Chapter 388-The Unexpected Dark Force

Qin Hanxuan, the president of the East China Sea Budo Association, stepped in and said in shock: “Lao Fu, you actually killed him, I will rush over to help you at a loss.”

“Haha, this guy was killed by Wang Teng and I.” Fu Tiandao smiled.

“Wang Teng?!” Qin Hanxuan thought he had heard it wrong, and couldn’t help turning his head to look at Wang Teng on the side.

He should be only 6-star warrior level, right?


Traveling from the sky, this is at least a 7-star warrior level.

But it is so, it is very difficult to deal with the 9-star warrior level.

“Chairman Qin.” Wang Teng greeted Qin Hanxuan.

“I haven’t seen it for a while, I almost dare not recognize it.” Qin Hanxuan smiled bitterly.

He has seen many Tianjiao martial artists, but he has never seen someone as enchanting as Wang Teng.

He was shocked when he heard that Wang Teng had won the National No. 1 Budo Contest Championship, and now he saw Wang Tengshi actually reached the 7-star warrior level, and even assisted Fu Tiandao to kill the 9-star warrior level from the side. Cult warriors, among the younger generation, probably no one can match.

“How is your situation there?” Fu Tiandao asked.

“Several warlord-level adults in the East China Sea have almost been suppressed.” Qin Hanxuan said.

“That’s good, these cultists should really be killed, they come out to harm people during the Chinese New Year.” Fu Tiandao said angrily.

“There are still a lot of remnants left to be solved, we don’t have to be idle, and solve it early, and it will save everyone from worrying.” Qin Hanxuan said.

Wang Teng and Fu Tiandao nodded, without talking nonsense, they immediately dispersed and swept around.

Wang Teng walked through the air, scanned the surroundings, and suddenly found that he was near Lin Chuhan’s house unknowingly.

Right now, he galloped towards Lin Chuhan’s house.

The surroundings were dark and relatively quiet, and it seemed that they had not been damaged by the cult warriors.

There are civilian areas around here, and most of the cult warriors are looking for the rich areas to start. This area is probably spared because of this.

However, Wang Teng was still a little worried, so he fell from the sky and knocked outside the window of Lin Chuxia’s room.

There was no movement in the room.

“It’s me, Wang Teng!” Wang Teng said.

After a while, the window suddenly opened, and the heads of Lin Chuxia and Lin Chuhan carefully poked out from inside.

“Why are you here?” Lin Chuhan asked.

“I’ll stop by and take a look. It’s okay if you are all right.” Wang Teng heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that there was nothing wrong with them.

“What happened? We heard explosions from many places, as if warriors were fighting.” Lin Chuhan said.

“The cult warrior has invaded, but it has been suppressed.” Wang Teng explained and said, “You stay at home and don’t turn on the lights. You can relax your vigilance after the notification is okay. I have to go and look around. Let’s go first.”

“Okay, then you… be careful!” Lin Chuhan said worriedly.

Wang Teng glanced at Lin Chuhan, nodded with a smile, then rose from the sky and disappeared into the night.

“Sister, if you can fly in the air, you should already be a 7-star warrior, right?” Lin Chuxia asked curiously.

Lin Chuhan looked around vigilantly, closed the window immediately, and nodded: “It is indeed a 7-star warrior level.”

“Brother-in-law is amazing!” Lin Chuxia exclaimed.

“You are almost becoming a little fan.” Lin Chuhan nodded her head amusedly, but he unconsciously got a point again, and he became stronger again.

After Wang Teng left, he continued to patrol the surrounding area. Once a cult warrior was found, the rebels were killed directly, and the suspects were stunned and taken away by a brick.

As for what the guards and police officers would do later, he couldn’t control it.

At this time, many high-ranking cult warriors had been resolved, and the rest could not become a climate. After Wang Teng joined the high-ranking warriors, they soon suppressed the riots everywhere.

Of course, for Wang Teng, it is not just as simple as suppressing the riots, but also picking up attribute bubbles.

Many warriors died in this riot tonight, and naturally they also dropped a lot of attribute bubbles. I don’t know if it was dropped by the Donghai warrior or the cult warrior. In short, it was cheaper than Wang Teng.

It’s just that these bubbles were scattered everywhere, and it was a little troublesome to deal with, Wang Teng had to run the entire East China Sea.

Fortunately, the 7-star warrior level is extremely fast, completely let go, and it won’t take long to make a circle around the East China Sea, and it won’t take much time.

The Tokai warriors who patrolled nearby thought that he was particularly diligent, and his faces showed their approval.

Look at people, although they are Tianjiao martial artists, they don’t have the slightest arrogance of Tianjiao. Whenever something happens, he immediately lends a helping hand, what a role model for my generation!

Many bigwigs nodded secretly, wondering if they should give Wang Teng a medal of title, such as an outstanding young man in the East China Sea, a new era molder, etc.!

Think about it, it’s pretty reliable…

Well, there can be this one!

At nine o’clock or ten o’clock, the East China Sea announced that the alert was lifted, and ordinary people breathed a sigh of relief.

This riot came very quickly, but it was suppressed very quickly.

The time for the large-scale battle in the front was actually very short, mainly because it took a lot of time for the finishing and rescue in the back.

What should be caught, what should be saved… Although there may be some fish that slip through the net, after all, cultists are also humans, and they are mixed in the huge East China Sea. Unless they show their heads, otherwise it’s really hard to find them out, but these people Nothing can be done.

The personnel from all sides did not leave. Whether it was the city guard station, the police station, or the military department, patrols were organized to prevent subsequent accidents.

When such a big event has happened, it is impossible for the manpower to be withdrawn.

Wang Teng picked up a large number of attribute bubbles, looked at the changes in the attribute panel, and had to sigh that the dead man’s wealth is indeed the fastest way to obtain attributes.

[Golden Force]: 23505000 (7 stars)

[Wood Force]: 18805000 (7 stars)

[Water Force Force]: 21605000 (7 stars)

[Fire Force Force]: 32805000 (7 stars)

[Earth System Force]: 24505000 (7 stars)

[The Force of Wind System]: 1563000 (5 stars)

[Dark Force]: 36604000 (6 stars)

This time, Wang Teng has a total of seven elements of Force attributes that have undergone a substantial increase.

The reason why he can grow so much is because he killed several high-rank martial artists, and all the attributes dropped were hundreds of them.

Needless to say, the Five Elements Force of Jinmu, Water, Fire, and Earth, this type of warrior is the most common and never lacks attributes.

Among them, the force of the wind element comes from Fu Tiandao, a 9-star warrior-level powerhouse.

He dropped a lot of attributes during the battle. Wang Teng’s wind force was originally at the 4-star warrior level, which was not far from the 5-star warrior level, but now he has directly broken through.

Finally…the Dark Force! ! !

Among the many attributes, the Dark Force actually appeared, and Wang Teng couldn’t help frowning, his expression a bit solemn.

Does Shinrikyo have something to do with dark creatures?

Or does it mean that the dark race has been mixed into the truth cult evil spirits?

Or is someone bewitched and assimilated?

It’s not that he has never encountered this situation. The assimilated human warriors are hiding very well before being exposed, and it is difficult to see anything.

In either case, it is not good news anyway.

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