Chapter 411

Wang Teng waited on the martial arts field for a while, when the resentment in his heart was about to explode, a roar came.

Follow the voice to see.

An armored vehicle drove over from a distance. It was extremely fast. When it was approaching, it suddenly braked. The tires rubbed against the ground and made a harsh sound. The body slammed around, and finally stopped dangerously and dangerously. In front of Teng.

The strong wind moved Liu Hai in front of Wang Teng’s forehead, making him look a little… dazed!

At the window of the armored vehicle, Kong Li poked his head out, looking at Wang Teng with a strange expression:


“No, what do you mean?” Wang Teng said silently.

“It means that your mission is with us.” Kong Li said: “Get in the car first, and then explain to you on the road.”

Wang Teng didn’t get entangled either. He got on the back seat of the car, and suddenly he was taken aback. A cold-faced man sat in the back seat, not who Yu Wenxuan was.

“Haha, Major Yuwen is here too!” Wang Teng laughed.

The corners of Yu Wenxuan’s mouth twitched without a trace, and his face was black and did not speak.

God knows how his heart collapsed when he suddenly heard that Wang Teng was about to cooperate on this mission this morning.

Kong Li smiled, started the armored car, and drove quickly outside the city.

When Wang Teng saw that Yu Wenxuan didn’t reply, he smiled secretly and didn’t care. Yu Wenxuan was obviously beaten badly by him.

Kong Li said as he drove, “This mission is mainly based on the three of us. The Dark Seed, which is located in the southwest of the No. 53 garrison point, seems to have a 7-star warrior level or even a higher combat dark seed. We The purpose is to explore and find out the purpose of the dark species, and if necessary, to punish the higher dark species.”

“Of course, can you not stun the snake, try not to stun the snake!”

“This mission is very exciting!” Wang Teng said, touching his chin.

The first mission was a heavyweight, and the military officials really looked up to him.

“Excitement is irritation, but it is also dangerous!” Kong Li smiled, talking about danger, but did not see her showing the slightest fear, as if she was just joking.

“During the mission, follow the arrangements and don’t hold back.” Yu Wenxuan said coldly.

“People who hold back are usually weak people.” Wang Teng glanced at him and said with a smile.

“…” Yu Wenxuan.

“Don’t listen to him, he is not the captain of this mission, he has no command.” Kong Li attacked unceremoniously.

“There is no captain for this mission?” Wang Teng asked in surprise.

“Yes, you will know who it is later.” Kong Li said.

While talking, the armored car drove to the entrance of Blackbird City, and the three of them showed their IDs, and the guard sergeants checked them one by one before letting them go.

The armored vehicle drove out of Blackbird City, but stopped not far from the entrance.

Lieutenant Colonel Niu Li, whom Wang Teng had met before, was standing on the side of the road, as if waiting for them for a long time.

After the car stopped, he opened the door and sat in the passenger seat.

“Why is it so long?” Niu Li frowned.

“Go to pick up this guy.” Kong Li pointed his finger back, hehe.

“Lieutenant Colonel Niu!” Wang Teng yelled.

It seems that the captain of this mission is Niu Li!

Suddenly discovering that Niu Li and Kong Li’s names are very similar, he couldn’t help but looked at the faces of the two of them. One had a rough face, but the other had a pretty face, and a sense of disharmony surged.

His face suddenly became a little weird.

Fortunately, the two are not relatives.

Wang Teng thought a little wickedly.

Kong Li and Yu Wenxuan also called out.

The ranks of the two seem to be only one level lower than Niu Li, but in fact they have great respect for him.

Niu Li’s qualifications are much older than them, and both battlefield experience and mission experience are much richer than them.

Niu Li nodded, did not say anything, and asked: “You should all know the mission situation, right?”

The three nodded.

“Wang Teng, you are a recruit, do you have any questions?” Niu Li said.

“Not for the time being, everything will follow the arrangement!” Wang Tengyi said righteously.

The muscles on Yu Wenxuan’s face trembled for a while, Nima said the same just now, and Wang Teng immediately stunned. Now he will pretend to be clever, why don’t you stun Niu Li!

Niu Li was extremely satisfied with Wang Teng’s attitude.

He had seen a bit of weirdness from Wang Teng when he was performing martial arts before, so when he returned, he asked Nie Jianqiang again, only to realize that Wang Teng was not good enough to deal with it.

Now it seems that although the Tianjiao among the recruits is a bit unreliable in character, he still knows the general idea.

It is a talent that can be made!

The armored vehicle drove for 20 kilometers, and the surrounding area became more and more desolate. It was full of black ground, without any grass growing, and the ground was covered with sand.

The harsh environment here was beyond Wang Teng’s expectation.

“Sir!” There was a respectful shout.

The crowd came to a nearby Black Sparrow Legion’s troop station. After Kong Li showed his identity certificate, the guarding sergeant’s face immediately showed respect.

Most of these soldiers are ordinary people, responsible for operating large rune weapons, and only a few are warriors.

Entering it, Wang Teng looked around curiously.

It was discovered that this garrison spot was entirely made of steel!

From the inside, there are traces of runes on the surface of the steel, indicating that this camp has rune defenses.

Even so, the outer surface is still pits and bumps, all kinds of bullet marks, knife marks and sword marks can be seen everywhere.

The scale of the military station is not small, it can hold hundreds of people, the facilities are complete, and large thermal weapons abound. It can be described as armed to the teeth.

“We have rune weapons, as well as the dark species. The wisdom of the higher dark species is not worse than that of humans.” Kong Li explained Wang Teng’s gaze.

Wang Teng nodded. It is not difficult to guess that if the Dark Seed had no rune weapons, the scale of war would have fallen to one side.

And against the dark species of high-level combat power, even the lethality of rune weapons is very limited.

Unless, like Wang Teng, a powerful warrior with a powerful weapon such as the Vulcan Cannon can play a sufficient role.

Several people parked the armored vehicle and switched to walking.

“Next, you have to enter the precaution zone. You may encounter the Dark Seed at any time, so be careful.”

Niu Li reminded him.

Both Kong Li and Yu Wenxuan were both unpredictable. Obviously he was mainly speaking to Wang Teng.

Wang Teng nodded in line with the principle of saying less, listening more and watching more, and followed the pace of the three.

In fact, they flew directly at the speed of the four of them, and they could get there in a short time of more than 20 kilometers, but they used driving instead.

Wang Teng didn’t ask much, he was not stupid, and he immediately understood the reason.

These things have been learned in school classes. In any case, you must keep yourself in the best condition on the battlefield to deal with unexpected situations that may arise at any time.

Kong Li and others obviously didn’t want to waste extra physical strength and force.

Everyone marched all the way, Niu Li and Kong Li sometimes spoke out, telling Wang Teng how to hide, how to observe ambush points, how to set traps, etc…

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