Chapter 410 Nobody Wants Him? ?

Wang Teng felt that Senior Sister Kong Li was not only good-looking, but also very good-looking.


Too full!

It was good wine and delicious spiritual food just now, I couldn’t hold back, I ate a little more.

Having said that, Senior Sister Kong Li has the same hobbies as him, and we can communicate more in the future.

Wang Teng was opening the door of the room, and the door beside it opened, and Han Zhu poked his head out.

“Have fun?”

“…” Wang Teng looked at him, wondering why he saw a trace of wretchedness in his expression.

“Old Han, I found that after knowing each other for a long time, you guy’s sorrowful behavior is becoming more and more unscrupulous.”

“Cough cough, I care about you, don’t indulge in beauty!” Han Zhu said with a dry cough, and said solemnly.

“Fuck!” Wang Teng rolled his eyes.

Who is obsessed with beauty!

If you don’t understand your hobbies, don’t talk nonsense if you don’t!

“Are you getting angry into anger?” At this time, the door on the other side also opened, and Wan Baiqiu leaned against the door, jokingly.

“Why don’t you even come to join in the fun?” Wang Teng said silently.

“I care about you just like Lao Han.” Wan Baiqiu shrugged.

“You two are really enough, thinking about these all day long, it’s better to think about what tasks you will face next.” Wang Teng said.

“It’s useless to think, we can’t be the master again.” Han Zhu said.

“Speaking of the difference in strength between the three of us, I’m afraid we won’t be able to share them together.” Wan Baiqiu said.

“When we have time, the three of us will gather together, exchange the information we found, and check the gaps.” Han Zhu suggested.

“Have you checked the information yet?” Wang Teng looked dumbfounded.

“Aren’t you unprepared?” Wan Baiqiu said silently.

“No one told me, and the General Hospital threw me to Lao Nie as soon as the school started. How can I check the information, and the military information is not confidential? Where did you check it?” Wang Teng was depressed. Said.

“Of course it was checked by the school, and it was specially provided for us old students, but it requires credits.” Han Zhu said.

“It’s normal if you don’t know. Who made you a junior.” Wan Baiqiu said with a smile.

“…” Wang Teng glared at her.


“Come on, let’s come over and have a chat when the time comes. Bystanders are clear, maybe you can find something we can’t see.” Han Zhu said.

“It happens to be your favor for helping us refine alchemy.” Wan Baiqiu said indifferently.

The two of them closed the door and went to rest after speaking. Wang Teng smiled and shook his head. He obviously wanted to help him, but he looked arrogant.

In the next three days, the three of Wang Teng often gathered together to communicate. The information that Han Zhu found was different. The two verified and supplemented each other, and gradually understood the situation of the Black Sparrow Legion.

The existence of the legion is actually to suppress the cracks in the space and kill any dark species that may appear.

Sixty kilometers away from Blackbird City, there is a space crack.

In order to suppress this rift in space, not only the Earth and the stars established the Black Sparrow Legion here, but the Xingwu Continent also sent troops to form the Starlight Legion.

The two legions are at either end of the space crack, radiating in a fan shape, forming an encircling circle.

Twenty kilometers away from Blackbird City and Xingyao City, the two legions set up many garrison points, erected force weapons, and regularly cleaned the dark species, and never allowed any dark species to escape the encirclement.

From these 20 kilometers to the location of the space crack, it is divided into several levels of warning zones. The closer to the space crack, the stronger the dark species that appears, and the greater the number. Therefore, the higher the level, it can be divided into one level. To level four!

In addition, the dark species at the end of the space crack are naturally unwilling to be trapped. They will often gather and form shocks, trying to break through the encirclement…

The two sides wrestled, with countless casualties, and gradually formed the current situation.

The day after the end of the performance.

In a combat command room of the military headquarters.

A group of officers gathered together, and Kong Li and Yu Wenxuan were also there.

“Yuwen, I heard that you lost to a recruit!” A burly officer smiled at Yuwenxuan.


Yu Wenxuan’s face was expressionless, but there was an MMP in his heart!


There is no end, see once and talk about it once!

Who hasn’t failed yet, is he still stunned?

Kong Li smiled happily when he saw his suffocated face, his face getting darker and darker in spite of the slightest disregard for Yu Wenxuan.

“It’s so lively!”

At this time, Song Wanjiang walked into the command room.



Everyone saluted.

“Okay, sit down.” Song Wanjiang sat down in the upper position, waved his hand, and said, “I called you here today to discuss where the recruits are going.”

“A lot of people have seen the game that day, and now I am sending you the information of these recruits, and I am interested in taking over.”

After speaking, he waved to a soldier behind him, and then he leaned back on his chair and said nothing.

The soldier immediately released the information on recruits from the three major military academies.

For a while, there was only the sound of flipping the paper in the command room, and all the officers were silent, looking carefully at the recruits’ information.

