Chapter 409 Major Yuwen, your path is narrow!


Song Wanjiang’s grim words poured cold water on the recruits, and the atmosphere suddenly became a little heavy.

They have all seen the strength of the veterans, and if they encounter such an enemy on the battlefield, they will undoubtedly die.

Many of the recruits turned pale, and the whole person was not well.

How does Nima feel that they are here to die?

too frightening!

Mom, we are going home…

Wang Teng felt that it was enough to listen to these words, in fact, as long as the strength was strong enough, Mang would let him go.

At this time, he had come down from the ring and picked up the attribute bubbles dropped by Yu Wenxuan.

【Killing Blade*35】

【Golden Force*150】

【Spirit level savvy*100】

After absorbing the attribute bubbles, Wang Teng was immediately overjoyed.

This Yu Wenxuan is worthy of being a genius in the army, and he has a spiritual level of comprehension, and his talent is not low.

And he has also practiced the killing swordsmanship!

The most important thing is that it also revealed the attributes!

In Wang Teng’s mind, a figure was holding a long knife, murderously condensing the blade, and a sea of ​​blood and corpses appeared behind him, which was very terrifying.


The blade light burst out, and the killing intent broke out. That might be more powerful than the killing blade that Yu Wenxuan used before.

This is the real killing blade!

Even if Wang Teng only comprehends one-tenth, he has gained a lot.

The potential of the killing sword is huge, stronger than the flame sword, the gold sword and so on.

If it can be promoted to Slaughter Blade Intent, it is definitely a big killer move!

When Song Wanjiang saw the new recruits with despair on their faces, he smiled in his heart and continued to speak: “Of course, don’t worry too much. Assign to each elite team, and start from the low-level tasks, and slowly cultivate your experience and battlefield awareness.”

When Wang Teng heard Song Wanjiang’s words, the corners of his mouth twitched.

Familiar tone!

Familiar routine!

Give a radish with a stick.

This gangster uses it very sloppily, and it seems that he doesn’t use it less often.

However, when he said this, the recruits were relieved and their emotions calmed down.

Let’s just say, how could the military department be so cruel, they are genius warriors, there is no reason to let them go to death.

Song Wanjiang quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

The reaction of the recruits was in his expectation.

As the person in charge of the recruits’ enlistment, in order to let the recruits realize the terrible battlefield without losing their confidence, it was really not easy for him.

All that should be said, Song Wanjiang announced the end of the martial arts exercise, let the recruits go back to rest and recuperate, formally enlisted in the army three days later, and began to do the task.

The veteran started very well, so the new recruits did not suffer any injuries, at most they suffered from skin injuries.

Only a few of them were slightly more injured because they were equal in strength and did not control them.

But three days were enough for them to fully recover.

To say that the worst is undoubtedly Yu Wenxuan.

In order to let him know that the recruits are not that easy to bully, Wang Teng made a little heavier shot.

In fact, he really didn’t expect that Major Yuwen was not so grass-tolerant!

This is a bit embarrassing!

Beat people badly!

Somehow he is a major, and he doesn’t know how to wear shoes for himself?

Wang Teng couldn’t help looking at Yu Wenxuan, just as the other person also looked over.

I have confirmed the look in my eyes, I am a careful person!

Did not run away.

If it really falls into his hands, something will definitely happen.

At the moment, Yu Wenxuan’s heart is extremely fucking.

Say good education beats up.

As a result, he actually lost to a recruit! !

His face was beaten and swollen, and it was so hot and painful. At this time, he even felt that the eyes around him were full of malice.

“Let’s go, go back.”

Han Zhu’s voice rang in his ears, and Wang Teng withdrew his gaze and prepared to leave.

But after not taking a few steps, he found that Yu Wenxuan was walking straight to this side.

Han Zhu and the others couldn’t help but stopped and looked at Wang Teng.

Wouldn’t it be here to find the fault?

“Is there anything? Major Yuwen.” Wang Teng raised his eyebrows and asked.

“You are very good, but I won’t lose to you next time.” Yu Wenxuan said solemnly.

Wang Teng was taken aback.

Major Yuwen, your path is narrow!

Don’t know where he is confident?

Is it the courage that Liang Jingru gave to the defeated generals who dare to fight again?

But it was all lost to him, and this guy was still so dragged, Wang Teng was really speechless.

Wang Teng felt that he should be made aware of the gap between the two. After all, if he failed miserably next time, he would be the one who lost the double. As a result, his grievance would be deeper.

From now on, everyone will be a member of the Black Sparrow Legion, which is very bad.

In line with the original intention that the enemy should be settled and not settled, Wang Teng said with some embarrassment: “Um, Major Yuwen, in fact, you may have some misunderstandings about my strength. I didn’t try my best just now.”


Yu Wenxuan was fascinated, and the blue veins on his forehead suddenly burst.

Shente has a misunderstanding of your strength.

Those who went on horseback didn’t try their best!

So he just lost to a new recruit who didn’t use all his energy, right?

Han Zhu and the others looked very weird, feeling that Wang Teng was really too black.

Doesn’t it hurt to sprinkle salt on the wound!

Brother, are you afraid to offend people?

“Hahaha.” At this moment, an unbridled laughter suddenly sounded. Kong Li strode over and said, “Yuwenxuan, do you think I am a failure? My junior brother didn’t try his best, you can’t win.” And dare to challenge him.”

“Kong Li!” Yu Wenxuan’s expression was dark, and he took a deep breath.

Say it silently in my heart ten thousand times, don’t be angry, don’t be angry…but still be angry!

He glared at Kong Li and said angrily: “I can’t beat it, but you can’t beat it either. What’s so happy about it.”

“So what, he is my junior brother, my own.” Kong Li said with a grin.

The next moment, she suddenly grabbed Wang Teng’s shoulders, turned her head and said to him: “My junior brother, I also came from Huang Hai, now I can barely become a major, but you will definitely be able to catch up with you soon. Before that, if you have something to do, come to the senior sister, you are welcome.”

Wang Teng was still a little dazed, who is this brave beauty?

He doesn’t seem to know him.

When I heard the introduction, I realized that it was the senior sister.

Immediately he smiled and shouted: “Hello, Senior Sister, please take care of me!”

“Eh.” Kong Li was even happier. Seeing this smile, he immediately knew that the younger brother had not admitted his mistake, which was pleasing to the eye.

Yu Wenxuan’s face was as black as the bottom of a pot, watching the screams of the two seniors and younger brothers, it was called a Ge Ying, and turned around and left.

Dog men and women!


Can’t stay in this place!

“Don’t worry about him, this guy is just a careful eye, usually relying on his strength and high military skills, always taunting our academy martial arts, today you can be regarded as a sigh of relief.” Kong Li smiled, holding Wang Teng, did not let go The meaning of walking to the outside of the martial arts arena.

“Let’s go, the senior sister is happy today, please have a good meal!”

“Kong Li, don’t take Wang Teng crookedly.” Nie Jianqiang walked over and said helplessly.

“An La An La!” Kong Li waved his hand, leading Wang Teng away.

Han Zhu and Wan Baiqiu looked at each other.

That fellow Wang Teng was abducted by the senior sister? ?

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