Chapter 408 Sorry, did I use too much force!

“Then I’m welcome!”

Yu Wenxuan looked at Wang Teng and frowned. Why is this guy talking weird?

And I don’t know if it is an illusion, but he always feels a hint of neuroticism in his smile.

Isn’t this kid a fool?


Just as he was thinking about it, Wang Teng hurriedly approached from a distance and blasted him with a punch.

Yu Wenxuan raised his eyebrows…good momentum!

But there are many loopholes!

He was extremely confident, turned sideways, and avoided…grass! Did not avoid it! ! !

Wang Teng changed his fist to an elbow and blasted towards Yu Wenxuan from the side. The Force compressed the air and violently slammed into his head like a cannonball.

Yu Wenxuan hurriedly raised his hand to resist.


Wang Teng’s elbow slammed into his arm.

Yu Wenxuan’s complexion changed, and he felt a huge force vent from the opposite side, and his whole person was instantly knocked out.

The audience is silent!

Both recruits and veterans opened their mouths wide at this time, as if they had seen something incredible.

As soon as the fight, Major Yuwen was beaten into the air, completely at a disadvantage!

This is not martial arts!

“Unexpectedly, this Wang Teng’s fighting consciousness is so strong!” Song Wanjiang was surprised, then shook his head and said, “Yu Wenxuan is careless!”

“Hahaha, look at Yu Wenxuan’s face, is it dark or not!” Kong Li couldn’t help laughing as he saw something extremely interesting.

Many officers in the surrounding area also laughed secretly.

This Yuwenxuan has always been awe-inspiring and energetic, but I didn’t expect to suffer a boring loss in the hands of a recruit today!

In mid-air, Yu Wenxuan stopped his retreating figure, his complexion darkened, his eyes gradually sharpened, and he stared coldly at Wang Teng on the opposite side.

“This kid!”

His heart shook, and he tried his best to control his right hand to prevent it from trembling significantly.

“How could his power be so strong!”

“And that kind of combat consciousness is like coming off the battlefield…”

[Battlefield awareness]: 3461000 (4 stars)

When a veteran battled with recruits from the Yunfeng Air Force Academy, Wang Teng’s battlefield awareness attribute reached 3 stars. Later, he experienced a wheel battle between the Yellow Naval Academy and the Xingshan Military Academy. His battlefield awareness attribute increased again, reaching 4 stars.

It can be said that his current battlefield awareness is not weaker than Yu Wenxuan.

What’s more, he was trained by Tantai Xuan personally, and Tantai Xuan’s battlefield attack was more powerful than those of Yu Wenxuan.

Although Wang Teng was always on the side of abuse before, the experience of fighting against the commander-level powerhouse was extremely precious, making his fighting consciousness more than several times stronger than the warrior of the same level.

Yu Wenxuan wanted to crush him in this regard, it was simply a dream.

Wang Teng smiled faintly, and suddenly disappeared in place, and once again appeared on the side of Yu Wenxuan, hitting him with unparalleled strength with double fists.

“Humph!” Yu Wenxuan snorted and greeted him head-on.

Boom boom boom!

The two kept flashing in the air, and there was a roar of collision, and the force exploded, radiating radiance.

“Eyes can’t keep up with their speed at all!” Han Zhu rubbed his sour eyes on Huang Haijun’s side, and said helplessly.

“I can’t see it clearly. The 7-star combat is too strong.” Wan Baiqiu shook his head.

Not only them, but everyone else felt the same way. They couldn’t see the battle process of the two at all, and only the afterimage and the light of the original force could be seen in the field of vision.

At this time, unlike the No. 1 Budo Contest in the country, there was a special video broadcast at that time, and it was slowed down, otherwise ordinary audiences could only watch blind shows.


In midair, the two figures separated.

Yu Wenxuan’s face was solemn, but Wang Teng’s face was indifferent, even with a faint smile.

More attentive people discovered that Yu Wenxuan’s hands were trembling slightly, as if he couldn’t control it.

“Yu Wenxuan didn’t get any benefit at all!” Kong Li’s pupils contracted, shocked.

Song Wanjiang showed a serious look on his face for the first time, nodded and said: “Power, tactics, consciousness, Yu Wenxuan are all downwind.”

“Where is the monster that popped up!”

Finally he couldn’t help but sigh.

Kong Li nodded in agreement, deeply convinced that this junior boy is a monster!

Nie Jianqiang laughed.

Long face, too long face!

The battle continued, but just over two minutes had passed at this time, and it was halfway between five minutes.

Yu Wenxuan also realized that he was inferior in strength to Wang Teng, his eyes flickered, and a sword appeared in his hand.

This time he took the initiative to attack.

Until now, he did not dare to underestimate Wang Teng.

If you don’t go all out, today’s performance of martial arts is going to capsize in the gutter, and it will become the biggest joke.

Yu Wenxuan broke out, his body exuded with iron and blood, and his murderous aura shot and was extremely violent. The golden sword aura slashed out between the swings of the sword.

Killing swords! ! !

Under this sword anger, Wang Teng seemed to face a sea of ​​blood from the dead mountain, and a terrifying killing intent fell on his body, making his back chill and exploding his scalp.

“MMP Lao Tzu is not afraid to face the general level, and I am afraid that you will be murderous!”

Wang Teng’s eyes opened violently, his aura climbed, the magic weapon and Demon Que appeared in his hands, the flames filled the sky, and the horrible swordsman rose up into the sky.

