Chapter 431 Masked Warrior in the Underground Training Ground!

Seeing Wang Teng’s lazy look, Song Wanjiang couldn’t help but burst into an unknown fire in his heart.

This kind of important thing, can you be more reliable for me!

But when he thought of Wang Teng’s backstage, he couldn’t help but glanced behind Wang Teng’s back.

It was as if Tantai Xuan was standing there.

Forget it, the adults don’t remember the villain’s faults, and their own dignified deputy commander, why bother with a little corporal.

He couldn’t help looking at Kong Li and Yu Wenxuan.

Sure enough, they looked pleasing to the eye!

“In order not to cause the detection of the Dark Seed, the confidentiality of this mission is extremely high, so you will become ordinary warriors, and each will lead a small team to go to Star Maple City from different directions. All the necessary items have been prepared for you. Put it in the underground training ground No. 3, you can get it yourself.” Song Wanjiang said.

Wang Teng and Niu Li nodded their heads, and then bowed to Song Wanjiang a military salute, preparing to leave.

“After you take your things, don’t say anything, you will go out of the city by hiding in the floating boat that transports supplies every day!”

“Remember, time is tight, you need to rush to Xingfeng City before the dawn of tomorrow morning!”

Song Wanjiang finally exhorted.


The four turned and left. Only Song Wanjiang stood there for a long time before leaving the meeting room.

The four of Wang Teng kept on running, and after a little preparation, they met again.

Wang Teng followed Niu Li and the others to a heavily guarded building. After verifying his identity, the guard sergeant let him go.

A few people walked into the building, passed a steel corridor, and a row of elevators appeared in the field of vision.

Niu Li and the others were familiar with the road and led him to an elevator with the word 3 on it.

The elevator door opened, and there was only one button beside the door. Wang Teng and others got into the elevator and pressed the button, and immediately felt a sense of weightlessness.

The elevator is extremely fast, but the basement seems surprisingly deep.

There is a sense of impact like falling from a building!

Fortunately, they are all martial artists, with a strong heart, otherwise they would not be able to stand the stimulation.

After a while, the elevator shook suddenly, and with a sneer, the door opened.

Wang Teng walked out without changing their faces.

At first sight is a huge underground space, surrounded by all kinds of equipment!

At this time, there were already many people in this underground training ground. They were divided into four teams and waited quietly.

These people wore black uniforms and all kinds of strange masks on their faces.

Wang Teng’s face suddenly became weird.

This scene was really beyond his expectation. It was not like preparing for an expedition, but like a large-scale role-playing game.

He turned his head and glanced at Niu Li and the others, and found that they didn’t seem to be any strange, and the expression on his face was about to be reduced, lest they think he was ignorant.


After seeing them in the underground training ground, these warriors suddenly raised their hands to salute, and their movements were so neat that there was almost no difference.


A deep shout with a sense of solemnity followed.

The three Niu Li returned their gifts one after another.

Wang Teng feels helpless, feeling that he must salute everywhere in this military headquarters.

“Four teams, we choose one each, you choose first.” At this moment, Niu Li said.

“I don’t care, it’s the same to me.” Wang Teng said lightly.

Niu Li opened his mouth, originally wanting to persuade a few words, but when he thought of the things before, his face still hurt a little, so he shut up immediately.

“Then I’m not welcome, hehe.” Kong Li didn’t give in, and carefully looked at the four retired teams, especially to feel the breath of them and judge the difference between strengths and weaknesses.

This task is not easy, and they certainly won’t work on their own.

On the battlefield, unless you become an existence like a commander-level powerhouse, it is difficult to accomplish anything based on individual strength alone.

Therefore, the strength of subordinates is crucial.

This is related to their performance in the task. If they perform outstandingly and make a wonderful achievement, they may be able to upgrade to a higher level on the original basis.

At their age, reaching the rank of major is almost the culmination, and further up, simply relying on military merits will not be enough to improve their status.

Only by making outstanding contributions in large-scale wars and gaining a certain degree of prestige can it be possible to go further.

Obviously, this mission is an excellent opportunity.

When Kong Li selected the team, Yu Wenxuan was not idle either.

He glanced at Wang Teng. Although he was a little unconvinced in his heart, he wouldn’t be arrogant about this matter, and immediately began to choose a team.

At this moment, a gleam in Wang Teng’s eyes, turning on Lingshi, glanced past, and suddenly felt a little surprised in his heart.

These warriors turned out to be above the 3-star warrior level, and the strongest is the 5-star warrior level.

Each team has the same equipment, two 5-star warriors, ten 4-star warriors, and 30 3-star warriors.

This kind of strength, placed in many places outside, can walk sideways.

Of course, there must be certain differences in the strength of each individual, which is why Kong Li and Yu Wenxuan chose so carefully.

It didn’t take long for the two to choose their respective teams.

“Which one do you choose?” Niu Li asked.

This time, Wang Teng didn’t decline, he clicked on the team on the left and said, “Just this one.”

In fact, among the four teams, the team he selected should be the strongest.

In the eyes of his spiritual vision, it is not difficult to see that at least half of the warriors in this team have more solid force in their bodies than the warriors of other teams.

Especially several of the 5-star warriors and 4-star warriors, the combat power must not be low.

This is invisible from the outside.

Kong Li and Yu Wenxuan chose for a long time, but they may not have thought that the strongest team will eventually fall into the hands of Wang Teng.

The four teams are allocated.

In front of the four teams, there was a table. There was nothing on the table, just a mask.

At this time, the four Wang Teng walked to the front of the team.

Wang Teng felt a little speechless. He picked up the mask on the table and turned it over and looked at it.


This is a cat face mask, which is nothing at all. Many other people are also animal masks, but this mask looks a bit…cute!

Dozens of black lines appeared on Wang Teng’s forehead.

What the hell! ?

On such a serious occasion, who came up with such a cute mask, on earth? ! !

What a mess!

No wonder this mask is placed on the reverse side, preventing them from seeing the front side.

If he saw the face of this mask, even if the team was the strongest, he would not choose it, and the dignity of a man should not be insulted.

Wang Teng couldn’t help but glanced at the mask in the hands of Niu Li and others.


The resentment in my heart suddenly became stronger.

Why are their masks all normal?

It even seems to have a sense of killing, this is the outfit that a warrior on the battlefield should have!

Under Wang Teng’s faint gaze, Niu Li and the three people suddenly felt a heavy resentment drifting over.

The three of them looked dumbfounded.

what’s the situation?

How is this guy’s circled and crossed expression?

When they saw the mask in Wang Teng’s hand, they were suddenly stunned, and then they were holding back with a strange look on their faces to prevent themselves from laughing.

But Kong Li didn’t show any face, and laughed unscrupulously:


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