After a while, someone asked, “Why don’t you have any information about Wang Teng?”

“That little guy needs another arrangement and will discuss it later.” Song Wanjiang rubbed his eyebrows with a headache and said.

In order to arrange Wang Teng, he has spent a lot of brain cells, so far he has not thought of a good way.

“Forget it, the 7-star warrior rank may be stronger than me. I can’t take this soldier.” The officer was purely curious just now. After hearing Song Wanjiang’s words, he shook his head.

All the recruits were quickly assigned.

Regardless of the fact that the recruits were crushed by the veterans that day, these officers can actually tell how good the recruits are.

The recruits coming out of the academy are all new recruits. They have always been their favorite, and they were quickly robbed.

As for the academy martial artist’s arrogance, he was beaten and beaten, and it was nothing.

In the end, only Wang Teng was left unconfirmed.

Everyone looked at each other and started talking in a low voice.

“Why don’t you send it directly to the third-level security zone?” someone asked.

“You are crazy, the third-level security zone was slightly besieged by a high-level dark species, and you will definitely not be able to return.” Someone immediately retorted.

“That is, we finally have a monster-level arrogant in our army, and we can’t mess around.”

“Blindly protection is not a matter. That Wang Teng is very strong, so why don’t you worry about it?”

“That can’t be the first mission to be sent to the third-level security zone. It’s not impossible that an 8-star warrior-level Dark Seed will appear there…”

Seeing that there was going to be a quarrel below, Song Wanjiang knocked on the desktop with a headache: “Okay, okay, don’t quarrel!”

Everyone suddenly became quiet and looked at Song Wanjiang.

Song Wanjiang was about to speak.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

“Come in!” Song Wanjiang was a little surprised, who would be here at this time?

A soldier walked in, handed Song Wanjiang a task book, and whispered a few words in his ear.

Song Wanjiang raised his eyebrows, and he was even more surprised, and he said, “I have arrangements for Wang Teng, so let’s go away.”

Everyone was also extremely surprised.

How come someone has said a few words, and where Wang Teng is going has a final conclusion?

Many people have meaningful colors in their eyes.

It seems that either Wang Teng has attracted the attention of the senior management, or he has a background they don’t know, so the direction of his mission is directly specified above.

Kong Li’s face couldn’t help showing a look of interest.

This junior boy really has a lot of secrets.

Yu Wenxuan’s eyes flickered, temporarily extinguishing the idea of ​​looking for faults elsewhere.

This Wang Teng is really different from ordinary recruits, and he can’t be handled casually.

The other officers did not ask much, and soon left the command room.

Walking out of the command room, Kong Li asked Yu Wenxuan next to him: “Have you received any news about the mission? He said that he wants us to join forces to raid a troop spot in the Dark Seed!”

“Received!” Speaking of the mission, Yu Wenxuan immediately abandoned the disparity between the two, frowning and said: “This mission is a bit weird. It is unexpected that the two of us are required to join forces. That location may not be easy.”

“I heard that there was a 7-Star War Soldier-level Dark Species figure over there. It looks like something is going to happen!” Kong Li nodded.

“If you want to make trouble, kill them all!” A murderous smile appeared on Yu Wenxuan’s face.

“By the way, have all the injuries suffered by my junior brother recovered? Don’t affect the mission at that time!” Kong Li said suddenly.

“…” The expression on Yu Wenxuan’s face suddenly stiffened.

Mention again!

Old mention!

You are so angry that I can inherit the inheritance!

The volcano in Yu Wenxuan’s heart erupted, and a black villain slowly emerged, roaring wildly and extremely irritably.

He stared at Kong Li angrily, spit out two words: “Fuck off!”


The two broke up unhappy.

Three days passed quickly.

On this day, Nie Jianqiang led Wang Teng and others to the martial arts venue.

“You will be up to you to do the next task. I hope that when I come to pick you up in three months, you will all stand in front of me intact.”

After speaking, Nie Jianqiang took a deep look at them, then turned and left.

Suddenly, Han Zhu and the others felt a sense of loss, as if the chicks were about to leave the wings of their parents.

Xingshan Military Academy and Yunfeng Air Force Academy were also there, and their instructors also left after confessing a few words.

Immediately there were only recruits from three military academies left in the martial arts field, and officers came in one by one.

“Everyone who reads the name will assemble in front of me.”

Wang Teng watched the people around him decrease one by one, and was eventually taken away. Even Han Zhu and Wan Baiqiu were included in the ranks of other officers. He glanced at him and turned away.

Not long after, he was left alone in the entire martial arts field.

Wang Teng stood stubbornly in place.

what’s the situation? ?

No one wants him? ?

Such a good person, you are all blind, can’t you see?

Or did someone miss his name and forget him?

A cool breeze blew, a few fallen leaves circled over his head a few times, and then a dead leaf fell on his head.

At this moment, Wang Teng felt a thick malicious encirclement.

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