generation of runemasters looked black like the bottom of a pot, especially when they saw Wang Teng’s humble and polite look, they were even more irritated.

Too hypocritical!

Talking about exchanges and learning, how did you squeeze them, how you insulted them, have you forgotten all?

This bastard!

In the next two days, everyone was rushing to lay out two formations. The master of Rune was going well, but the progress was inevitably slow for the sake of quality.

But on the side of Wang Teng and others, the speed was so fast that the rune masters were speechless.

On the third night, they completely inscribed all the runes of the Yimu Melting Fire Array, and it went smoothly without any errors.

During the period, Wang Teng didn’t even make a move, just moved his mouth to solve it.

Of course, young rune masters are not really bad, their attainments are actually not low, otherwise if only a group of low-level rune masters were given to Wang Teng, he would definitely not be able to just move his mouth.

And the young runes were finally convinced by Wang Teng!

Although this guy is annoying, he really has nothing to say about his rune attainments.

They have made great progress with Wang Teng these days, and they can be regarded as favored by him.

At this time, everyone was having a meeting in the conference room, and Yin Tongfang and others knew the situation, which was mixed.

“Master Goring, can the deployment speed of the Ten Thousand Thunder Nation Array be accelerated?” King Yang asked.

“I’m afraid that if the speed is too fast, there will be errors.” Before Goering answered, Master Chashu hesitated.

“It’s true. The Thousand Thunders of Death Array has entered the critical core rune inscription stage. If the speed increases, I am afraid… I am worried that it will fall short.” Goring smiled bitterly.

“It’s better… let Wang Teng join in!” Master Kai Er said suddenly.

Everyone was shocked, looked at Master Kaier, and then turned to look at Wang Teng.

Wang Teng was a little dazed. He had just completed the Yimu Melting Fire Array, so why did he throw the Ten Thousand Thunder and Silence Array again?

Everyone really looks up to him!

“We all know who is to blame for the completion of the Yimu Ronghuo Grand Array. I think his accomplishments are sufficient for the layout of the Ten Thousand Thundering Netherworld Array.” Master Kai Er said.

Goering pondered for a moment and asked, “Wang Teng, are you sure?”

Everyone looked at him expectantly.

Wang Teng looked around, feeling that he was just a toil, and at the same time nodded slowly: “You can try it!”

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