Chapter 433 Shock!

“The team is not easy to bring!”

On the floating boat, Wang Teng looked at his group of subordinates and expressed such emotion in his heart.

In fact, the task of leading the team shouldn’t have fallen into his hands.

But who made him the main discoverer of this information, and his strength is strong enough, with Tantai Xuan backing him behind him.

All these factors made him stand in this position even though he had no qualifications.

Wang Teng knew his subordinates, and I am afraid that many people would not accept him.

But at this time he didn’t want to explain anything.

Some things are reliant on the lips, the influence will be very low, so there is no need to say more.

He has recognized all the subordinates, especially the two 5-star warriors who impressed him deeply.

Used well, these two people will be the sharpest weapons in his hands.

At least in this mission, it will be so!

At this time, a sergeant came over, saluted, and said, “Report to the sir. In half an hour, the floater will pass Gu Zhaoshan.”

Wang Teng had already put on the mask, his voice looked a little dull, nodded, and said, “I see!”

After the sergeant left, he looked at everyone and said: “When we arrive at Gu Zhaoshan, we will leave the floating boat, and then weave north to Xingfeng City!”

“Understand!” everyone responded in unison.

Although they didn’t catch a cold with Wang Teng, they respected his orders on the surface.

Wang Teng didn’t say much any more, he took a look at Cold Wind and Black Widow, closed his eyes, and leaned against the cargo box behind him to rest.

This floating boat was specially used to transport materials, so it was full of various cargo boxes, and the others sat cross-legged, closed their eyes and rested, and waited quietly.

After half an hour passed quickly, Wang Teng slowly opened his eyes.

The others opened their eyes almost at the same time, and a bright light flashed in their eyes behind the mask.

With this well-trained appearance alone, Wang Teng looked at them a little bit more in his heart.

Wang Teng did not speak, stood up, walked straight to the door, and pulled it away. The violent wind blew in immediately.

The broken hair on his forehead flicked, and the next moment he stepped out without hesitation.

Behind Wang Teng, Cold Wind and the Black Widow looked at each other, and a sharp light flashed in their eyes, and they also jumped out of the floating boat.

The remaining people also jumped out of the float boat one by one.

Among these warriors, except Cold Wind and Black Widow, who reached the 5-star warrior level, could transform the wings of the Force and fly in the sky, all the others were relying on rune instruments.

There is a rune device on their backs. After stimulating the rune on it, a pair of mechanical wings will pop up to help them glide in the sky.

At this time, if you look up from the ground, you will see black spots suddenly appearing in the sky, and these black spots are constantly zooming in and landing in the same direction.

On the top of a mountain, Wang Teng stood in the air so that others could see his position.

Cold Wind and Black Widow glanced around and found Wang Teng’s location. They stirred the Force wings behind them and quickly approached Wang Teng.

When the two of them came close, the pupils in their eyes contracted involuntarily.

There was no force wings behind Wang Teng, nor did he use any rune instruments, he stood completely out of thin air.

This means that he is at least…

7 star warriors! ! !

This airborne chief turned out to be a 7-star warrior-level powerhouse!

How can this be? ?

He is so young, even several years younger than Major Kong Li and Major Yuwen, he has actually reached this height!

The two felt incredible. Although they had thought that Wang Teng would not be too bad if they could send Wang Teng down to lead the team, but they both thought that Wang Teng was at most 5-star or 6-star warrior level.

The 7-Star War Soldier level really didn’t even think about it.

After all, there is a huge gap between the 6-star warrior level and the 7-star warrior level. The combat unit level is 1 to 9 stars, and every three levels is a threshold. It seems that there is only one level difference between 6 stars and 7 stars, but it is true. Really crossed a large level.

The two are incomparable!

Cold Wind and Black Widow froze for a moment, couldn’t help but glance at each other, then stood quietly behind Wang Teng, leaning slightly to show respect!

No matter where you are, strength is the best proof.

The strong are bound to be respected!

At this moment, even if Wang Teng didn’t say anything or did nothing, they didn’t dare to underestimate Wang Teng in the slightest.

Others rushed over one after another, took away their back wings, and slowly landed on the ground.

When they saw the situation on Wang Teng’s side, the expressions behind the mask were exactly the same as the two of them in the cold wind just now, and there was a deep shock in their hearts.

“Are everyone here?” Wang Teng asked lightly after a moment.

The cold wind did not dare to neglect, and immediately stood up. After the roll call, he said to Wang Teng, “It’s all here!”

“Set off!”

Wang Teng gave a shout, and immediately turned into an afterimage, galloping away in one direction.

According to the requirements of the military department, you must arrive at Xingfeng City before dawn tomorrow. It is already noon. Inferring from the distance between the two places, time is very tight.

If it was just Wang Teng, it would naturally not take that long, but the speed of these three-star and four-star warrior-level warriors would not be so fast.

A group of people are moving fast in the mountains and forests without stopping.

Some were jumping between the trees, some running on the ground, dozens of people scattered around, faintly like a sharp knife piercing the jungle.

Star beasts appeared from time to time in the wild environment, rushing towards everyone with a roar, but they were quickly torn to pieces by this ‘sharp knife’.

During this period, Wang Teng did not make a move, watching them hunt and kill them, judging the strength of everyone.

He found that this group of subordinates were not only good at strength, but also cooperated tacitly. The performance along the way made him a little surprised.

In addition, he can also pick up a lot of attribute bubbles for nothing, which invisibly enhances his strength…

At this time, in front of everyone was a 6-star star beast, under the command of Cold Wind and Black Widow, they even had the upper hand.

Not long after, the 6-star warrior-level star beast uttered a roar, and despite the surrounding attacks, it rushed directly to the two 4-star warrior-level warriors, as if to die with them.

The expressions of Cold Wind and Black Widow changed slightly…


At this moment, a crimson light pierced the star beast’s head.

The star beast stiffened, and the light in his eyes completely dissipated, but its huge body still crashed into the two 4-star warriors under the action of inertia!


The two of them were knocked over to the ground, but fortunately they were not injured. They immediately stood up with a glimmer of fortune in their eyes, looking at Wang Teng on the left trunk.

He stood there, with a dull expression, withdrawing his fingers, as if he hadn’t done anything.

Everyone was shocked inexplicably.

One finger!

Killing the 6-star star beast with just one finger, what a formidable strength this is!

Cold Wind and Black Widow also had their faces in disbelief, and Wang Teng’s strength revealed a corner in front of them for the first time.

“Thank you sir!” The two warriors who were rescued hurriedly saluted and thanked them.

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