Chapter 412 Rest in Peace!

On the black earth, the stench permeated, and the four of them advanced vigilantly and quickly.

Niu Li and Kong Li do not have any prejudice against Wang Teng, but their relationship is pretty good, so everything that should be said will be told to Wang Teng.

In addition to ambushes and traps, it also includes dark species’ footprint identification, tracking and other messy things. There are many types of dark creatures, and experienced soldiers can see the types of dark creatures through their footprints.

Although these things are learned in school classes, it takes a process to integrate them with the actual situation.

While keeping up with Kong Li and others, Wang Teng quickly absorbed experience and continued to grow.

He also found that the surrounding ground was no longer bare, but a lot of plants appeared sparsely.

These plants are not ordinary.

Wang Teng had already activated his spiritual vision talent, and with his current level of spirit, he could fully support the spiritual vision for a long time.

Under the eyes of Lingshi, he could see the subtle dark forces lingering on these plants.

Obviously, they were infested by the Dark Force and mutated.

In fact, even if you don’t need to turn on the spiritual vision, you can see the clues.

The surrounding plants are completely dark, each of them grows strangely shaped, some with fang-like barbs, and some are jagged, looking extremely sharp…

At a glance, these plants know that they are not serious plants!

“If ordinary soldiers are stabbed by their spikes or scratched by sawtooths, they will soon be infected by the Dark Force. If they are not treated in time, they will have their limbs amputated or blackened.” Kong Li said.


Suddenly, a black slime squirted from a trumpet-shaped plant flower and shot towards Wang Teng.

Wang Teng looked calm, turned his feet, and avoided.

Chi Chi Chi Chi!

The cloud of black slime fell on the ground, and a cloud of black smoke immediately rose.

“Oh yes, they will also attack passers-by. This is their mutated predation method. These dark plants are very fierce.” Kong Li said lightly.

God is so fierce!

Knowing the danger, it’s not early to say, can you take a snack, hello!

Wang Teng raised his eyebrows, feeling a little tired.

Although Kong Li would always explain to him, it was often an afterthought, just like just now.

“This knowledge is actually taught in sophomores and juniors, but you only reached the freshman year.” Kong Li laughed.

Wang Teng: “…”

I only blame me for the freshman year?

Seeing Wang Teng’s depressed look, a smile appeared in the corner of Yu Wenxuan’s eyes.

New recruits are recruits, no matter how powerful they are, they have shortcomings, and they are not to be taught by the love of veterans.

“Experience it for yourself, the memory is more profound!” Kong Li waved his hand and said indifferently: “Besides, with your strength, if you can’t avoid this danger, then that would be a big joke.”

Okay, you are a senior, everything you say is right!

Wang Teng did not defend himself. These dangers are really not difficult for him. They are all in pediatrics.

Suddenly, he stared!

Kong Li and others also stopped, Niu Li said, “Who will solve it?”

Kong Li and Yu Wenxuan stood there and didn’t move.

Wang Teng was helpless, his figure flashed, he had reached a hundred meters away, and a low-level dark species was crawling on the ground.

It was still in human form, but the face was like a monster, and it was hideous and abnormal. There were many flesh and blood on his body turned out, dripping with black blood, and bones were visible.

Ordinary people will probably be scared to death when they see you.

After seeing Wang Teng, this low-level dark species roared, jumped up suddenly, and rushed over.

Wang Teng swept across this dark seed, his eyes suddenly stopped.

But the next moment, he still waved with one hand, and a ball of flame instantly enveloped the darkness.


During the roar, the darkness was turned into dust under the high temperature, and disappeared with the cloudy wind blowing in the distance.

“rest in peace!”

Wang Teng’s eyes were cold, and his face was surprisingly calm.

These three words were not planted for darkness, but for the human soldier who was infested by the dark force.

Because Wang Teng saw the military uniforms of the Earth and Star humans in this dark species.

This dark seed was transformed by human soldiers…

“You did a good job. In this situation, don’t hesitate. Death is a relief for them.” Niu Li and others walked over and said.

“Warrior, Shroud of Horse Leather, fear not to die, but you must never become a slave to darkness!”

“Did you stay on the battlefield for a long time, you all like to complain, Xiu sighed!” Wang Teng smiled and said No Yu.

Niu Li: “…”

He was silent for a while, and then said for a long time: “You really are not as good as others!”

“I take it as you praise me.” Wang Teng didn’t take it seriously, and laughed directly: “Should it be time to leave?”

A few people set off again, and encountered a few lonely dark seeds along the way, and they all solved them at will.

In the first-level precaution zone, the level of the dark species is not very high, and a few people squeeze it, just like squeezing an ant.

Wang Teng couldn’t help thinking of the first time he encountered the Dark Seed. He was really taken aback at the time, and it took a lot of hands and feet to solve the low-level Dark Seed.

Now, the low-level dark species can only give away food.

Maybe they have just been cleaned up recently, there are not many dark species, they have not had any accidents, and they have entered the second-level warning zone quite smoothly.