Heavenly sword technique-Tiangang flame sword! ! !

Dao Yi! !


Under the flames in the sky, the murderous aura on the opposite side seemed to have encountered a strong enemy, and they collapsed in an instant.

Moque waved down from the top of his head.

The flame blade light then cut out.


Yu Wenxuan’s eyes widened, his eyes were filled with flames, and he looked at the figure guarded by flames in shock.

The next moment, he was submerged in flames.


The flame was like a meteor, and it made a huge noise as the sword light bombarded the ring below.


The audience fell silent once again!

After a while, the flame dissipated and the light disappeared, finally revealing the situation on the ring.

A deep hole full of burn marks and knife marks appeared in the center of the ring.

In the deep pit, a figure fell to the ground on its back, its military uniform was broken, and it was covered in blood.


Yu Wenxuan coughed up blood, struggling to get up from the pit, shaking, seeming to fall down at any time.

But his pride made him reluctant to fall.

“Yu Wenxuan… lost!”

“Quickly pinch me, am I dreaming, am I?”

“This recruit is too exaggerated. He completely rubbed Yu Wenxuan on the ground. It’s not a human being!”


In the audience, everyone was shocked and talked a lot.

“Okay, so strong!”

Everyone at Yunfeng Air Force Academy and Xingshan Military Academy was stunned, looking at the figure in the air, only amazed.

The same recruits, but the opponent is so good, can’t accept it!

On the side of Huang Haijun Academy, Han Zhu felt his throat dry, swallowed and said, “I haven’t seen him during a winter vacation, and he has become stronger again!”

Wan Baiqiu was silent for a while, and said: “Monster, pervert!”

In the audience, Kong Li had no idea what to say!

This elementary school boy is terrible!

Originally, she thought that Wang Teng was a natural arrogant, but he had not experienced severe beatings, and he might suffer a loss in the battlefield in the future, so Yu Wenxuan frustrated his spirit.

As a result, it seems to be reversed.

The person who was beaten up became Yu Wenxuan! ! !

Author, this plot is not right at all.

Nie Jianqiang also felt a little unbelievable. He wanted Wang Teng to perform well from the beginning. It would be good if he could hold on for five minutes and draw a tie.

Unexpectedly, Wang Teng directly rubbed Yu Wenxuan, a leader in the army, on the ground.

And it was a bit hard.

He was already thinking about how to end it, and today this matter is a bit too much trouble.


The prestige established by Yu Wenxuan in the military department will inevitably be damaged because of today’s defeat, which will be detrimental to his future development.

Don’t crippled a good talent.

Song Wanjiang took a deep breath and shook his head. This result was really unexpected. Who would have thought that Yu Wenxuan would be the one who suffered a fiasco.

It’s a bit embarrassing now!

It is said that the recruits will be disarmed, and the result will be like this, and the effect will be directly halved.

At this moment, Wang Teng stood in mid-air, looking at Yu Wenxuan, who looked miserable below, with a trace of shame on the harmless faces of humans and animals.

“Sorry, did I use too much force!”

Everyone had just recovered from the shock, and the corners of their mouths suddenly twitched when they heard his words.

How come this sentence sounds so awkward!

“It’s just that you want to do your best. I’m afraid that you don’t understand my strength, so I didn’t keep my hands. I didn’t mean to.” Wang Teng found that the scene seemed a little weird and said with an innocent look.

“Puff!” Yu Wenxuan spouted another mouthful of blood on the spot, exasperated, his eyes turned black for a while, and his body was trembling.

Everyone was shocked by Wang Teng’s words.

I rely on, shameless!

This guy is poisonous!

Even if you win, you have to make up for it. It’s too cruel!

Moreover, this is revenge!


It’s so obvious!

Before, Yu Wenxuan said that Wang Teng should do his best, otherwise he would not even be able to survive ten moves. Now Wang Teng directly counters with this.

I tried my best, but it’s not that I can’t hold you ten moves, but you can’t hold even one of my moves!

Heartbroken old iron!

But why do you feel so relieved?

The recruits of the three major military academies felt inexplicably refreshed.

Are you veterans awesome?

Didn’t you come down from the battlefield?

Don’t you look down on recruits?

Now, I have been abused hahaha!

Song Wanjiang’s face twitched, then turned to look at Nie Jianqiang, and asked, “Is this kid always so shameless?”

“Hehe, he is a little…not worrying.” Nie Jianqiang laughed dryly.

“This is more than a little bit!” Song Wanjiang was speechless.

However, if you change to him, you will have to tolerate such an outstanding junior, even if it is not reliable anymore!

Compared with his excellence, this little problem is a ball!

But now obviously he can’t let him go on fooling around, so Song Wanjiang stood up and said, “Wang Teng will win this competition!”

“I’m very happy that there are such arrogant talents among the recruits. This means that we can kill more enemies. The battlefield changes rapidly. If you have a strong player, you have one more chance of winning.”

“But you have to understand that Wang Teng is different from you. The reason why Tianjiao is Tianjiao is because he can do what you can’t. Compared with him, you are still far behind.”

“So Wang Teng won Major Yuwen, he can be happy, but you can’t!”

“You must remember today’s failure and take it as a warning. The purpose of performing martial arts is not only to know your strength, but also to tell you a truth. There are people outside the world, there are heaven outside the sky, and it is also to let you feel the killing on the battlefield in advance. Cut.”

“When you are on the battlefield, you will not be taken lightly, and you will have more chances of survival…”

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