Chapter 390

Wang Family.

After the alert was removed, Mr. Wang and others waited in the yard for Wang Teng’s return.

Everyone learned something from Chai Yu. In their opinion, those cultists are simply a bunch of lunatics.

In addition, the movement caused by the high-ranking warrior’s battle is really terrifying, ordinary people just listen to it, they are already frightened.

Everyone in the Wang family couldn’t get any news at this moment, so naturally they were extremely worried about Wang Teng’s safety.

“Captain Chai, are you really unable to get in touch with my son?” Wang Shengguo walked to Chai Yu for the third time under Li Xiumei’s constant urging.

“President Wang, I don’t know where Wang Teng is now, so I can’t contact him either.” Chai Yu smiled bitterly, but he answered honestly.

The current Wang family, to be honest, he can’t afford it.

Especially Wang Teng’s parents, if it is not necessary, he does not want to offend.

So even if they kept asking, and he really didn’t know anything, he was already a little irritable at the moment, but he had to answer patiently.

“Look at it. Someone posted their fighting video on the Internet. This seems to be Wang Teng’s cousin.” Wang Haoran suddenly shouted.

“What, let me see it soon.” Old man Wang was holding the crutches tightly, showing his nervousness. Hearing Wang Haoran’s voice, before Wang Shengguo and Li Xiumei had spoken, he immediately turned his head and said to Wang Haoran.

“Look, grandpa, cousin Wang Teng is amazing!” Wang Haoran ran up to Grandpa Wang holding his mobile phone.

Everyone immediately gathered around.

In the video, it was Wang Teng walking away from the sky, slashing out the flames of the blade, and slashing a cultist to an explosion. It was exciting to see.

“Look, grandpa, there’s more here.” At this time, the little cousin Fang Qianwen was also extremely excited.

Saying that he has galloped over.

It turned out that just now everyone was sitting around, she couldn’t squeeze in, so she wanted to find it by herself, but she didn’t expect another video to come out.

This video shows Wang Teng assisting Fu Tiandao to kill a 9-star warrior-level powerhouse. There shouldn’t be anyone nearby, but someone happened to plan to take aerial shots of fireworks. Unexpectedly, the fireworks were not shot, but they captured the battle of high-level warriors. Picture.

And because the equipment is high-end, the distance is relatively close, and the definition is higher than that of the previous video.

Everyone clearly saw Wang Teng carrying a cannon bombarding him in the distance.

They looked at each other in the scene.

Afterwards, the family looked a little weird. Although they looked really strong, they felt that Wang Teng’s style of play was a bit… awkward!

Uh… it must be an illusion.

“Ahem, watching this battle, Wang Teng’s cousin is very careful to protect himself, there should be nothing wrong.” Wang Yanan coughed dryly, and quickly comforted everyone.

“Yeah, yeah, it must be fine!”

Everyone agreed, nodding their heads, with a very understanding appearance.


At this moment, Xiaobai who was lying next to him napping bored raised his head and called out.

“What’s the matter?” Everyone was surprised.

The next moment, I saw a figure falling from the sky, and it was Wang Teng.

“Everyone is okay?” Wang Teng looked around and asked.

“We are okay, but you. It seems that your battle is very fierce and whether you are injured.” Li Xiumei hurriedly stepped forward, took her son, looked up and down, worried.

“Mom, I said earlier, I’m very strong. Those cultists are like mice, hiding their heads and tails, and none of them are my opponents.” Wang Teng said exaggeratedly.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw everyone looking at him with weird faces.

“What’s your expression?” Wang Teng asked with a question mark.

“It’s nothing, it’s nothing, we watched the video of your battle, it was really strong.” Everyone shook their heads and said with an expression of admiration.

In fact, they did think Wang Teng was very strong, but when they thought of the previous scene, they couldn’t help but laugh.

Wang Teng looked at the people suspiciously, feeling that their expressions were a little weird, but he really couldn’t see anything.

He didn’t think too much, and turned to look at Chai Yu and other guards.

Haven’t spoken yet.

Chai Yu said wisely: “Mr. Wang, since you have come back, then we will leave.”

Wang Teng nodded and thanked everyone: “Captain Chai, everyone, thank you very much.”

“You’re welcome! You’re welcome!” Chai Yu waved his hand quickly, and then he didn’t wait much, and led the people away.

Wang Teng watched them walking away, and then turned his head and rushed to Elder Wang to wait for others: “Parents, Grandpa, go back to the house, the matter has been resolved, there is nothing to worry about.”

Seeing the attitude of Chai Yu and others towards Wang Teng, the old man Wang couldn’t help but sigh for the good fortune of his family.

Think about it in the past, the people of the city defense department always had their eyes above the top, and they were not worthy of their royal family, and it was even impossible to send someone to protect them.

Really the world is impermanent!

He couldn’t help but feel relieved, looked at Wang Teng, smiled and nodded, “Okay, go back to the house.”

Back in the room, everyone naturally asked questions. Wang Teng picked up something he could say to them, so as to soothe everyone’s anxiety.

A few juniors searched for videos everywhere on the Internet, watched them with gusto, and screamed from time to time, gathered around to comment.

When Wang Haoran and Fang Qianwen were young, seeing those fighting scenes, they couldn’t help admiring Wang Teng.

If it weren’t for Wang Teng being called away by the adults, they would probably pester him.

Wang Yanan and Wang Yalong are different. While marveling, their eyes are extremely complicated, and they feel that this cousin is really not a person in the same world with them.

After listening to Wang Teng’s explanation, the adults originally planned to watch the video, but at this time they discovered that the video that just existed was no longer visible.

Those videos… have been deleted!

High-level departments shot, some too large, bloody video, obviously high-level does not want too many people to see.

However, there are still some, relatively speaking, the scale is much smaller.

Although the top management is opening things related to warriors, it takes time and it is impossible to let them go all at once.

Of course, the Internet is well-developed, and everyone has developed a good habit of going online in case of trouble, so many ordinary people still saw those videos, which caused an uproar.

The fighting power between the warriors is terrifying, and ordinary people are as weak as ants in front of them.

And the real battle of life and death can be described as extremely bloody, where ordinary people have seen such scenes.

Although they also knew that martial artists were powerful before, and with the promotion of the nation’s No. 1 martial arts competition, more and more people have gained a better understanding of this.

However, the riot tonight did not come intuitively, and it could even be said to be shocking.

The East China Sea is a major city in China, but such a big city is not immune to being attacked by mobs. As ordinary people living here, how safe can they feel?

In the face of such man-made disasters, ordinary people have absolutely no room for resistance.

Countless ordinary people have deeply felt weak and helpless, the kind of helplessness that life can’t be in their own hands, which is very disturbing.

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