Chapter 389 Another Show!

Found traces of the dark race, Wang Teng felt that this matter must be known to others.

But he couldn’t tell them that because he had picked up the Dark Force attribute, he believed that there was a dark race among the cultists.

To put it this way, either slice or slice, there is no third possibility…

Wang Teng shook his head. He had an immature idea. If he could find the corpse of the warrior who dropped this dark force attribute, he might be able to find something.

While counting the harvest in his heart, he searched for it.

In addition to the increase in the attributes of the Seven Elements Force, there is also the increase in spirit and understanding.

[Comprehension]: Wang Jing (2951000)

[Spirit]: Wang Jing (3321000)

Once the warrior dies, he will inevitably drop these two attributes, so this time his two attributes are also improved a lot.

Especially those high-rank martial artists, their spirit and understanding are extremely high, and the attributes they drop are naturally more than those of low-rank martial artists.

Wang Teng looked at the property panel with emotion.

Fortunately, there are those high-ranking warriors who make contributions, otherwise I really don’t know how long and how long it will take to break through the king’s realm.

The rest are the talents and techniques obtained before, so I don’t need to repeat them here.

The harvest was not small, but Wang Teng couldn’t help sighing.

If there are only the cult martial artist’s attribute bubbles, he must be very happy, but he can’t ignore one thing… some of these attributes come from the Tokai martial artist.

It’s not how bad he is, but the fact that he is bad.

During the New Year’s Eve, many Tokai warriors have died because of this incident. I don’t know how many families will lose their loved ones.

Anyone who sees it will definitely scold the cultist a few words-not something!

Below, several members of the City Defense Department were dealing with the body of a cultist. Wang Teng’s gaze stopped immediately.

“and many more!”

The several Guardian staff raised their heads and saw a figure falling from the night sky, immediately showing respect. One of them said, “I wonder what you have ordered?”

“Let me take a look first.” Wang Teng waved his hand and walked to a corpse. The force gushed out, turned it over, and then quietly used the dark force to penetrate into the corpse’s pronucleus.

The next moment, a dark force burst out from the pronucleus of the corpse.

The appearance of the corpse instantly changed.

Black lines appeared on the surface of the corpse, and the black blood vessels squirmed like small snakes, which was terrifying…

Show off again!

I am so versatile!

Wang Teng silently gave himself a compliment.

At the same time, he was secretly relieved, and finally didn’t waste his energy.

He immediately put away the dark force, leaving no trace.

All that is left is to give a reasonable explanation. With his current status, no one will doubt him.

Is there a relationship between the Tianjiao martial artist of the human race and the dark race?

This joke is not funny at all.

What’s more, there is a system, and outsiders don’t even want to find traces of the dark force from him.

Because of this, he would take action, otherwise, even if this matter was mixed by the dark race, he would not be the first bird.

The staff of the Guarding Department nearby saw this scene, and they were shocked: “This is?”

“Go and notify the director.” Someone reacted immediately.

Not long after, the Director of the City Guard rushed over, with a dignified expression and solemn expression, and asked, “Who discovered this?”

“Director Tan, it’s me.” Wang Teng recognized the other party and reported a Shinrikyo rally. Director Tan personally led the team to arrest people. He had seen it at that time.

“You are… Wang Teng!” Director Tan said in surprise.

“Director Tan recognizes me?” Wang Teng said.

While talking, several figures fell from the sky, and it was the Governor Jiang of the East China Sea, as well as the generals such as Tantai Xuan.

“Teacher, Governor Jiang…” Wang Teng greeted him, then looked at the third person, but he didn’t know him, he couldn’t help but hesitate.

“This is General Chen from the Eastern Navy.” Tan Taixuan introduced.

“General Chen!” Wang Teng hurriedly called.

“I know you, you have this strength when you are young, and you have the responsibility and responsibility, which is very good.” General Chen laughed.

“You’re overwhelmed.” Wang Tengqian said.

“The last time I met was the college entrance examination. At that time, I felt that you would stand out from the younger generation, and even thought of accepting apprentices, but I was just promoted to the rank of warlord at that time, and I had a lot of things to do. After dealing with it, I decided to observe and observe again. I didn’t expect you to grow up so fast and be accepted as a disciple by Tantai.” Governor Jiang shook his head with a little regret.

“This is all luck, Lao Jiang, your luck is obviously not as good as mine.” Tan Taixuan smiled triumphantly.

The apprentice is excellent, and the teacher really saves face everywhere. Wang Teng has not given her face once or twice.

Not only that, but it was also very trouble-free. She grew up to this point without having to teach her. At this time, Tantai Xuan looked more and more pleasing to Wang Teng, and this cheap apprentice was confiscated in vain.

She wondered if she should treat Wang Teng better in the future…

“You just steal the fun.” Governor Jiang said in an angry voice.

Director Tan looked at him in awe.

Good deed, this Wang Teng is incredible!

Not only did he worship Tan Taixuan, a general-level powerhouse, as his teacher, but also Governor Jiang and General Chen were extremely optimistic about him. This card was even bigger than him.

It seems that you have to be polite to him in the future, and you can’t simply treat him as a young talent with potential.

People with background can’t afford it.


Fu Tiandao, Qin Hanxuan and the others also heard about this, and came one after another.

“Okay, everyone is here, now let’s talk about business.” Governor Jiang looked around and asked: “Wang Teng, tell me how you found this corpse problematic?”

“I have a relatively strong mental power, and I have seen human beings transformed into the Dark Seed twice. I found some clues when I passed by just now. With the idea of ​​being careful not to make a big mistake, I went down to check it, and I didn’t expect to find out. It’s a problem.” Wang Teng still didn’t change his face in front of a group of bigwigs, looking for reasons at random. In short, it was just a mess.

Besides, according to experience, he said that if there is something, there is something, but outsiders can still deny it.

Regardless of whether the other party believes it or not, he…he believes it.

“People with strong mental power are indeed more sensitive to the force.”

Governor Jiang and the others nodded thoughtfully when they saw what he was talking about.

Wang Teng secretly told Tan Tai Xuan of his spiritual power realm, and Tan Tai Xuan couldn’t help but glance at Wang Teng, very surprised.

Later, Governor Yinjiang and General Chen were informed of the fact that Wang Teng’s mental power had reached the king’s realm.

Both of them were surprised, and looked at each other without a trace, and didn’t ask anything.

“This cultist did not use the Dark Force until his death. It seems that the Dark Seed does not want to be discovered.” General Chen said.

“The dark species lurking in the truth sect must have something to do.” Tan Taixuan nodded.

“It’s an eventful autumn. This matter must be thoroughly investigated and cannot be taken lightly.” Governor Jiang sighed, and then a cold light flashed in his eyes, his face filled with evil spirits, and he said coldly.

Governor Jiang came to a conclusion. The people below only had to carry it out. The corpse infested with the Dark Force was immediately transported away. For these self-willing and depraved people, researching is their best destination. Not worthy of sympathy.

Then there was nothing wrong with Wang Teng. He bid farewell to Tan Taixuan and hurried back home.

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