Chapter 434: Encounter!

“Give me the spirit of starting points. I don’t want some of you to be injured before Xingfeng City arrives. I can’t afford to lose this person!”

Wang Teng said lightly.

“Yes!” the two of them replied with shame on their faces.

“keep going!”

When the voice fell, Wang Teng waved his hand and put away the 6-star star beast corpse on the ground, turning it into a scared rainbow, and swept into the distance.

The people behind quickly cleaned up, turning into afterimages to keep up.

Soon, the night fell, everyone stopped to rest, and while regaining the consumed force, they ate some dry food to satisfy their hunger.

Wang Teng doesn’t like to eat dry food. Fortunately, he quickly roasted a piece of star beast meat with the force of the fire system and sprinkled it with some condiments that he carried with him… You’re done!

The rich fragrance drifted out.

The sound of swallowing saliva suddenly sounded all around.

Although the conditions are simple and the time is limited, he is a master chef at any rate, and the food he produces is naturally full of color, flavor, and flavor.

No matter how strong the concentration of Hanfeng and others is, can it stop the temptation of food?

“This is… spiritual food!” The black widow’s voice was cold, and she couldn’t help but say.

“Our captain, is it still a smart cook?” Cold Wind looked strange and guessed.

After seeing Wang Teng’s strength, Hanfeng and others have gradually recognized Wang Teng’s identity as the captain.

“I’m afraid it is!” The black widow said silently, “It’s really unexpected!”

“Oh, this dry food suddenly tasteless.” The cold wind bit the compressed biscuit in his hand, sighed, smelled the fragrance in the air, and swallowed again.

Not only him, but everyone else also looked at Wang Teng with bitterness.


They eat dry food, the captain actually eats spiritual food!

Shouldn’t you be sympathetic to your subordinates at this time, distribute the spiritual food to everyone, and then buy people’s hearts by the way?

Although they are all principled people, naturally they can’t buy two spiritual foods with one meal.

But occasionally accepting the captain’s kindness is still reasonable!

Unfortunately, just think about it.

Wang Teng ignored them at all and ate for himself.

Sample, it won’t cure you anymore!

He hadn’t forgotten his previous dismissal.

As a cautious captain, he has some ways to avenge his disobedient and unlovable subordinates…

After the rest, everyone set off again.

In the middle of the night, Wang Teng suddenly received Xiaobai’s warning.

Xiaobai has always been by his side, and has a broader vision, which can provide him with a lot of help.

Wang Teng motioned everyone to stop.

In the cold wind, the black widow and others couldn’t help looking at him suspiciously.

Wang Teng didn’t speak, he just closed his eyes and switched the angle of view. Then he saw a group of people in a jungle a few kilometers away in a melee!

On both sides of the melee, one of them had very similar attire, wearing black uniforms and masks.

On the other side, there is a group of blasting wolf star beasts, extremely powerful, and the number has reached more than a hundred, forming a siege, putting the masked warriors in black uniforms into danger.

There is no doubt that this group of masked warriors may have the same purpose as theirs.

Wang Teng groaned for a moment, then waved his hand and drove everyone over there.

Not long after, they stopped a few hundred meters away and saw the front melee scene from a distance.

Han Feng and the others were shocked, and then they couldn’t help but look at Wang Teng.

Did he notice it so far?

Just now, Wang Teng obviously felt something, and hurried over here.

Such a long distance, even the 9-star warrior level may not be able to detect it, how did the captain do it?

“These people should also be the advance troops of a certain legion.” At this moment, Wang Teng suddenly spoke.

“I didn’t expect to be run into by us!” Cold Wind said in surprise.

“There are several legions that go to Star Maple City on the same route as ours, and it is not surprising that they encounter here.” Black Widow said.

“But they are really unlucky enough to run into such a large group of hurricane wolves!” Han Feng said.

When Wang Teng and others arrived, the warriors who were surrounded by the storm wolves also noticed them. They were shocked, and then they were overjoyed.

Some people directly cried out for help.

“Save or not?” the black widow asked.

“The number of Hurricane Wolves is a bit high, even if we join, I’m afraid there will be losses.” Han Feng frowned.

“You can’t die, go!” Wang Teng said lightly.


Everyone responded in unison, and the cold wind didn’t say anything. With Wang Teng, a 7-star warrior-level powerhouse, this group of hurricane wolves is really not a concern.

Then they turned into afterimages and rushed into the battle group.

The group of people on the opposite side was already precarious under the siege of the wind wolves. Fortunately, even if Wang Teng and others arrived, they would have suffered heavy casualties.

With the joining of Wang Teng’s team, their pressure was greatly reduced.

However, the number of hurricane wolves still dominates, and they are good at speed, making everyone tired of coping.


The roar of the wolves continued to resound, as if commanding the wolves, making this group of hurricane wolves cooperate tacitly like human beings, and it was very difficult to deal with.

Wang Teng glanced around and found a 7-star warrior.

However, he was surrounded by several 6-star hurricane wolves, no matter how he rushed from left to right, he couldn’t get out.

The man also noticed Wang Teng who was not far away, frowned, and shouted: “Hey, what are you doing in a daze? Why don’t you come down to help!”

Wang Teng was a little surprised. Under his thick uniform, he didn’t even notice that this 7-star warrior was actually a woman.

Wang Teng ignored her, his eyes still scanned among the wolves.

Gradually, he frowned involuntarily.

“How can it be?”

He guessed that there must be a wolf king among this group of hurricane wolves, otherwise it would be impossible to cooperate with such a tacit understanding.

Originally wanted to find it out, it turned out that the strongest hurricane wolf was 6-star, and none of them exceeded this level at all.

“Isn’t the Wolf King here?” Wang Teng thought in his heart.

“Hey, you are going to make a move, do you want to see us all die here?” the 7-star warrior-level cried again.

“Shut up!” Wang Teng shouted coldly.

“You!” The 7-star warrior below couldn’t help furious.

Wang Teng was too lazy to pay attention to her, his thoughts turned sharply: “There is also a possibility that the wolf king of this group of hurricane wolves is not the strongest one!”

This situation is a bit weird.

In the world of star beasts, the survival rule of the weak eating the strong has always been pursued, and their king must be the strongest, so that they can lead them to survive in a cruel environment.

It is almost impossible for the weak to become kings unless…

Unless there is an individual who has special talents that other similar ones don’t have! ! !

“Even so, how can I find it out?” Wang Teng had a headache. He thought he could find the Wolf King based on the strength of the original force by relying on the spiritual vision talent, but he did not expect this special situation to occur.

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