The vegetation in the secondary security zone is much denser than before, and there are low bushes and even some small woods.


There was a rubbing sound in the ear, and it seemed to feel that strangers were approaching, and some poisonous insects and scorpions surrounded several people.

“Wang Teng, let’s get a fire and burn it clean!” Kong Li knew that Wang Teng had the fire force, and said directly.

Wang Teng didn’t talk nonsense, sometimes the fire force was still very useful. With a wave of his hand, a large number of poisonous insects and scorpions around him were killed instantly.

Many small bubbles came out.

【Poison Force*1】

【Dark Force*1】

【Dark Force*2】

【Poison Force*1】

Wang Teng gained a small amount of poison force and dark force.

However, he left some poison and didn’t kill it, but stunned it, then filled it in a bottle and put it into the space ring.

“Why are you grabbing these things?” Kong Li frowned and asked.

“Take it back and study and study.” Wang Teng filled the last ugly-looking poisonous insect into the bottle, looked at it curiously, and replied casually.

“Your interest is really weird.” Kong Li said silently.

“Research is no problem, but you have to pay attention. These poisonous insects have also been infected by the Dark Force. Don’t cause leakage, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable. Even you have to be responsible.” Niu Li said.

“Don’t worry, I can get rid of these poisonous insects without any problems,” Wang Teng said.

It was when he saw these poisonous insects being infected by the Dark Force that he thought about it.

After all, he has both the Poison Force and the Dark Force at the same time.

Niu Li didn’t say anything, and with a few people, he continued to advance towards the third-level security zone.

More than an hour later, at the edge of the secondary security zone, several people heard the sound of fighting.

The expressions of Niu Li and the others changed, their speed suddenly increased, and they rushed to where the sound came from.

Wang Teng’s eyes flashed, and he quickly followed.

When they arrived, they happened to see a battle between a human cleanup team and the Dark Seed.

There are more than a dozen human warriors, including three at the four-star warrior level, and thirty or forty ordinary soldiers.

There are nearly a hundred dark species, most of which are low-level dark species, but there are also seven or eight four-star warrior-level high-level dark species.

These dark species are extremely tall and sturdy. The muscles under the blue-black skin are like steel. They have blue-faced fangs, their eyes are a bit bigger than a ping-pong ball, and they hold a heavy weapon like a mace, and their lethality is amazing.

“It’s the dark species of the troll clan!” Yu Wenxuan said condensedly.

The battle over there has broken out. The dark species of the troll race rushed into the human warriors and swung a stick. A human 4-star warrior-level warrior just wanted to resist, the weapon broke directly, his chest collapsed, and the whole person flew out. Immediately, there will be more air and less air.

Those low-level dark species also rushed into the human warriors, biting them when they saw them.

Wang Teng and the others were still some distance away. Seeing this scene, they all showed anger, let go of their speed to the extreme, and rushed over there.

hurry up!

Hurry up!

Kong Li and the three were already advancing at full speed, but they still could only watch as many human soldiers were surrounded and bitten by the darkness.

Before they died, they screamed and wailed in pain…

As if turned into a gust of wind, Wang Teng rushed past Kongli and the three.


With a loud shout, he attracted the attention of the Dark Species. One of the Dark Species of the Troll Race grinned and grabbed him with a huge palm.

A golden brick appeared in Wang Teng’s hand, and it blasted directly on top of its head in this dark, dumbfounded look.


The ground shook, and a huge troll dark seed was shot into the ground by Wang Teng with a brick.

Its neck has disappeared, its head sank into its chest cavity, its seven orifices bleeds, and it died instantly, its appearance is very weird.

The human soldiers all around, as well as the dark species with wisdom, all watched this scene in shock.

“Reinforcements are coming!”

The human soldiers recovered immediately and shouted loudly!



The morale of the soldiers was high, and they slew towards the Dark Seed.

When the dark species of the troll clan saw their companions being killed, they roared, and suddenly four trolls surrounded Wang Teng.

Wang Teng’s eyes remained unchanged.

Good job!

Finally you can use the bricks to your heart’s content!


Even the combat skills were useless, the slabs were shot continuously, the air was violent, and several black species were shot to death on the spot!

For the miserable death, please refer to the troll dark seed in front.

Wang Teng turned around and wanted to continue to slap a few other trolls to death. As a result, Kong Li and others had already arrived, each one, so the solution should not be too simple.

In desperation, Wang Teng had no choice but to target other low-level dark species.

With the addition of four 7-star warrior-level powerhouses, the battle situation was instantly reversed, and the Dark Seed was quickly killed by all of them.

The human soldiers were retained to the greatest extent.

Kong Li and others finished solving all the dark species, raised their gazes and looked around, suddenly stunned!

One by one ‘wood stakes’ stood on the ground.

No, it was not a wooden stake, but a head of dark seed, which was shot into the ground forcibly.

Several people couldn’t help turning their heads to look at Wang Teng, their eyes instantly attracted by the things in his hands.


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