Chapter 432 Code Name: Dark Crow!


“Why are you laughing?” Wang Teng glared at Kong Li, feeling that his dignity was greatly insulted.

This guy is too much!

“Cough, don’t smile, don’t smile…Puff, hahaha, I’m sorry, I can’t help it.” Kong Li walked over and saw Wang Teng’s aggrieved expression, and smiled again.

She held Wang Teng’s shoulders and leaned forward and backward with a smile, overwhelmed with joy.

Niu Li and Yu Wenxuan on the side also couldn’t help but laugh, their mouths raised frantically.

If it wasn’t for the wrong occasion, they would probably laugh out loud.

“Come on, junior brother, put it on and show it to the elder sister. I think this cat face mask is very good. It fits your temperament.” Kong Li laughed for a while and said playfully.

“Fuck off!” Wang Teng slapped her hand away angry.

“Don’t, put it on and have a look, it’s really good.” Kong Li still didn’t give up, chattering endlessly.

Wang Teng was too lazy to pay attention to her. He turned his eyes and said to Yu Wenxuan, “Major Yuwen, why don’t we change it. I think this mask is more suitable for you.”

“Go!” Yu Wenxuan’s expression changed, and said coldly.

Wang Teng persevered, turned his head to look at Niu Li, and said with a serious expression: “Old Niu, why don’t you change with me, believe me, wearing this mask will surely sprout the old tree, withered trees in spring, and then fascinate thousands of young girls. Overtake Major Yuwen and become the new generation idol king of the military!”

The muscles on Niu Li’s face twitched, and muscles burst into his forehead.

Asshole, can you speak?

What is the sprout of an old tree? What is dead wood every spring?

Is he very old?

For a warrior in his thirties, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a young man. This kid actually said that he was old and had no vision.

I want to change my mask just like that, it’s just a dream!

“Hahaha…no one will change it with you.” Kong Li laughed happily.

Wang Teng was furious, but then his eyes lit up again: “It’s better than…”

“Die your heart, I won’t change it with you.” Kong Li rolled her eyes and interrupted before he could finish speaking. She fiddled with the bear face mask in her hand and said: “I I think this is good for me!”

“Hey, what kind of taste.” Wang Teng looked disgusted.

“Okay, don’t play tricks, time is running out, it’s time to set off!” At this moment, Niu Li said.

“Forget it, since no one likes you, let me spoil you.” Wang Teng knocked on the cat face mask in his hand, shaking his head and sighed.

“Wearing this mask is to hide our identity, so that no one will recognize us through the portrait. It is not for you to decorate.” Niu Li said silently.

Seeing that Wang Teng no longer said anything, he continued: “In addition, since the identity is hidden, the real name can no longer be used, so a code name is needed!”

“Code name?” Wang Teng said suspiciously: “It looks like a spy.”

Niu Li glared at him, and said, “My code name is Man Niu, Kong Li’s code name is Peacock, and Yu Wenxuan’s code name is Wenlang! You are a recruit, without a code name, get one yourself now, and we will all Call each other by code names.”

“It’s so troublesome…” Wang Teng was a little helpless, but he still thought about it.

It’s just that for the first time he replaced himself with a number, he really felt strange in his heart, and he didn’t think of a reason for a long time.

“Otherwise, just call Mengmao!” Kong Li teased.

“Very good!” Yu Wenxuan nodded in agreement.

“Enough of you!” Wang Teng glared at the two of them. Suddenly, there was a flash of light in his mind and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

“Dark Crow!”

Kong Li and others couldn’t help but chant.

Niu Lisheng was afraid that there would be another moth. He waved his hand quickly and said, “This code name is good, so let’s put on the masks and set off!”

Everyone didn’t joking anymore, their faces were slightly condensed, and they walked towards another exit of the underground training ground.

On the way, four people put on masks one after another.

Wang Teng didn’t hesitate anymore. Isn’t it just a mask? Just wear it. Anyway, no one knows who he is except for Kongli.

Shame can’t be lost anywhere!

The next four teams followed each other.

After a while, they came to the floating boat docking station, and someone had been waiting to meet them.

“Take care of yourself!”

The four of them looked at each other, and after taking care, they boarded a floating boat with their respective teams and flew towards the distance.

In the transport cabin of the airship, Wang Teng sat with fifty people under him, staring at each other with big and small eyes.

He was a little bit clueless. This group of people was extremely rigid and seemed to only know to execute orders. He didn’t speak, and they couldn’t even say a word.

After a while, Wang Teng gave a dry cough and said, “All of you introduce yourself, starting with…you two!”

He circled his fingers, and finally pointed at the two 5-star warriors.

The two of them were shocked and looked at each other without a trace.

You must know that because of the special department they belong to, they have all practiced the law of hiding the force, and it is generally difficult for outsiders to see their strength.

As a result, Wang Teng pointed out both of them extremely accurately.

They don’t believe this is any luck.

This too young captain must have seen something.

Before everyone saw Wang Teng’s uncomfortable look, they were a bit regretful that they followed such a boss, whether it was a blessing or a curse.

At this time, the two people realized that the young man in front of him was definitely not an ordinary person if he could be sent to serve as their captain.

Wang Teng showed this a little bit just to shock these people.

Anyone who is strong will always be a little arrogant. For the captain who descended from the air, these warriors must have some complaints and doubts in their hearts.

Especially when compared with Kong Li and the others, he really has no name, and he is also very young.

Being young often means little strength.

He didn’t bother to explain anything to them, so he directly frightened him in this way.

These warriors are not stupid people who want to come, so they don’t even see this.

At this time, under Wang Teng’s calm gaze, one of them took off his mask, revealing the face of a man in his early thirties, and said: “Code name: Cold Wind!”

After speaking, he put on the mask again and stopped speaking.

He didn’t mention his own strength, his eyes fixed on Wang Teng’s eyes.

Wang Teng’s face was flat, he didn’t ask any more, turned his head and gestured to another person.

The man took off the mask and turned out to be a twenty-seven-year-old woman with a centipede-like scar spreading over half of her face. She said in a cold voice, “Code name: Black Widow!”

After speaking, he took a look at Wang Teng, also wearing a mask, without even mentioning his own strength.

Wang Teng’s teeth have pantothenic acid.

Black Widow?

What the hell is this!

Why don’t you play in the Women’s Federation.

Having said that, the black widows of the Women’s Federation are still pretty good-looking. As for the eldest sister in front of me, um… remove the scar, it should be pretty good!

Next, the others introduced themselves one by one, all saying only the code name, and took off the mask to let Wang Teng recognize his face.

Wang Teng touched his chin and looked around.

All of his subordinates seem to be very rebellious…

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